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RAF96, HI, no you cant, you can see the watered done one, where i mentioned a possible elink problem, post disappeared. Apparantly, you are not allowed to suggest  there is a problem. Fishy lost this post in the same way. I did suggest that it might be my location, to mitigate, but it still went. All to do with hymsheets and singing off them, john

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Hi John

This is what I se in that thread...

'Hi, rinner, and welcome to the forum.What a good first post, praise for the select is good, espescially, as i have done the opposite of you, due to unreliability of elink connection, here in france, and am running locos with select and points with rm. Keep on posting, john'

Dont know if that is a watered down or full bodied w(h)ine.


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RAF 96, that is the watered down one. I did not originally put all the unreliabilty down to my location, and talked about  buying a 4 amp transformer, etc etc.   fishy had similar problem when after he commented, thread went, john

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