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Railmaster next update

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If the upgrade to v1.56 includes 'most of the changes' we have suggested, I am starting to feel a little guilty that it is a free upgrade.

It sounds like it could be a major step forward and maybe v2,0 would have been appropriate.  

Hornby must have spent a lot of money on the programming, or even just reading our 'desirable features' thread. 

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Correct me if I am wrong but, the way I read Hornby's statement is V1.56 will have some upgrades but the main items are in the Pro edition.

Hornby's comments in June were.....

You will appreciate this update, with the new Pro-Pack, having over 100 enhancements including complex new features (Voice Control, multi-aspect light signals and so on) 

I think, again correct me if I am wrong, V1.56 will have cosmetic changes, slight improvements. But there will be '100 enhancements including complex new features' in Pro Version I can't see there being enough in the V1.56 for most people, it will probably give then enough to make you want the Pro edition software.

Hopefully v1.56 will be free, if not any money spent on v1.56 should be discounted for those who paid first for the lesser version and then find they wish they had gone straight for the Pro edition. 

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I was experiencing a few problems with my layout, RM, eLink and computer

Hornby RM Support have, as always, done a great job.

I gave them access into my PC today and they have modified a few things, they are confident everything should be alright.

Brilliant support.

I had to say during the chat access that I look forward to RM Pro version, the reply was...

It will be available 'very soon'  ;-)

Great news (Correct me if I am wrong LOL)

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Well guys... when I wrote my paragraph, quoted below, I didn't quite make my point clear...

"Of course we don't want to be paying for another round of software at £30-40 and I would expect a reasonable charge of something like £15-20 at most. Of course it does depend upon how super fantastic these updates are!!"

If you read my last sentence I do leave it out in the open for pricing as the software will need to justify the cost. Ordinary updates and one or two 'flash' items are not enough to justify a £30-40 charge. That is why I mentioned the lower sum.

Now, if Hornby are going to offer at least a dozen updates that are worthy of our spending money on and are NEW features or super updated features then that would convince us to part with the higher sum I suspect.

I am not daft when pricing comes into play with software... look at MS Office products. Let's say I buy version 2010 Pro at £600 retail and then they bring out a version for 2013 and also charge that sum... how do I update that program from 2010? I can't. I have to buy the full new version. Why aren't updates offered to help with upgrades?

That is just a very basic example but hopefully you will know where I am coming from. I don't want to end up paying full software prices for a program I already have which is ONLY receiving updates. Calling it a Pro version can seem a little cheeky really. Anyway... at this point in time it doesn't matter. Prices aren't known, release dates aren't known, how the updates will be applied aren't known, how the application of the pro version will work is not known and so on...

I really just hope for Hornby's sake and ours it is an upgrade etc that will be very much worth the cost implemented to it and that we enjoy the workings of what should be a great piece of kit with further expansion later on as well.

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I know where you are coming from AC

I have also said before there are items Hornby think are good but I consider not good for me.

In their message of June they say... (Voice Control, multi-aspect light signals and so on) 

The Voice Control is a definate know for me and I have said it before. Why would I pay hundreds of pounds for trains with sound to talk over it. To me Voice Control is a gimmick.

On the other hand multi-aspect light signals in RM is needed and I would want this but, will Hornby offer enough, two, three, four aspect, with feathers and also sidings signals, I doubt it but will have to wait and see,I may be pleasantly surprised. 

Hornby, I am sure know that what they offer isn't for everyone but what they offer should have something for almost everyone. I don't think they will consider whether I, or others are interested in Voice Control to them it is part of the package. Microsoft or Adobe Photoshop offer lots in their software but do we use all of them, no.

I do however take your comments on MS Office, theirs is greed. That is why lots of people have reverted and are reverting to Open Source, Open Office, which includes EVERYTHING and is FREE. 

I think the majority of people trust Hornby to be fair and if they are people will stick with them. 

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RailMaster 1.56 with over 100 new features and minor enhancements.

In all, there are around 50 improvements to the programs and documentation and these are FREE OF CHARGE

If you haven't aready done so open your RM and download the new free version 1.56


The Pro Pack is also available to download through RM at just £29.99

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And so, at 2.40 am, in the big Augustus House, when most of Britain sleeps or drinks tea, Caesar has found that the update is available for his version of RM and is likely to dissappear into the darkened room where sanity and time eludes even the best of us... the laptop will be receiving its nightly dose of juice and the Elink offers up a welcome sound of an audible buzz and will show its delight by shining a green LED in shear pleasure...

(This is not Caesar typing btw - he's dissappeared into a dark room apparently... I'll sign off for him until he gets back to you with the excitement of a Meerkat returning to the Kalahari Desert after years in Moscow...)

:-) :-)

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Well, all downloaded etc and fully working at the first time of asking.. will not put points of view here as this is not really the thread but will say to PJ... or rather ask him...

"Have you calmed down yet mate?". For me it's 3.45am and you're probably dreaming trains and colour light signals etc... well, I may be doing just that in an hour or so.

Looking good... and just in time for your fixes... what fun we're all gonna have now... all I need is to move my test track and start building my layout! Oh joy... :-)

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What timing mate, what timing. I have been through a rough patch health wise, still not out of it yet. Had two months tinkering under the board as things allowed (hiding from forum complaints! Just joking) 

Switched on Saturday with nothing but hassle over the weekend, Hornby watching over things like a guiding angel asked me to contact them, I had just done so. A quick chat with the man 'trained' to fix things, a quick poke and prod by him in the right place and away we go. 

When can we expect the Pro version I cheekily asked, very soon the man said. Little did I know that by the time I had had my tea it had been launched for all. Totally co-incidental timing wise but a better tonic than any medicines at the moment, hence the excitement. 

Oh Joy AC, Oh Joy  ;-)

Got to go AC, I can hear someone calling, Oh it is not the wife this time, it is my engine driver. 

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Ah, if the engine driver is calling then one must obey at all times the order to allure you to the room of the great train layout and watch as he guides the loco around the main line stopping for no-one except his timetable or your command.

If the wife calls then you still obey but whatever the task is at hand it won't involve trains... except for dismantling to make room for a item of girly persuasion.

Your enthusiasm is inspiring PJ and hopefully over the coming days and weeks you will, like many who have a layout down and running, enjoy the new wares offered up by Hornby.... have fun mate... I will be joining these ranks soon hopefully when my own plans reach fruition... yay!

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But what if he left his time table at home? LOL

If the wife calls... Oh yes that louder voice. 

Words like Are you still in there (of course I am)

Come on, I won't tell you again, your tea is on the table (wheres the plates are they all in the dish washer)

Just checking my lighting, first time I have played with such small wires, last November was first time using a soldering iron LOL.

10 street lights wired in parallel and they work first time Wow! Some cars, some wired in parallel, some individually, opps only one of those in parallel works so far need to test that! Feeds to 3 separate stations and 6 houses tested and all live.

That means I have to have computer moved and layout uplifted. I may leave them for now but when I do have the computer moved I will supervise and have every cable labelled and port diagram prepared. Once bitten, twice shy. Well more than once really I should have learnt... women and wires don't go together, they can be hard work with all the remote controllers let alone wires.  

What love... I was just saying how helpful you have been to me.   ;-)

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Nothing like a helpful lady at your side... or downstairs out of the way of the important things in life... trains!

My evening now is taken up with a reinstall of Windows to a client's PC for his son's business and to save his data out first. The joys of working at home are that while it is installing I can fiddle about with my trains a while... joy!

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