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A little problem yet totally baffled???

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No you are testing continuity between the bus ends on the ohms range.

Zero ohms means the track loop is entire or shorted and a high mega ohms or infinity reading indicates a break in the circuit.

You will have to try it and report back.

I shall be out of constant touch as I have no fixed internet only now and then when I can get free wifi.

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This has all the symptoms of a loose wire somewhere, between the elink and the track.   If track power comes on and off for no apparent reason I can't think what else it could be.  Do you have just one power connection to the track or do you have a bus with many connections.  Are there any isoloated sections?  Do you rely on point clips to provide power continuity?

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Hello again idlemarvel

I have a DCC Bus with droppers every other rail. Two bends on a curve, 90 degrees are soldered with one dropper making an 180 degree curve two pieces with two droppers. The straights have one pair of droppers every other rail length and this is replicated on outer, inner and bye-pass loops plus sidings.

From the eLink are the two wires that came with it. They connect to a cable connector, the cable connector on the outer corner links to another cable connector under the board and the DCC  Bus goes off two ways from that position. The power has been tested to the second cable connector with the volt meter and showing 15.5 to 15.6 volts. The DCC Bus cable is twisted as it goes to the left and the right under the board and all the droppers, loads of them are soldered to the DCC Bus.

Although it worked before and nothing has changed except the buffer lights I think it is the computer. Although it is a brand new tower with Windows 8.1 to a brand new screen. (Actually second screen, this doesn't have touch control but is same resolution) 

When I moved the computer I reset it up in another room, it has been there for a couple of months with the various additions plugged in to the USB ports but not in the same order they were initially. When I moved it back to connect to the layout my wife did it and again couldn't remember which USB went where. Although it shouldn't make any difference it takes time to settle down. 2TB drive with file sync, speakers and card reader. Every time you move an item with Windows 8.1 it resets the driver for the USB and some are USB 3.0 others 2.0

It is strange it has settle down (partly) with restarting over and over again. This afternoon was frustrating, but I have been able to run the trains and for longer although still experiencing problems. I mentioned earlier that I used to get a sound from the train with sound when the power came on, confirming power to the track/train, I have not been getting that.

Around 6pm tonight it made a sound and the power stayed on. I have done three restarts since and it 'seems' to be settling down. (Another reason I have not yet contacted/bothered RM support) I left the USB in and unplugged the power on two occasions and it came back on when I put the power on.  I unplugged the power to the eLink earlier and logged out leaving it for an hour. I have just come back, I don't want to count my chickens till tomorrow but, it came on again first time. 

I have one GaugeMaster buffer light in as well and it has not been affected.

Maybe it is the computer, I will know tomorrow when I start it up again to test it. If it works then I will close down and restart and test again. If it  then works I will add the other 9 Buffer lights  and away we go. I am being optimistic I know, I will be back.

Thanks again everyone... fingers crossed!

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I have just spent an hour recording testing I did and when I went to submit it, I find it had logged me out. LOST IT!!!!!

So from my notes I start again... 

(fortunately I had noted all stages on paper as I did them, I will know next time and add them in Word as I do tham then cut-n-paste them in here)


SATURDAY, struggled to get power to track to run a train, when did get power it was short live and would cut out without warning.

I constantly restarted the computer and RM, by the end of the day there was a slight improvement over the length of time power to the track but was off, unworkable, more than anything.

The only difference to the layout, between now and last time used, July, was the addition of the GaugeMaster buffer lights, which slot in between the track, no wiring necessary. It was suggested I remove these whilst testing to put it back to how it was, a good suggestion and so I did this but it made no difference at all.

The layout was up ended over this period for the installation of lighting to street, cars, burger bar, with feeds to houses and stations to add lights later, all of which are a totally separate system and doesn't connect in any way to the layout track or power.

SUNDAY, much of the same although the odd times the track was live, it lasted a little longer but, cut out for no apparent reason even when left on and not used. Tests were carried out with the VoltMeter to the wires from the eLink, to the cable connector they attach to and to the track, outer loop, inner loop and inner bye-pass loop. All showed 15.5 to 15.6 volts.

