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RM1.55 issues

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Has anyone else noticed that occasionally Rail master 1.55 will duplicate the loco you have just been configuring?

Never happened until 1.55


Also when you double click on a controller the large version appears. now up to rm 1.54 this changed


when you double clicked a different loco, not anymore.


Has anyone else noticed this?


Sorry if this has already been posted, haven't used rail master much since updating to 1.55

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RAF96 said:

As I do not have a touch screen it would be handy to hide that redundant touch screen selector icon, say using the .ini file.

Could I suggest you add your idea to our 'Desirable features' thread because as you say,

it would be good to be able to change a value in the .ini file to either have (or not) the touch screen icon.
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