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A little problem yet totally baffled???

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Hi guys

I am back LOL

Wiring done for my lighting and ready for testing (Note:  Separate bus has it's own power source)

Now the problem... layout is back in an horizontal position Yippee I can play trains again ;-) Well I hoped to play trains again.

The only difference to the layout is, GaugeMaster buffer lights at the end of the sidings. These also act like the track testers so you can see easily when the track is live. They are pretty good, a little bright but I can tone them down later no problem.  The other thing I like with them it is clear to see track is live and must be switched off when I have finished.

Now the problem.....

Computer on, elink plugged in, green light on and USB in to PC and eLink.

Buffer lights came on (track live) 

Started RM, reset on start up, light goes off then on again. But NOT the buffer lights. RM loads and searches com port then sets points but the points don't set although the lights for the left right arrows at each point come on in turn.

No problem I thought, remove power and USB, wait 20 seconds plug in power, green light on, plug in USB plays sound it is recognised.

Sometimes power to track comes on sometimes not???

Sometimes it comes on and after a short while goes off???

No problem restart PC. --- same again!!!

No problem I thought close down PC, unplug power and USB from eLink.

Restarted PC, waited until complete and plugged ower to eLnk then USB.Same again ready (but no power to track, no buffer lights on???)

Some times they are on some times not and I have run a tran when power to track and buffer lights on.

I have even closed down the computer and set the eLink USB to another port, no difference?

Has anyone any suggestions before I send to RM?

Thank you in advance


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I don't think my answer does justice to the amount of time you have spent preparing your question but I would normally go back some steps to the last time everything worked correctly, see what has been added since and start with that as the possible cause of the problem.

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This could well be an intermittent power problem which may be easier than you think to trace...

Unplug everything from the track and make sure only the Elink is on and connected to the PC/laptop. You should now be able to test whether issues arise here or not and if they do they are either with the Elink or PC/laptop and not anything on or connected to the track.

If everything stays stable then slowly introduce connections via the track one by one and see if any feedback problems occur etc. which will give the error you are getting now. I always try to eliminate everything before deciding I have a fault with something. There may be too many factors for RM support to tackle unless you have tried all you can.

You may have done this already of course but sometimes it can help to go over it again and may just help others too if they have issues like this.

Sorry it's not a solution but I hope it helps somehow...

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Thanks for your prompt replies. Imagine my frustration after a few months with the boards on end working on the lighting bus and various lights for cars, street, burger bar and pre-wiring for the stations and houses, to lay it down and find it work work as it did.

Firstly the lighting. It is totally separate, does not link with the track in any way at any point. It has its own power supply and its own lighting bus with wiring from the bus to switches and the various items I want to light up.

The ONLY change to the track power is the GaugeMaster buffer lights. No wiring at all just position between the rails and thats it. On when power to track, off when no power.


The only change to the PC is the screen. I had problems with the touch screen and it was considered to be the USB cable, it was suggested I get an armoured one which I did. It was also suggested that I twist the DCC Bus cable which I did when the board was up ended. No other changes.

This morning I switched the PC on from sleep, track dead.

I shut the PC down fully and restarted with eLink power and USB on.

As soon as I switched on the PC power came on to the track. Once it got to sign in power to track was dead?

I tried loading RM. The eLink reset as it does and tried to initiate the dcc controller, light went off than on as it should. Then when it came to reset the points, each point light came on one by one but didn't click to carry out the task.

Track still dead.

I shut down thePC fully and unplugged the power and USB from the eLink.

Loaded PC and logged in and waited until everything fully loaded.  Next I plugged the power to the link and 10 seconds later the USB. The eLink power light was on and the USB made a noise when plugged in as it should.

Track dead???

I loaded RM again and it did as before initialised DCC (no power to track) attempted to reset points but although RM showed lights at point arrows as checking each one there was no action resetting the points. (track still dead)

I started to write this update, suddenly power came to the track? So I started a steam train and let it run. Fine for a short while then it cut out, dead again.

I went in to the track geometry, schemeatic layout setup and changed the file name for the layout. Then went to the system settings spanner and changed it in there also. Still dead.

I am just going to watch Formula 1 racing from Italy and will try again in 2-3 hours time. Meanwile complete close down of PC.

