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points indicator in passing loop

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3 Months have now passed since this matter was raised.

Does anyone know if it has been properly resolved by HRMS in the recent update?

It isn't a fault. The blue indicators correctly reflect whether the points with the same address are BOTH switched LEFT or BOTH switched RIGHT. In a passing loop, the two points are switched in opposite directions one to the other.




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  • 1 month later...

I have just noticed that this topic has been raised again, under the DCC heading.

Since my last posting above (3rd April) I tried the solution offered by St1ngr4y and it works perfectly and is by far the easiest and most logical way (IMO) to overcome this situation.

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3 Months have now passed since this matter was raised.

Does anyone know if it has been properly resolved by HRMS in the recent update?

It isn't a fault. The blue indicators correctly reflect whether the points with the same address are BOTH switched LEFT or BOTH switched RIGHT. In a passing loop, the two points are switched in opposite directions one to the other.





Agreed it's not a fault Ray and your work around is a good solution. However I think it's something that could be addressed in a future RM update.


An earlier baseboard of mine which I intend to start using again soon has a passing loop but I used 2 separate decoder ports. I was toying with the idea of changing these to a single port when I came across this thread, hence my interest.



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  • 2 months later...

The situation regarding passing loops is as follows:-

When creating two sets of points with the same ID and connecting them to the same accessory decoder port so that they operate together in a passing loop fashion (with one left hand and one right hand point) although they can be made to switch to the same direction (through the correct wiring) on a layout the green/red point control buttons and blue line route indicators face in opposite directions.  This is technically correctly as RailMaster does not know what your intention is and is simply obeying the instruction sent to it .. i.e. fire both points right.

This issue can be resolved by using the Pro-Pack upgrade in RailMaster, which gives the added option of switching other points and signals when clicking on any point or signal.  Thus, you can either add the two points in a passing loop to two different accessory decoder ports and have complete control over the firing and screen representation, or you can attach both points to the same decoder port (ensuring the wiring polarity is such that the points fire in the correct directions) and then set up one point with the actual accessory decoder port address and the other to a 'virtual' address that you are not likely to use in the future (no port existing).  This will certainly resolve the issue.

We have been looking at how we could possibly allow passing loop indications in the standard version of RailMaster without having to purchase the Pro-Pack and we cannot find an elegant way of doing this.  The reason is that you must be able to press the point control buttons on either point to set the passing loop open or closed.  There is no straightforward way to add, say, a simple checkbox that says "reverse controls for this point on-screen" as this is then messed up if the other point is switched.

Thus, the only way to have the actual points fire in the same way and to have the track plan on-screen represent this correctly is to use the Pro-Pack as this system has the ability to 'intelligently' manage points and signals using the sophisticated "other points/signal" facility.

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  • 1 year later...

I have just noticed that this topic has been raised again, under the DCC heading.

Since my last posting above (3rd April) I tried the solution offered by St1ngr4y and it works perfectly and is by far the easiest and most logical way (IMO) to overcome this situation.

I'm using pro-pack.

I have 2 passing loops and try as I might I can't get Rays suggestion to work on either of them, even though I know it should.

left change point 4 right    -    right change point 4 left

left change point 8 right    -    right change point 8 left

When I click on a button the blue line flicks in the required direction but does not stay there, it just flicks back to the wrong position.


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Hi Norman,

I am assuming that points 4 and 8 are at each end of one of your loops but one of them is "fictitious" i.e. not an actual decoder port.


Point 4 should be configured with these two entries...

left change Point 8 right

right change Point 8 left


Point 8 should have these two entries...

left change Point 4 right

right change Point 4 left



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Hi Ray

Sorry I wrote that out wrong.  Correction: -

Point 4 with fictitious other point 44

Left change point 44 right

right change point 44 left


Fictitious point 44 with other point 4

Left change point 4 right

right change point 4 left


Similarly with other loop for point 8 and fictitious point 88

Which seems to mimic your suggestion but mine doesn't work.

It's all very simple but I can't find the answer, I've even tried reversing polarity although I was pretty sure that would make no difference.

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Hi Norman,

I've just added one of your passing loops to my layout to try it out......


The top block shows the view of the loop on the main screen after switching one way then the other.

The bottom block shows the configuration of each point in the Layout Designer window. Is this any different to yours?



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Hi Ray

Yes, I wrote it as you had originally using the word "change" in the instruction and without the colon after the word point.

It probably wanted to move because it was getting some information but not enough.

Thanks for the graphic, as the saying goes a picture etc. etc.

Is it necessary to put in a start position?

Bedtime now, I'll change it in the morning. 

Thanks again.

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