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Unhappy bunny

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Please find attached log.txt from today. I have had railmaster and elink now for just over one month and I am, to say the least, not impressed.
I originally had trouble registering the program and had a nice guy from Hornby sort it for me, but I am now continually having the program crash on me – even since the upgrade to 1.56.

Below, please find todays log.txt from which hopefully you will be able to find and solve the problem. I would dearly love to use elink and railmaster at exhibitions but frankly by current experience it is simply not reliable enough.

I have an Acer aspire 5332 running windows 7 fully updated, 4gm of memory with 1.8ghz Celeron t3000 processsor


Tony Forward (I’m on the forum as tony_forward

15/09/14 14:28:15 RAILMASTER STARTED 1.56
15/09/14 14:28:17 Reading Font.dat
15/09/14 14:28:17 Reading font.dat chr(33)=! (!)
15/09/14 14:28:17 Loaded loco group names
15/09/14 14:28:17 Loaded system settings
15/09/14 14:28:19 Loading loco detection tags
15/09/14 14:28:19 106 loco tag IDs loaded into array
15/09/14 14:28:20 After re-loading locos, setting locos panel height=20250
15/09/14 14:28:20 Detection IDs in use: ,001,
15/09/14 14:28:20 Updated Loco detection IDs array with 1 codes
15/09/14 14:28:20 Set position and size of RailMaster form
15/09/14 14:28:22 Loaded system specific phrases in English
15/09/14 14:28:22 Setting colour scheme to: White
15/09/14 14:28:22 Mtl Gradient present=87798
15/09/14 14:28:23 Loading loco detection tags
15/09/14 14:28:23 106 loco tag IDs loaded into array
15/09/14 14:28:25 Loaded phrases for: English
15/09/14 14:28:25 Created and deleted test file successfully
15/09/14 14:28:25 Windows version: 6.01 (Windows 7) (64-bit)
15/09/14 14:28:25 Windows short date format: dd/MM/yyyy
15/09/14 14:28:25 Loading INI settings
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set tipper speed to 80 speed units
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set tipper running time to 86.6 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set turntable speed to 40 speed units
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set turntable inter-road run time to 19.3 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set points firing interval to 0.75 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set conveyr speed to 65 speed units
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set networking start port to 30
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set checking of serial ports on
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set allow deactivate
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set allowing of default loco speed curves
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set TCP polling time to 1 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set confirm deletion dialogs
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set detection timeout to 5 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set throttle interval to 5 ms
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set Palm interval to 0.07 ms
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set ask to set points to 0
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set plan area to send to handhelds: 1,1,135,135
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set program tick sound to 1
15/09/14 14:28:25 Finished loading INI settings
15/09/14 14:28:25 OS Language in use: English (United Kingdom) ENG
15/09/14 14:28:25 Loaded language specific labels for RailMaster Window (English)
15/09/14 14:28:25 Loaded 16 default speed curves
15/09/14 14:28:25 Hardware M/C1: BFEBFBFF0001067ABase Board Serial Number
15/09/14 14:28:25 Checking license file
15/09/14 14:28:25 Found license file in wpath
15/09/14 14:28:25 File date=08/08/2007
15/09/14 14:28:25 File passes date check
15/09/14 14:28:25 Ascertained full version of software
15/09/14 14:28:25 File M/C2: BFEBFBFF0001067ABase Board Serial Number
15/09/14 14:28:25 Found MSerial ID
15/09/14 14:28:25 License passes MSerial check
15/09/14 14:28:26 Checking file for updates: Resource.mdb
15/09/14 14:28:26 Screen resolution: 96/96
15/09/14 14:28:26 Loading loco detection tags
15/09/14 14:28:26 106 loco tag IDs loaded into array
15/09/14 14:28:27 After re-loading locos, setting locos panel height=20250
15/09/14 14:28:27 Detection IDs in use: ,001,
15/09/14 14:28:27 Updated Loco detection IDs array with 1 codes
15/09/14 14:28:27 Testing for installed languages
15/09/14 14:28:27 Main screen left position was: 0 so resetting to zero
15/09/14 14:28:27 Main screen top position was: 0 so resetting to zero
15/09/14 14:28:27 Checking for latest server settings (HTTP)
15/09/14 14:28:30 Downloaded settings (HTTP)
15/09/14 14:28:30 Found latest settings and downloaded (http)
15/09/14 14:28:30 Read local credentials: rg
15/09/14 14:28:30 Settings found to decompress
15/09/14 14:28:30 Copied/deleted files successfully
15/09/14 14:28:31 Decompressed settings (9...1/e...5/g...r)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking for program updates (primary server)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking for updates available in English
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking available version: 1.56 against current: 1.56
15/09/14 14:28:31 Downloading updates list
15/09/14 14:28:31 Response: (0)
15/09/14 14:28:31 First file of updates list: GUIDE_EN.PDF
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking need for: GUIDE_EN.PDF (Size=4649795 Date=09/09/2014)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Installed size=4649795 installed date=10/09/2014
15/09/14 14:28:31 No need to download GUIDE_EN.PDF
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking need for: LICENCE.EN (Size=7759 Date=05/02/2013)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Installed size=7760 installed date=26/02/2014
15/09/14 14:28:31 No need to download LICENCE.EN
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking need for: LANGUAGE.MDB (Size=524288 Date=14/09/2014)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Installed size=524288 installed date=15/09/2014
15/09/14 14:28:31 No need to download LANGUAGE.MDB
15/09/14 14:28:32 Checking need for: LOCOS.DAT (Size=195101 Date=08/08/2014)
15/09/14 14:28:32 Installed size=195101 installed date=13/09/2014
15/09/14 14:28:32 No need to download LOCOS.DAT