Towards the end of Sunday, the computer and RM restarted more times than I can remember there was a sudden improvement. The sound loco, always used to hoot when the plug was inserted into the eLink and power entered the track. It hooted for the first time since July.  I unplugged eLink several times and each time the train went hoot, the buffer lights came on and a train could be run. I decided to close here, close RM, unplug the jack plug to the eLink and log out of the computer.


MONDAY, log in to PC and let settle down. Plug power to eLink, hoot from train and buffer lights on. Run train round a couple of times and it worked.

This was a good start, very encouraging, now unplug eLink again to make sure everything is working correctly though it did seem strange. 

- Plugged in to eLink - green light on, buffer lights on but TRAIN DIDN'T GIVE A HOOT! (not a joke)

- Opened RM - initiated, green light off and on, went through setting points in RM but DIDN'T set them to default on start up?

- Closed RM - same again, power to eLink and track but RM not setting points and NO HOOT FROM TRAIN?

-  Closed RM, disconnected power to eLink and restarted PC.

- Inserted power to eLink, SAME AGAIN, power to track, buffer lights  on, no hoot from train with sound?

- Opened RM, initialised, IT DIDN'T SET POINTS. So closed RM, disconnected power to eLink, waited 20 seconds add power back to eLink and then re-open RM. It seems power to the track is now working each time. RM has opened correctly this time

This has been such a strange situation, from Saturday almost unworkable, to Sunday getting better after 6pm  as the day went along but, not without problems. This morning I was so encouraged at the start up but, in no time at all, problems again.

We are now getting power to the track and more stable (but sound loco not giving hoot when power plugged in. It always used to)

RM either initiates and sets points or it doesn't so something is still not right.

I started to think of a loose wire but, that doesn't seem possible now.  I started to think eLink and haven't ruled it out. I started to think RM and there does seem to be a communication problem from RM to eLink although not running trains but at start up when recognising com port or setting points to default at start up.

I think with the improvements, we don't know why, other than restarting the PC and restarting eLink and RM probably 30 times or more over the weekend nothing else has been done. I think I should now pass this to RM support and give them the forum link. There is every possibilty they are aware and are watching what happens but I think now is the time to contact them.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and replies.  Although much better it is not working completely without fault yet so please feel free to comment.

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I ADD THIS UPDATE FOR RM Support due to problems experienced since sending the report.

Power to track ON, opened RM and UNABLE TO CONNECT to Com port?

Unplugged eLink waited 20 seconds and plugged back in. Opened RM same again?

Unplugged eLink waited another 20 seconds and plugged back in. Opened RM and it opened correctly this time.

Power to track and buffer lights YES, no sound from sound steam train when plugging in?

Went to run the train and SOUND OPTIONS ARE REVERSED? Sound off is on and visa-versa. 

When sound is OFF it is ON and additions, coal, shunt, hoot, hoot - hoot etc work from within RM

When sound is ON it is OFF and all the additional sounds still work from buttons in RM

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It is clear that something is fundamentally wrong on your set-up that is causing these problems, which are far from normal.

We suggest you send us a Help Request from within RailMaster and then we can log into your PC and have a look at your settings.  There are many settings and driver issues that could cause these problems and without actually being able to see how your PC and RailMaster are set up we cannot provide a clear solution without much trial-and-error.

When sending your Help Request please refer to your postings on this forum.

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UPDATE for RM Support (continued problem) only added here now as so soon after submitting report.

I powered down RM and unplugged the jack plug from the eLink.

20 minutes or so later re-plugged the plug in eLink. eLink on, green light on... no power to track?

I closed RM and unplugged eLink for 20 seconds and plugged in again - power to eLink NONE to track DCC controller active NOT SETTING POINTS

I did it again exactly the same

I closed RM and unplugged power to eLink again - plugged back in after 20 seconds, power to track on, no hoot from sound loco - controller active and point reset this time???   Sound on/off now back to normal???

Very strange, RM seems to accept control or not to and sound chooses to reverse or work correctly?

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Hi PJ,

How many locos do you have on the track?

Has anyone suggested starting up without any locos on track? I'm trying to eliminate any faulty loco decoder.

Do you have any accessory decoders attached to elink in any way at startup? If so, how about disconnecting them also, for same elimination reason.

