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Voice Control

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Windows 7 and Windows 8 tend to intercept certain Voice Control commands (Windows XP does not).

There are various ways of doing the same thing using Voice Control in RailMaster.  For example, "Stop" may be intercepted by Windows, however you can also say "Loco Stop".  Improvements have been made to this and you should install RailMaster from the latest setup at www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe.

We have not noticed Horn or Whistle functions in Windows 7 and 8 being intercepted by Windows so it is possible that Windows itself is misintepreting the word and therefore more Voice training would resolve this.

Remember to try to mimic the conditions you will ultimately be controlling your layout under e.g. if you operate your layout in a garage, do not train your PC in the kitchen as the acoustics will be different.  Train the Speech Recognition system fully in the place where you layout is and also ensure locos are running and if you have sound locos, that the sounds is on.  This will make recognition more reliable.


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I'm seeing exactly that here running under Win XP. AFAIKS most of the various sound commands are being interpreted correctly, but nothing happens. WHISTLE LONG/SHORT is interpreted, but WHISTLE is not. SOUND ON/OFF works, but SOUND ON if repeated switches sound off, and vice versa for SOUND OFF. Which is not unexpected given SOUND is a toggle function. These are not the only isues with Voice Control either: 'other points/signals' are not honoured by voice control, and try as I will one of my locos is rarely recognised, while the other 12 are recognised almost faultlessly. This doesn't look like a 'training' issue here.

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You should send us a Help Request so that we can see your settings.  We can also log into your PC.  If your Voice Control is not working as it should then the solution will be straightforward.

Before release the Voice Control system was tested extensively on Windows XP, 7 an 8 and worked with a high degree of reliability.

Please remember that reliable speech recognition is based on many factors as it is a relatively new technology and many things have to be absolutely correct.

We recognise that speech recognition system on many other system have not worked and we did not want the RailMaster Voice Control system to be tarnished with the same brush, as some users have already done without even using the system, merely assuming that it can't work.  The fact is that it does work and works reliably as long as the instructions for setting up the speech recognition engine have been followed to the letter.  Also, certain loco set-ups and track plans can cause problems if they are not right.  This is where our support comes in and those who have contacted us will have found that their problems have been resolved quickly and efficiently.

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I found there was a big improvement in the MS voice recognition engine reliability when changing from XP to Win 7 and Win 8 when I was doing developement work on VR (not for RM I  might add).

Regadless of that as HRMS and others have said training in the correct environment (room acoustics and ambient noise) is paramount to reliable working. 

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That is an interesting obversvation RAF96.  We have found the opposite.  Windows XP, 7 and 8 use the same core speech recognition engine however the TTS (Text To Speech) synthesis quality on Windows 7 and 8 are much higher quality that in XP, however that doesn't affect recognition at all.  Is it possible you were using a previous iteration of the MS speech interface.

The main problem with Windows 7 and 8 is that it insists on 'stepping in' and trying to intercept certain RailMaster commands and we did a lot of work to minimise or eliminate this so that users could continue to talk to their PCs to control other things, although ironically we found that not a single user choose to talk to Windows itself due to the rigid way the speech recognition has been implemented by Microsoft.  This is also why we spent some time allowing users to address locos, points and signals in many different ways, as you might in real life, rather than having to memorise a rigid set of commands, and we plan to take this further.  This makes talking to RailMaster much more flexible and natural than talking to Windows to do other things.  Ultimately, RailMaster users are not robots.

During our testing and development we found Windows XP to provide the ideal speech recognition platform, simply because Windows itself does not try to hijack the speech recognition system like Windows 7 and 8 do.  We have a large test layout with around 60 points, six trains running, with sound and it worked very nicely under XP.  Also, under XP you don't have to press the microphone to start "Listening" as RailMaster controls the speech recognition facility on Windows completely.

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Hi All. Thanks for your responses.   Much appreciated and a relief I am not alone.    Noted comments from Railmaster and full appreciate voice recognition is not an exact science.  I carried out full tutorials and w hen I issue command they all seem to be getting recognised by windows and railmaster ( except stop and whiste).  The problem relates to how it is being responded too.  E.g nothing happening or the odd one the function keys flashing with numbers you have to say which number when you could have the say cruise tabs on four locks gnashing each numbered 1 to 4 .   You respond to this and nothing happens you do it again and by this time the whole thing gets confused and any command gets delayed in the processing loop.    I every respect for the support team but if a known issue exists in 7 or 8 then sureLyn one needs to find a solution .  ( Xp after all is no longer supported by windows).    I last updated my Railmaster last Wednesday so not sure if any more since as obviosly have no idea as not recognised as an update.    I will update again on Monday when I return home and keep fingers crossed.     At the moment though my investment  in software and head phones is not proving a success.    I am sure we will sort it together and perhaps one day an update will progress without other than the odd hiccup you get with computers.     Keep up the good work support but I am afraid some more late nights for you.  Could we not control functions by saying "function" and relevant number Kind regards Malcolm

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The only problem with your final suggestion, mal, is that that would be difficult if you were not able to see your PC screen from where you happen to be when issuing voice commands. You'd have to carry round lists of functions for locos you wish to control that way.

