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Narrow Gauge


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A great little film, which I have not seen before, thank you.


I would dare to venture that Wales did not have all the scenic narrow gauge railways, although I have to confess that the Welsh Highland is top of my hit parade the Leek and Manifold


comes a close second.




fazy said:


HI LC&DR sorry won't do it again honest. i have to admit i had not heard of that railway and will have to look in to it a bit more but a search on the net brought me to this hope people like it


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Happy you like it. I have had a quick look at the net but can't find any kits for leek and manifold locomotives and I really don't fancy trying to scratch build a n guage chassis in all intense and porpoises. One more for my wish list I think
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What an incredible bit of film that was, fazy. Years ago we often camped at Wetton Mill and had some terrific times there with our two children, together with one of my brothers and his family. We only found it in the first place because my brother took


the wrong turn in front of us, we followed, and there it was...the Manifold Valley. Lots of walking and cycling. Visited Thors Cave several times (probably couldn't get anywhere near it on foot nowadays). Great days.........

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Well after having a look around i've found brass kits for coach's and wagons for manifold, come on hornby you know you want to branch out in to narrow gauge.


Yes that film dose have a charm, and finding old films like that does make the net worth



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PiggyBack wagons for narrow gauge were at one time not that rare, and I believe in Germany they do still operate regularly.


As well as the Manifold transporters for carrying standard gauge stock over the narrow gauge, the slate quarries in North


Wales sent their little trucks over the standard gauge on specially constructed standard gauge wagons.


A narrow gauge locomotive or rolling stock would make an interesting load in a goods train too. Firms like Robert Hudson in Leeds built a lot of


wagons for export and a wagon or two of skip wagon components would make a very interesting load. Parkside Dundas make a plastic kit of these wagons in OO9 and simply painting the components just as they are removed from the sprue and then loading them neatly


and carefully into an open wagon would look good.

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