Do you normally get a hoot from your sound loco on startup of RM/elink?


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Hi Ray

I started with nothing on the track, no trains, no rolling stock, etc.

I put one train on the track Sunday after lots of testing in case the presence of a train or carriage would be important. eg. current recognise the link wheel to wheel even if not gien an instruction to move.

The only decoders are under the board and wire the points to the decoder and dcc bus. They are as they were before

The Royal Signals steam train yes, I always had a hoot when power recognised through eLink, but nothing now. Only exception was twice last night it came back on, I then shut down for the night. It sounded when started up this morning then after the first fail on the power it has not done it since.

The power to the track has been on constant for the last few hours, since I submitted report/link to this thread to RM Support. I have just unplugged popwer to eLink to test it and when putting back totally dead track.

Good news, after removing the power to eLink and replacing with a restart of RM each time, it worked on the second attempt. It is not right, a fault is still lurking there but it is a step forward.

I am naturally willing to try anything and am grateful for any suggestion. Thank you.

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Hi PJ,

At this point I'm running out of ideas, I'm afraid. As you can see from my posts, I use an Elite with RM. I have been thinking of "upgrading" (?) to Elink, simply to get the higher baud rate between the pc and the controller. But there are so many issues with Elink, this has put me off the switch. I think I'll stick to what works for now!


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* * * UPDATE GUYS * * *

Hornby RM Support have, as always, done a great job.

I gave them access into my PC and they have modified a few things, they are confident everything should be alright.

Brilliant support.

I had to say thank you as we do, and slip in a small statement that I look forward to RM Pro version, the reply was...

It will be available 'very soon'  ;-)

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PJ... good news hopefully... but did they tell you what they tweaked? Would be helpful to any one of us who may have a si,ilar issue if you can enlighten us somewhat.

Yep, I know you've probably got typists cramp now but a few more key presses can only help limber the joints up ready for you to play trains again properly :-).

Just me being curious... :-)

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When I have a problem I log every stage (as you saw yawn) but with the chat and fix on my PC I didn't.

I had installed RM with Admin rights but although it showed in the log.txt file he picked up another part (by right clicking) that didn't say Admin rights.

He was concerned of the Com port 9 and instead of me changing USB to another port he changed it to Com 2

He checked Anti Virus but I don't think there was a problem there.

He checked settings for items in Device Manager but I can't remember what now.


To be totally honest AC, if anyone has problems I suggest first float it on here (Hornby request that) then contact them and let them check the computer. They know what to check for and do it in no time at all. 


I say this also as my problems are not someone elses every machine is different.

Strange problem mine but I do wonder how much was down to having a touch screen and reverting to a non-touch one as well as moving it and items being put in different USB ports several times. 

He couldn't access Control Panel and Device Manager the normal way, I think this has to do with having had touch screen on. Cannot access from Windows icon in corner. I went in another way through Apps. This is still not fixed so if anyone has any ideas I would love to hear from you. The items are there, they can be accessed but strange why not from main pop up in left corner.

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If I had been anywhere near your place I would have checked the Admin rights issue and especially the ports. Anyway... the only important thing is that it hopefully all works now.

From what you say I would doubt very much at all that a touch screen monitor by itself would create ANY issue with your PC unless drivers were corrupt but then only the display would be affected and nothing else.

The issue regarding moving the PC and changing ports for the USB products you have will nearly always cause an issue. Once an item is plugged into a particular USB port that item is mapped to that port by Windows and will assume, wrongly of course, that the said item will always occupy that same socket. Once the item is plugged into a different port the driver is again looked for as it wil have mapping data for the original port too. When that is sorted Windows will then need to record that change. If the item is plugged in AFTER Windows is restarted you have a better chance of picking it up and it working first time. The same can be said for a system restart in some cases.

Anyway, cutting it short... RM actually scores here by allowing you to allocate a port and keeping it. If you do unplug the unit again just simply remember which port it was plugged into and Windows and RM should find it immediately. It is best too to have the Elink, or Elite even, switched on for Windows to start up afterward.

Your AV product is unlikely to ever get in the way unless its firewall blocks ports or access to the net where a program requires it. Device Manager would be checked for conflicting items trying to use the same com port.