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Set tv up for formula 1 in 2 hours, now back to my trains ;-)

Powered PC from scratch, fully loaded and no power to track, then came on, had a derail and setup and and ran again. Ran for a short while and was OK so thought right now slow down and stop train in station and shut off sound. Everything worked fine. Left for a while and loaded Google Chrome, power still on. Started to write this message and it has gone off again??? Light still on on eLink???

Guess what as I finish this message power back on again, I will run train a few short sections then switch off sound again and see what happens.

Sorry quite a bit of info. here. I am trying to detail things as they happen to provide a picture of the fault, hoping for a fix but also creating a log here for RM when I write to them.

Thanks for your help and any suggestions.

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I have managed with opening and closing RM and restarting the computer to get it a little more stability???

Not sure what the problem has been or if fixed yet, other than computer sorting itself out.

Power to track has been on over half an hour now, so I am going to unplug the eLink and log out of PC. I will, try again after Formula 1, about three hours from now. Hopefully it will be a good race ;-)

I will add an update on my return and at that time consider if I need to contact RM support.

Fingers crossed guys, thanks for your suggestions.

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As I have eluded to in my post and Ray has mentioned above, try without your buffer lights connected, because you know it worked perfectly before that, or at least check any connections that may have been disturbed by lifting the boards.  It does sound like a loose connection.

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Hi Fishy

I have just tried again and taken the log file, I have saved it as 'NOT WORKING' log file

The log file was taken with the GaugeMaster buffer lights removed so basic as it was before I uploaded to work on the lights (seperate system)

Here is the log file from line 86  (I have tried various USB ports)

07/09/14 16:08:29 Starting communications with: Hornby eLink on Com9
07/09/14 16:08:29 Settings: 115200, None, 8, 1
07/09/14 16:08:29 Current Com port status=False
07/09/14 16:08:29 Setting and opening com port: 9
07/09/14 16:08:30 Successfully opened Com port
07/09/14 16:08:30 Com port status=True
07/09/14 16:08:30 Preparing eLink handshake (Port status=True)
07/09/14 16:08:30 Resetting eLink prior to handshaking (Port status=True)
07/09/14 16:08:34 Closed com port to eLink
07/09/14 16:08:48 Reopening com port to eLink
07/09/14 16:08:50 Initiating handshake with eLink (Port open=True)
07/09/14 16:08:53 Received correct response to initial request
07/09/14 16:08:55 Handshake completed successfully
07/09/14 16:08:56 Requesting response from DCC controller
07/09/14 16:08:56 DCC controller response: 99 33 104 1 43
07/09/14 16:08:56 Initiated Controller successfully
07/09/14 16:08:56 Type: Hornby eLink Version: 1.04
07/09/14 16:08:56 Checking eLink firmware: 1.04 against: 1.04
07/09/14 16:08:56 Compacted/encrypted resources database
07/09/14 16:08:56 Compacted/encrypted language database
07/09/14 16:08:56 Showed 12 available Locos on start-up
07/09/14 16:08:56 Startup plan set: C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster7-09-2014 NEW LAYOUT.pln
07/09/14 16:08:56 Loading default plan: C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster7-09-2014 NEW LAYOUT.pln
07/09/14 16:08:56 Set Plan area: 25250 x 20750
07/09/14 16:08:56 First line: *jy†ˆNDMKIE“EFJEE
07/09/14 16:08:56 Normalised: Vert:09750~01500
07/09/14 16:08:57 Last line: Label:11550~03210~00297~Arial ~012~1~0~0~30
07/09/14 16:08:57 Loaded default track plan: 07-09-2014 NEW LAYOUT
07/09/14 16:08:57 Loaded all available programs
07/09/14 16:09:14 Set all default points
07/09/14 16:09:14 Showing routes (maxlen=1500)
07/09/14 16:09:16 Set all points and signals on sartup
07/09/14 16:09:16 Set all default signals
07/09/14 16:09:17 Enabled 8 of 8 TCP sockets starting from: 30
07/09/14 16:09:17 On startup, setting locos panel height=18825
07/09/14 16:09:17 Started with Administrator rights

RM appears to be talking the talk shall I say but, power is not to the track and points don't reset.

Although some times it has come on a short while after as mentioned before, it has not come on at all yet.

