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Slowly building they layout, track tested and running slowly adding ballest and some polystyrene needs cutting to shape and glueing. Just convert a dapol pug to dcc works fine at high speed but a bit stuttering at lower speeds should give me something to tinker with over the week. /media/tinymce_upload/89ba820c6223286b702a4d28cbc21f54.jpg

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Yesterday's task lay pavement outside semis, this building is removable, to gain access to tunnel underneath, so the pavement is on a small paper sheet that is attached to the house base. Lift house lift pavement . Red doorsteps./media/tinymce_upload/1596f006d1d42cd211e212cc4000439b.jpg

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The Duke 71000 - Thanks for the pictures of your Battledown Bridge - a regular area for spotters when a steam train is coming through. The bridge at Worting is a bit of a bottleneck - if a bus or a large lorry approach it's single file traffic - there are not plans for it to be replaced. Only last week a lorry hit the bridge in Pack Lane - which is Battledown - comments say it will cost several hundred thousand to repair, but has not caused a problem for rail traffic. BB

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I've seen that before, and tracked it down to a malformed URL (Uniform Resource Locator) being held in the 'Windows Clipboard'. This usually happens with a 'user' copying and pasting error (doing it wrong or keyboard key strokes / mouse clicks not registering etc).


An example below of the type of malformation one can get by accident.



The bit in bold represents the URL you actually wanted to post, but due to a copy and paste error, the 'Windows Clipboard' is holding the malformed URL. So that when you click on it, you are taken to the Hornby page in the first part of the URL - up to the 328855 with the last bit in bold being ignored. I've only used bold to help indicate the two separate URLs contained within the Windows Clipboard copy / paste function. The text wont show as bold in the chain link tool.


Note for info. This forum software requires the http:// or https:// prefix on your URL. This going back to the Hornby page error can happen if you just try to paste a URL that starts with www. without the http bit.


Normally when you do just try and paste a URL starting with www. a pop-up appears asking if you want the http bit added. You have to answer yes to this question.


Sometimes, you may have just pasted the complete wrong URL entirely, because the URL you want is not actually saved to the Windows Clipboard to be pasted.


So how do you fix this .... easy .... as long as you have noticed the error within the first 10 minutes of posting and the post 'edit' window of opportunity is still open.


You open the 'Edit' window for your post. Highlight with your mouse cursor the URL in your post you want to correct. Click the 'chain link' icon tool to open the highlighted URL in edit mode. Correct the error in the top box in the tool by deleting the incorrect part of the URL [see yellow highlight in image below] or just deleting the incorrect URL and pasting in a completely new fresh version of the link you want to enter. Save, close the edit window and test again.




Notice the text on the tab says "Insert / Edit Link". Edit as in going back and editing an incorrect URL.

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Yes they are still vetted (approved) where applicable.


The Hornby person or persons doing the approvals is/are (we believe) working from home, thus not necessarily restricted to Hornby office hours. It really is the luck of the draw. I have seen images regularly approved between 9PM in the evening and 1AM in the morning as well as more typical daytime hours. But I have also seen some images still taking up to 5 days to be approved. In the current situation there does not appear to be any consistent approval time policy. The person and/or persons doing the approvals seem to be just doing them 'as and when' it is convenient for them to do it.


My post above yours only relates to posting clickable Internet URL links which are live straight away without any delay. The post above yours has got absolutely nothing to do with posting images which is something completely different. And was posted in response to Paulali's request for posting URL link guidance.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing quite on the same scale as the Duke's Basingstoke layout, but I have been working on a large branchline station for my double track oval.  The idea is for a popular seaside resort at the en dof a single track branch - a good excuse for some bigger engines and longer trains of summer season specials.  AS my layout is set in East Anglia it could be somewhere like Felixstowe.  Previously the area was just a fiddle yard and dumping ground for odds and ends, so I cleared it and prepared the surface:




It's about 12' long by 2'6" at its widest, going down to just under 2' at the far end where I am going to have a terminus building (under a ladder to the loft space above the garage.

The next stage was track laying - mostly secondhand, so the points all needed careful checking and testing.


All Peco electrofrog points so that my shortest wheelbase loco (Peckett) doesn't stall.  


Testing also involved all my longest wheelbase locos just to be sure.  The only loco to still give problems is a Heljan 2-8-0 Tango, but that would probably derail on a speck of dust!  


The footbridge shows where the two platforms will go.  The run around points at the far end are fairly inaccessible so I may go for a couple of surface mounted points motors - the rest will probably be hand operated.  

It's the first time that I have really tested the track properly, so getting this far has taken 6 weeks of lockdown, but hopefully it will continue to run reliably.  I suspect the Tri-ang turntable may be the weakest link, but it's more realistic and more rugged than the current Hornby model, and a lot cheaper than any others on the market.


The very steep siding is for a coaling stage - in reality something like that would have been hauled by rope/cable - but my Peckett can just about propel one wagon up it!

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