15/09/14 14:28:32 Nothing to do
15/09/14 14:28:32 Starting communications with: Hornby eLink on Com3
15/09/14 14:28:32 Settings: 115200, None, 8, 1
15/09/14 14:28:32 Current Com port status=False
15/09/14 14:28:32 Setting and opening com port: 3
15/09/14 14:28:32 Set com port successfully
15/09/14 14:28:32 Set com port settings successfully: 115200,n,8,1
15/09/14 14:28:33 Opened Com port successfully
15/09/14 14:28:33 Com port status=True
15/09/14 14:28:33 Preparing eLink handshake (Port status=True)
15/09/14 14:28:33 Initiating handshake with eLink (Port open=True)
15/09/14 14:28:38 Received correct response to initial request
15/09/14 14:28:40 Handshake completed successfully
15/09/14 14:28:41 Requesting response from DCC controller
15/09/14 14:28:41 DCC controller response: 99 33 106 1 41
15/09/14 14:28:41 Initialised Controller successfully
15/09/14 14:28:41 Type: Hornby eLink Version: 1.06
15/09/14 14:28:41 Checking eLink firmware: 1.06 against: 1.06
15/09/14 14:28:44 Compacted/encrypted resources database
15/09/14 14:28:44 Compacted/encrypted language database
15/09/14 14:28:44 Showed 13 available Locos on start-up
15/09/14 14:28:44 Startup plan set: C:Program Files (x86)RailMasterGarage Layout.pln
15/09/14 14:28:44 Loading default plan: C:Program Files (x86)RailMasterGarage Layout.pln
15/09/14 14:28:44 Set Plan area: 15500 x 14000
15/09/14 14:28:44 First line: *jy†ˆNDFFIF“EFJEE
15/09/14 14:28:44 Normalised: Vert:02251~01500
15/09/14 14:28:44 Last line: Label:07891~00000~00015~Arial ~008~0~0~0~
15/09/14 14:28:44 Loaded default track plan: Garage Layout
15/09/14 14:28:44 Loaded all available programs
15/09/14 14:28:44 Setting point: 1 to: Left Order: 1
15/09/14 14:28:45 Setting point: 2 to: Right Order: 2
15/09/14 14:28:46 Setting point: 5 to: Left Order: 3
15/09/14 14:28:47 Setting point: 6 to: Right Order: 4
15/09/14 14:28:48 Setting point: 7 to: Left Order: 5
15/09/14 14:28:49 Setting point: 4 to: Left Order: 6
15/09/14 14:28:50 Setting point: 3 to: Left Order: 7
15/09/14 14:28:51 Setting point: 8 to: Left Order: 8
15/09/14 14:28:52 Set all default points
15/09/14 14:28:52 Showing routes (maxlen=1500)
15/09/14 14:28:52 Set all points and signals on sartup
15/09/14 14:28:52 Set all default signals
15/09/14 14:28:53 Enabled 8 of 8 TCP sockets starting from: 30
15/09/14 14:28:53 On startup, setting locos panel height=20250
15/09/14 14:28:53 Started with Administrator rights
15/09/14 14:28:53 Checking network adapter settings
15/09/14 14:28:53 Running IP network check
15/09/14 14:28:55 Network connection details for: Atheros AR8132 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)
15/09/14 14:28:55 Using DHCP to obtain IP address: YES
15/09/14 14:28:55 Auto IP address configuration: YES
15/09/14 14:29:08 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:29:09 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:29:17 Loading loco detection tags
15/09/14 14:29:17 106 loco tag IDs loaded into array
15/09/14 14:29:17 After re-loading locos, setting locos panel height=33075
15/09/14 14:29:18 Detection IDs in use: ,001,
15/09/14 14:29:18 Updated Loco detection IDs array with 1 codes
15/09/14 14:40:11 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:12 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:14 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:33 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:34 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:37 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:38 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:27 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:28 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:29 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:30 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:53 Initiating connection to Licence/Updates server
15/09/14 14:41:53 Connecting to remote gateway
15/09/14 14:41:53 Setting connection server, username and password
15/09/14 14:41:53 Setting remote host
15/09/14 14:41:53 Setting server credentials 1
15/09/14 14:41:53 Setting server credentials 2
15/09/14 14:41:53 Set up connection to server
15/09/14 14:41:53 Entering gateway root for updates check - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:41:56 Response: The operation completed successfully. (0)
15/09/14 14:41:56 Entered gateway root
15/09/14 14:41:56 Downloading latest settings (F)
15/09/14 14:41:56 Couldn't download latest settings: 200 Type set to I.
15/09/14 14:41:56 Entering keys gateway - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:41:57 Response: The operation completed successfully. (0)
15/09/14 14:41:57 Entered resource: S....
15/09/14 14:41:57 Connected to server
15/09/14 14:41:57 Downloading last connection info to: C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster
15/09/14 14:41:58 Response: 200 Type set to I.
15/09/14 14:41:58 500 Invalid PORT Command.
15/09/14 14:41:58 500 'LPRT 6,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,192,157': command not understood
15/09/14 14:41:58 (12003)
15/09/14 14:41:58 Updating last connection information
15/09/14 14:41:58 Created local file (141 bytes)
15/09/14 14:42:00 Response: 200 Type set to I.
15/09/14 14:42:00 500 Invalid PORT Command.
15/09/14 14:42:00 500 'LPRT 6,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,192,158': command not understood
15/09/14 14:42:00 (12003)
15/09/14 14:42:00 Couldn't update last connection details: 200 Type set to I.
15/09/14 14:42:00 Checking licencing status of software
15/09/14 14:42:00 Verifying key: RM2D5CB7BJA7DFG4992B356FA
15/09/14 14:42:00 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:42:30 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:42:31 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 2
15/09/14 14:42:44 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:45 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:47 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:48 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:01 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:43:02 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 3
15/09/14 14:43:28 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:29 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:32 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:43:33 Getting remote licence key (nor) - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:44:03 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:44:04 Getting remote licence key (nor) - attempt 2

