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Anyone with a wishlist or suggestions from Arnold?


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Now that the Brighton Belle is almost on it's way (judging by latest EP samples) I was just wondering if there is anything else you'll want to see from Horndy/Arnold


My wishlist/suggestions would be:-




BR Clan



Duke of Gloucester

SR N15

Thompson L1

BR K1 Class



Class 87

Class 90

Class 91, Mk4s & DVT

Class 92

100T TDA tanker


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I think you are missing the point old chap. Arnold / Hornby is 'N' gauge, and the Clan and DoG from Hornby are OO.


I am not an N gauger myself ( I do have some 1970s N stuff in my attic), but I might be tempted if the SE&CR 'H', 'C', 'D1' and '


N' were brought out in 'N', with some Maunsell carriages and 'Birdcage' to run with them.


Graskie said:


Well I can say say straightaway that Hornby have produced Clans and the good old Duke. Over to others to add to my list.

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We all have that horrible moment when we hit "Post Reply" and then realise that we have missed the original point entirely.


Oh for a retrospective edit facility.



Graskie said:


Do you know, I suddenly wondered that, LC. I'm


so embarrassed. I feel useless. Where's my coat? I'm just going outside, Scott, I won't be long!

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Given the much smaller size of N in Britain and the fact that there are two manufacturers already I'd suggest (if the Belle sells ok) more of the same such as the Pendolino and Javelin. They are probably only interested at all as they might miss out on


new products to the opposition if they can't offer N.

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Despite there are already two major players in N and quite a few minor ones, the composite N gauge range has a long way to go to catch up with OO in terms of types and livery variations. There ought to be room for Hornby to carve out a niche for themselves


in this scale.


Taking a slightly different tack the OO9 scene is very poorly served by RTR manufacturers despite a very large enthusiast base. Perhaps here too there is scope for Hornby to 'dip a toe in the water'. Some real British outline stuff might


be very welcome. It would complement the existing OO range by allowing a 'feeder' to be added.


Ozwarrior said:


Given the much smaller size of N in Britain and the fact that there are two manufacturers already I'd suggest (if the Belle


sells ok) more of the same such as the Pendolino and Javelin. They are probably only interested at all as they might miss out on new products to the opposition if they can't offer N.

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If Hornby is going to move into N they will need to get stuck in soon. The 'D' company has just announced their programme of new N locos which when taken with the GF company's range gives an extensive coverage.

However there is still plenty of scope,


and the more that are offered the more likely people are to take up that scale. As I said earlier it would only take the introduction of RTR BR(SEC) 'C'. 'H', 'D1' locos, and some 'Birdcage' stock and a 4Sub EMU to tempt me in that direction.

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 5 months later...
I think you are missing the point old chap. Arnold / Hornby is 'N' gauge, and the Clan and DoG from Hornby are OO.


I am not an N gauger myself ( I do have some 1970s N stuff in my attic), but I might be tempted if the SE&CR 'H', 'C', 'D1' and '


N' were brought out in 'N', with some Maunsell carriages and 'Birdcage' to run with them.


Graskie said:


Well I can say say straightaway that Hornby have produced Clans and the good old Duke. Over to others to add to my list.


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I think you are missing the point old chap. Arnold / Hornby is 'N' gauge, and the Clan and DoG from Hornby are OO.


I am not an N gauger myself ( I do have some 1970s N stuff in my attic), but I might be tempted if the SE&CR 'H', 'C', 'D1' and '


N' were brought out in 'N', with some Maunsell carriages and 'Birdcage' to run with them.


Graskie said:


Well I can say say straightaway that Hornby have produced Clans and the good old Duke. Over to others to add to my list.


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I am "an N Gauger" and would just say that Dapol have recently released some very fine looking Maunsell coaches and a full brake/parcels van to go with them in a variety of different running numbers.  I believe they have a Battle of Britain Class or Merchant Navy Class (not sure which) in the offing too.  However, some more Southern Railway stuff would be appreciated and a 2BIL to compliment the Brighton Belle would be very welcome.  I Note that a single five car multiple of the Brighton Belle was also run to Eatbourne on some occasions.  It was known as the Eastbourne Pullman.  Would there be any profit in a kit of parts to convert a five car Brighton Belle into a full Eastbourne Pullman?  May be we could use some private owner wagons with south coast addresses too

The other distinctive thing about the Southern Railway / Southern Region is it's third rail electrification.  What about some accessories to allow the third rail to be put into layouts?  It need not be conductive so some realistic looking palstic mouldings could be produced to clip or otherwise attach, to existing rails.  It would be far cheaper than having to buy extra egular rail and, possibly, having to break it off the moulded sleepers.

In other regions what about rebuilt and steamlined versions of the Coronation Class locos?  Maybe also BR class 23 Baby Deltic.  This was an unmitigated catastrophy born out of the highly successful Deltic project and probably played no small part in the discontinuation of deltic engined locos.  Even so, it is an attractive lookoing loco, for a diesel, and no-one else makes a model of it.

  Finally I'd like to suggest a Gresley A4.  I know!!! both Dapol and Graham Farish already have examples of this type of loco but, you see, the Hornby model of A4 was the first loco I ever owed.  I was twelve, I think, and it came at Christmas complete with three rail track and pressed tin coaches.  It was given to my nephew when he and his family moved to Australia but I have still have a soft spot for "Silver King" so you are guaranteed at least one sale.

Incidentally,  In your advertising literature can you please make it clear which Gauge new releases are for.  I guess if the Arnold Brand is associated with anything new for N Gauge it will become obvious but I have search previous e-mails hopefully but in vain to find an N Gauge reference.  Much as I'm interested in what's going on in Hornby OO gauge, I'd like a quick way of knowing if I should get excited or not.  The last flyer certainly didn't excite me.  I was a bit miffed to find that if I had waited I could have got my Brighton Belle £50.00 cheaper.  I hope this is only to clear remaining stock on a never to be repeated product !!!

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  • 1 month later...

My ARNOLD N gauge wishlist:

1) 0-4-0 pug locos with electrical pickups on attached wagon (shunters?) to cure loss of contact over points and perhaps provide space for dcc conversion.

2)  Pre-war London umderground train as per the 2-car units still running on the Isle of Wight Railway between Ryde pierhead and Shanklin.

Neither of these are covered by other manufacturers and thus would be extremely popular.


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