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Yes, I would support Mal's proposal as an option - I have functions labelled Whistle 1, 2 and 3, and these are not recognised by RM. I don't see the use of Function 1 etc. as a problem - after all RM happily recognises right/green for points. RM cleverly allows a great deal of flexibilty in its commands. Function 2/Whistle ought to be easily doable. Indeed, I hoped that it might be already, but isn't. Which is a pity because it would have been a work-around for the problem that none of the sound commands works here.

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We do know that RailMaster Support have taken notice of the 'Desirable Features' thread and many of the changes in v1.56 were as a result of members suggestions in that thread.  Obviously, it is up to you how you want to pursue your suggestion but that thread was raised to keep all topics together.

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@HRMS - don't take this the wrong way, you are doing a great job at fire fighting snags in RM - but lets introduce proper software configuration control rather than this ad-hoc 'download the latest version from here' system, else no one will know what version of a version of a version they have installed.


V1.56 was the initial upgrade from V1.55 via auto update within RM. Fine and dandy - everyone should have it now (given an Internet connxn ... except maybe John in France - ne ce pas).

The next controlled sequential update to RM should be V1.56.1, then V1.56.2, et seq which RM should recognise and install. Normally used to fix important day to day problems, e.g. things we are seeing happen now.

Next significant update will be V1.57 and RM will again recognise and install. Normally a collation of less urgent scheduled accumulated updates.

RM V2.0 - a major update that may contain optional features, say those requiring purchase. This will be recognised and offered by RM. Roughly analogous to RM free trial version versus the bought package.

At the moment I have no idea what interim version of 1.56 I have, so how can I sensibly comment to or advise people posting queries about 'does your RM do/not do this or that, etc' as they may be using a different configuration +/- to me, which they also will have no way of positively identifying for comparison.

I realise having to go through a Company Quality Approval and Sign-Off system for minor changes can slow the issue procedure down, but at least there is record of change and why it happened. In a previous life I used a Fast Track system by way of simple Change Notes (usually scribbled red line changes) which were then rationalised at the next full issue, e.g. all V1.56.n changes were then properly collated into V1.57. Each change thus went out under a positive and authorised change of state.

All previous attempts at generating a dialogue on this subject within posted threads for the benefit of others has generally led to my posts disappearing. I'm not looking for excuses, just positive action so we all have a reference point of where we are at.

Keep up the good work, Rob

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have just downloaded new update and now have no speed control rm will not respond to speed 10,20,30 or any speed.

all other functions are fine the only way i can get any movement is the old fashioned way of moving the slider.

any ideas thanks

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Thanks but I don't understand that.  When I go into 'Set up Locomotives' and select one of my Loco's that uses the functions, the list presented in RailMaster starts at F0 and goes down to F25.  Also, pressing 0 on my Elite controller operates the function designated to F0.

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I had this a few days ago when I first tried out Voice Control. I found that "Speed (any number)" would be reflected not only in the Voice Control window, but also in the Loco's control window, but the loco wouldn't move. After experimentation I found that speaking the word either "Forward" or "reverse" would cause the speed to be actioned. I reported this through the system, and HRMS are looking at it. I get a confirmation beep in the headphones for each part e.g. "Speed 20" beep "Forward " beep, and I can leave several seconds before saying "Forward" or "Reverse" and this still works.


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Hi All

Back again got my logitech h600 after sending back one that was DOA never mind set it up via microsoft speech recognition and done about 4 lessons ,then into RM via voice control and loco 38 worked ok but did not recognize loco 35. ok with points has i only have 12 points not to hard, 8 signals ok but it's so  hit and miss with locos if you just use the loco id some it reconize and others no chance i am even started talking like a old pathe news reader. but NO I can say 33 and no problem say 35 it not got a clue. what length of time do you need to teach the speech recognition to start even get what is need.   what I am saying is mircosoft speech software is not up to the game what chance have we got of running a layout with it I mean my layout is only 12 foot by 18inches and i could only get 1 train out of 12 to running with the voice control so I am thinking is it worth the effort as it has cost £65.00 for pro and wireless headphones to only get 1 train running.

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Hi Ray 

yes i've experienced the same oddity on my system.. or is it ?   I find it quite safisfying saying 'Forward' 

a bit like Capt Jean-Luke Piccard of Star Trek..... 'computer... engage...'

It's interesting to record programmes using Voice control although still havn't mamaged to open Railmaster completely via voice control computer doesn't seem to understand 'OPEN' , although repeated many times at increasing levels of volume (neighbours must think .... nay now know that i've lost it) when the 'allow programme window 'opens


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I only have this issue since I downloaded the latest version today.

I can say foward speed whatever but get no movement get the beep after forward command but nothing after speed command.

Have since gone back to I think the version released on the 17th and everything is back to normal

Thanks for the reply

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