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R8249 decoder wires improvement


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Its good to see that the type of wires used on the R8249 decoder has now been improved. On my latest batch they are much more flexible and hopefully less likely to break off the decoder than before. I still put 3-4mm of heatshrink tube over the wires straight after the decoder as this grouping of the wires has always helped reduce the risk of them breaking off the decoder.

You can tell the latest type when looking through the packaging as the wires almost look tied in a tight knot where as the old wires are formed with a large(ish) radius.

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The wire has indeed changed to a more flexible wire, soldering has improved as well.  There was a bad batch of them, I had one of the dodgy batch, I fitted it to a loco and a wire fell off, so this was resoldered and another fell off, I had fit a 3mm heatshirik sleeve to the wires just after the decoder in the standard way as well to prevent this happending but the pads on the decoder were dodgy. I sent it back to Hornby and recieved a new replacement super quickly by post, the new one had the new wire one and it was a dream to fit..

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  • 3 months later...

The wire has indeed changed to a more flexible wire, soldering has improved as well.  There was a bad batch of them, I had one of the dodgy batch, I fitted it to a loco and a wire fell off, so this was resoldered and another fell off, I had fit a 3mm heatshirik sleeve to the wires just after the decoder in the standard way as well to prevent this happending but the pads on the decoder were dodgy. I sent it back to Hornby and recieved a new replacement super quickly by post, the new one had the new wire one and it was a dream to fit..

I had four decoders that were fitted into locos that I fitted new different brand ones into so that I could cut the plug off to hardwire them into 0-4-0s and 0-6-0s and one after another wires fell off as I was fitting them. One that I tried to resolder the solder that was on the affected connection came away. Is this similar to your experience and should I contact Hornby Customer Care. I don't expect to get replacements all the way out here in the antipodes but I did feel frustrated at how inflexible the wiring was and felt that it was all my fault and how stupid I was.

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