At this point the only thing I can do is to use task manager to close the program!

I tried to send this from the help part of the program but it crashed again!


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You should ask Hornby to delete this post as it includes your product key.

Please note, we cannot take reponsibility for anybody using your key, which you have published, where you cannot then use your software in the future.

RailMaster does not crash, as a product.  If it is crashing on your system then something on your system is causing this.  By "crashing" we infer that the program stops dead with a Windows-generated error message ro jsut terminates.

The fact that you are unable to send a Help Request (we have received nothing from you) indicates that RailMaster is being blocked on your system.

You need to read the Internet Security guide first.  You can also temporarily disable your antivirus software and try to send a Help Request.  If this goes through then you know that RailMaster has not been added correctly to your antivirus and firewall software.

We received a comment from one user recently. who was fed up with McAfee and that uninstalling McAffee (if that is what you have) resolves all issues with RailMaster in terms of communications and "crashing".

When we researched AV products to produce the helpful Internet Security guide, we found that McAfee was by far and away the worst to deal with.  Unfortunately, it is also one of the most widely used as large companies give it away with the computers and services.

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Thanks for the reply. I have AVG on my laptop, not mcaffee. i get no windows error or any other error, the program simply stops working!


I asked once on here whether railmaster needs internet access to work properly and i am wondering if the fact that the layout is in the garage with little or no internet access is the problem. Can you tell from the log file that I sent what is stopping the program? 


If indeed the problem is lack of internet then my intention pf using railmaster/elink on an exhibition layout is a non-starter as most venues do not have internet access for visitors.





Ps i have asked hornby to edit or delete the post

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Tony - you are confusing needing Internet access to send a Help Request or activate the product, with needing Internet access to run the program generally.

Clearly any activity that requires communications with us (activation, Help Requests) needs some form of communication to get in touch with us .... Internet.

Running your trains, switching points, setting signals etc. require no form of communication with the outside world.

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