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HornbyTraing Dapol Track Cleaner


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I have just purchased a Hornby Triang dapol Track cleaner and would like to fit a DCC decoder chip in to it. I realise it is for working the motor only and that I will need to either to push/pull it with a loco, my questions are

a) Is it possible


to do it

b) which type of chip do I need

c) is it the same as fitting one in to a loco

Thanx in anticipation

Don R

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If you can explain to us how this cleaner works, we will be better placed to help you.


From what you say, it sounds like it has a motor that runs the cleaning mechanism, but doesn't power the wheels. Is that correct? If so, that motor will run


directly from the DCC signal but it will be flat out all of the time as full voltage is always applied to the track by DCC. If you wanted to be able to turn it on and off while on the track, or turn it down from full speed, then yes you would need to fit a


decoder, and run the motor from that decoder. The R8249 loco decoder would be ok and you would have to address it as if it were a loco.


So,e older track cleaners work by directing a high voltage to the track. This type of cleaner cannot be used with


DCC at all.

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Hi Don,

I have a D***l Track Cleaner, and it works fine on DCC. Any locomotive DCC decoder will suffice. I run mine under the control of a program so that it automatically covers the majority of the layout. The vehicle is pulled around by my Class 25


loco. The program runs for about a minute with the cleaner motor going in the forward direction, then a minute in reverse and so on. The motor has a built-in cutoff to stop it being overloaded, and by trial and error I discovered that alternating the direction


of the motor stopped it cutting out during the exercise.


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Why can't we discuss it? according to forum rules:


'We will not accept the promotion of competitors brands or products'


This not about promoting the product or manufacturer. It is a useful thread becasue keeping our tracks clean means Hornby


DCC works better, we get mmore satisfaction from our railway, and will ultimately buy more railway stuff.


The principle of fitting a decoder to any motorised item that runs on tracks is the same. Isolate the motor wires from the wheels, and put the


decoder between the wheels and the motor. A Hornby decoder will do the job in the case of this motorised unit, its just that the motor is doing something different to driving the wheels.


I fitted one to mine, very easy to do and obvious when you take


it apart.




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Er, Yes I know. That's why I included in my post:


Why can't we discuss it? according to forum rules:


'We will not accept the promotion of competitors brands or products'


This not about promoting the product or manufacturer. It is


a useful thread becasue keeping our tracks clean means Hornby DCC works better, we get mmore satisfaction from our railway, and will ultimately buy more railway stuff.



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Michael_A said:

Er, Yes I know. That's why I included in my post:

Why can't we discuss it? according to forum rules:

'We will not accept the promotion of competitors brands or products'

This not about promoting the product

or manufacturer. It is a useful thread becasue keeping our tracks clean means Hornby DCC works better, we get mmore satisfaction from our railway, and will ultimately buy more railway stuff.

I was just trying to point out that what you were

talking about was not a Hornby product.

I know what you mean about the item being a good thing and it will make Hornby DCC run better but the fact is this is a Hornby forum and we are not supposed to discuss products made by other companies. If you

do the thread might be deleted. That's all.
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Michael_A said:

Er, Yes I know. That's why I included in my post:

Why can't we discuss it? according to forum rules:

'We will not accept the promotion of competitors brands or products'

This not about promoting the product

or manufacturer. It is a useful thread becasue keeping our tracks clean means Hornby DCC works better, we get mmore satisfaction from our railway, and will ultimately buy more railway stuff.

Yes but in the link I gave it also forbids discussion,

not just promotion.
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St1ngr4y said:

Hi Don,
I have a D***l Track Cleaner, and it works fine on DCC. Any locomotive DCC decoder will suffice. I run mine under the control of a program so that it automatically covers the majority of the layout. The vehicle is

pulled around by my Class 25 loco. The program runs for about a minute with the cleaner motor going in the forward direction, then a minute in reverse and so on. The motor has a built-in cutoff to stop it being overloaded, and by trial and error I discovered

that alternating the direction of the motor stopped it cutting out during the exercise.
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St1ngr4y said:

Hi Don,
I have a D***l Track Cleaner, and it works fine on DCC. Any locomotive DCC decoder will suffice. I run mine under the control of a program so that it automatically covers the majority of the layout. The vehicle is

pulled around by my Class 25 loco. The program runs for about a minute with the cleaner motor going in the forward direction, then a minute in reverse and so on. The motor has a built-in cutoff to stop it being overloaded, and by trial and error I discovered

that alternating the direction of the motor stopped it cutting out during the exercise.
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Thank you to all that replied to my question I am sorry if I have upset any person/s but this was unintentional

I will come back to you after I have fitted my Hornby R 8249 chip which incidentaly has risen in price quite sharply since my last



Don R

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It's not a matter of being sensitive Michael. Sometimes a long really informative and interesting thread can be deleted because somebody starts to talk about the opposition.


It's best to get into the habit of not mentioning them at all, that's


all. Just giving some advice. You don't have to take it, it's your loss if you've typed a long question to see it suddenly disappear.

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It seems discussing products that are used WITH Hornby products is often allowed. Just do a search on ESU Programming which Hornby Railmaster Support actually responded to and gave advice on. Also there are numerous threads on programmimg non hornby locos,


and other products such as Cobalt point motors are openly mentioned.


I did a quick test:


157 posts mention Dap*l

80 posts mention Bachm*nn

22 posts mention Helj*n

119 posts mention Guagemast*r


And all without the *!




are the customers. We shouldn't avoid topics of discussion just beacause we think Hornby wont like it. You will soon get a message advising a post has been blocked if the rules are broken. And there is always a solution to that, which Hornby themselves know,


so they have to be reasonable and take a pragmatic view too.

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Crumbs you are like a dog with a bone! (Excuse the pun and no offence)


I'm sure if I wanted to buy an accessory from Honda to use with my Ford (or vice versa) they would gladly advise me and sell it to me! Also I can't see a dealer refusing to sell


me a car just beacuse I want to replace their own branded radio with a Sony.


It makes no sense for a manufacturer to prohibit discussion which actually increase the interst in, use,scope and therefore sale of their own products. This is not the same


as saying, Bmanns xxx is better than Hornbys. Or so and so's Tornado is better than Hornbys, or Hjan have just brought out.... and so on.

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I know Michael and no offence taken, it's just that some really good threads have suddenly been pulled just as they're getting interesting.


There are some other forums where you can talk about absolutely anything about model railways. Apart from


anything else you can sell things and contact other members. Managed to get rid of and buy one or two things on there.


Quite a few members of this forum use it.

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