I will try another re-start and see what happens. I will try get something working so I can read and save a working log file to compare.

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Hi AugususCaesar

Nothing connected just the eLink to the DCC Bus and only one train on the track, th sound steam train.

In the past when I plugged in the power to the eLink the train would make a noise, I don't get this either now. When the track is live, for that short period it runs and the sound works, when dead obviously nothing.

I have even unplugged the eLink power and USB and restarted the PC, plus a complete shut down then restart the PC before adding back the power  to the eLink and then the USB to it.

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Hi RAF96

Can you guide me through this please. (Another new area for me)

I purchased a VoltCraft VC820 Digital MultiMeter some time ago but have not used it yet!

I tried the CD earlier today to learn how to use it but it doesn't work with Windows 8.1

I know it has Auto so that saves worrying to much especially with the low power on the layout. 

I think the red plug goes in the HzVQ and the Black in the COM am I checking Voltage, Amps or Power?

I have never used one so any help is appreciated. Thank you

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Set your meter up to read AC voltage. I'm not familiar with that model but they are essentially all the same.

Put the two lead probes into the eLink track terminals and you should get about 15v. It's not a true voltage value as dcc is pulse width modulated but it serves as a comparative indication.

Your meter leads will be black into COM and red into volts,amps. The other connection is used for continuity testing and checking resistance ohms. You can check your track bus for continuity when set up to read resistance ohms.

Hope this helps.

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Hi RAF96

1. Insert the red test lead into the HzVΩterminal and the black test lead into the COM terminal.
2. Set the rotary switch to V and press SELECT (blue button) to select AC measurement.
3. Connect the test leads across with the object being measured.
The measured value shows on the display.

I have set as the PDF file instructions for the model as found online.

Set it to AC and tried it in 3 different loops. The numbers jump about is that correct.

Once I know I am on the 'right track' so to speak I can take the readings.

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Your meter setup sounds ok pj but the numbers should be fairly steady around 15vAC. Try it direct into the eLink with it disconnected from the track.

If steady when reading direct but jumping around when reading across the track it points to a problem in the track wiring.

looking at a picture of the meter you should have it set on the v~. not v _... Selection Else the numbers will try to read DC voltage and jump from plus to minus and back again.

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Hi PJ... as RAF96 is guiding you with the multimeter tasks to test for wiring or current issues I will let him do that. I was about to give that same guidance when I read his post so won't jump in on that one... :-)

As the Elink is getting reports from the software that all is OK and the log file indicates no errors I would look at the next step 'along the track' so to speak. This where the wiring comes into it. If the socket leading from the Elink to your cable (eventually connecting to the track) is showing a regular 15v or thereabouts then there is no issue with current from the Elink unit.

However, just where RAF96 is helping out there I can offer another trick (I hope I didn't miss this in his posts!!).. once the Elink is proven to have a stable output of 15v then connect the wires to the Elink 'Track' sockets but NOT to the track itself. Then hold the two needles of your multimeter to the ends of the wires. This will prove either broken or stable cable. This is a different test to simply placing the cable to the track and proving stability there because the current may be giving a feedback signal when connected to the track. So one step at a time.

If all this proves stable and no fluctuations are showing on the metre and the figure remains almost a virtual constant 15v then the problem is with the track either having a break or giving feedback.

One other thing is that the Elink connectors may have a slight break on the inside, or bad soldering, of the unit so a little wiggle of the wires when all is connected up and power is working properly may just show this up by losing power when the cables are moved about. Don't be shy in giving them a good wiggle but don't be too rough... hope that doesn't read too badly!!!

Hope this helps and apologies to RAF96 if I have repeated his coments or help anywhere...

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With the power on to the elink, and the track live, I have made the following checks...

- wires immediately from the eLink

- Outer track

- Inner Track

- Inner bye-pass loop track

ALL readings are around 15.5v - 15.6v

So when power is on appears correct at all stages

What I need to do next is test it when eLink is on but power to track is dead

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Thanks for your help

I think this will have to be a job for tomorrow morning

Whilst chatting, I have disconnected the power to the eLink twice and when plugged back in it has come on again.

I am going to log out now and come back to it later but, will check the track feeds with eLink disconnected tomorrow. With no power through eLink, only battery power from Volt Meter what sort of readings would you expect and do I still test AC mode voltage?

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