I take it you are using Windows 8 or 8.1? Which one do you have? If you tell me which one and then what you are trying to access and where from... which corner etc... I can attempt to help you get it all working again. I hate Win 8 with a vengeance although for my business I need to know how it all works so I can fix client machines etc... let us know and we can help further if someone gets in here first.

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I have Windows 8.1

There were problems with the touch screen that were not resolved. I think part may have been drivers but I also think part was interference via the unshielded USB cable and DCC Bus wires, immediately behind not twisted. Since I have removed it and installed a new screen 1920 x 1080 the screen is stable but, I cannot access System Control Panel and Device manager from Windows Explorer?  I can only access tham by opening the apps, and going to Windows Stsystem in the apps section. They work from there but not Windows Explorer button bottom left of screen?

Reagrding the moving of the PC for me is the same as having my layout upended, I have to get someone to do it for me. My wife and a friend do the layout but my wife always moves the computer for me. I always say don't take any cable off unless you know where it goes so it can be put in the right place again. Every time see forgets and they end up being put in another port.  I am working on this one ;-)

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If I get what you are saying and I am right here when you are on the apps page itself (on the desktop, I know, a misnomer) and you move the cursor to the bottom left of that screen you get the icon with the Windows logo (four squares) and from that, once clicked, you enter the desktop proper?

OK... if that is correct you can add an icon shortcut for the control panel to the teaskbar. Do the following:

Open Windows 8.1 to the apps start screen > begin to type 'Control Panel' (without quotes and lower case will do) > you will note a list that should have the Control Panel link pop up on the right of screen under the search context window > RIGHT click and click pin to taskbar. Done!! You can also pin to the start which is the screen you had up when starting your search.

If, on the other hand, you can't access the Panel from the yellow icon called Explorer while on the Windows 8.1 version of its desktop you can do this:

Click the icon called Explorer and a window opens > on the ribbon at the top of that window you will a shortcut for the Control Panel.

If you are in a folder within Explorer, say your C; drive, you can simply click the small right facing arrow in the address bar (you will probably see a drive icon with the smaller four square logo for Windows directly on top of that drive icon thus making a single icon (eh? I hear you all say!!)) and to the right of that will be something like This PC with another small right facing arrow and then a path to the C: drive called whatever the manufacturer has put there!!

The part you need to click here is the first small right facing arrow after the drive icon > this gives a drop down list and the shortcut for Control Panel is there too.

Hope this helps but if not get back to me with a more detailed scenario if you can and I will check again for you. Putting the icon on the taskbar will almost certainly give you what you want though if I read your issue correctly.

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Hi PJ,

I go through this all the time. Sometimes it finds com ports sometimes it doesn'. A system restart with rthe RM power pulled out and then add the power and start RM. It's just a part of having software that isnot really that stable or ready for market. It is chesp though!

My advise, try again and be patient it will sort itslef out.

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Hi AP, I'm not sure why you are suggesting that PJ be patient with a problem that HRMS has already solved for him?

Also, if you look through a number of recent problems of this nature in posts on the forums, you will see that they almost always turn out to be a problem with your setup and that they can be resolved by contacting HRMS and having them log on to your computer to deal with the problems. Which explains why HRMS has suggested you do that. 

In the circumstances, I think it a little unfair to suggest the product isn't stable or ready for market.  It is fair to say that software is never a final product, there are always improvements to be made. HRMS has been more than responsive to user feedback in this regard. In fact, there is even an updated driver in this latest v1.56 designed to resolve problems with the 1 amp supply with some user configurations, this being the other major issue to be reported on by a number of people recently. 

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Brilliant, thank you Hornby RailMaster Support.

Over and over again again, though in the background you come to the rescue proving you are watching over the forum and our discussions.

Having read the message before this one I was just going to reply and suggest the person should contact RM Support and here you are again.  Well done RM Support you are not only doing a great job, you are reassuring users you are there to help.

I was having com port problems, I gave RM Support access to my PC whilst I was there and they checked all likely faults or possible conflicts not just the com ports. If you are having problems with instability which could be com ports or similar contact them through RM program. It doesn't take long and they know what they are doing.

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