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Interlocking points and signals using new program control

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I have found a new (to me anyway) feature in RM that allows you to call a program by clicking an icon on the mimic panel.  This allows to to interlock points and signals - normally you can only interlock points (by interlock I mean you set one point and another point is also set).  AFAIK this is not documented by Hornby but I guess you use this at your own risk. 

Go into layout design, and create a new layout with a point and a signal.  Allocate the signal to address 2 and the point to address 1.  Save and go back to main menu.  Now create two programs, one which sets the point 1 left and signal 2 clear, one that sets point 1 right and signal 2 stop.  They go back to layout design.  Click on the toolbar icon with the red and green circles, and another toolbar will appear.  In there is a symbol of three coloured cog wheels.  Select that and place the cog over one of the circles by your point.  Right mouse click and it lets you choose a program.  Select the first program you just created.  Now add another cog and place it over the other circle by your point.  Set that to call the other program.  Save the layout.  Now when you click on one of the cogs it sets the point left and the signal clear,, and when you click the other it sets the point right and signal to stop.

You can call any program so there are limitless options.  There is obviously some as yet disabled option to select a different icon other than cogs wheels, which would be nice.

I will add some picture links in another post if anyone is interested.

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Hi Dave,
You must have a different version of RM to me, because when I click the toolbar icon with red and green circles, the subsequent toolbar contains five icons, none of which has a symbol of three coloured cog wheels. The five I have are:
Add a light signal
Add an operating conveyor
Add a loco detection sensor
Add an operating tipper
Add an uncoupler.
There is a sixth, blank cell on the toolbar, but no text appears when the mouse hovers over it.


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