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Unhappy bunny

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Please find attached log.txt from today. I have had railmaster and elink now for just over one month and I am, to say the least, not impressed.
I originally had trouble registering the program and had a nice guy from Hornby sort it for me, but I am now continually having the program crash on me – even since the upgrade to 1.56.

Below, please find todays log.txt from which hopefully you will be able to find and solve the problem. I would dearly love to use elink and railmaster at exhibitions but frankly by current experience it is simply not reliable enough.

I have an Acer aspire 5332 running windows 7 fully updated, 4gm of memory with 1.8ghz Celeron t3000 processsor


Tony Forward (I’m on the forum as tony_forward

15/09/14 14:28:15 RAILMASTER STARTED 1.56
15/09/14 14:28:17 Reading Font.dat
15/09/14 14:28:17 Reading font.dat chr(33)=! (!)
15/09/14 14:28:17 Loaded loco group names
15/09/14 14:28:17 Loaded system settings
15/09/14 14:28:19 Loading loco detection tags
15/09/14 14:28:19 106 loco tag IDs loaded into array
15/09/14 14:28:20 After re-loading locos, setting locos panel height=20250
15/09/14 14:28:20 Detection IDs in use: ,001,
15/09/14 14:28:20 Updated Loco detection IDs array with 1 codes
15/09/14 14:28:20 Set position and size of RailMaster form
15/09/14 14:28:22 Loaded system specific phrases in English
15/09/14 14:28:22 Setting colour scheme to: White
15/09/14 14:28:22 Mtl Gradient present=87798
15/09/14 14:28:23 Loading loco detection tags
15/09/14 14:28:23 106 loco tag IDs loaded into array
15/09/14 14:28:25 Loaded phrases for: English
15/09/14 14:28:25 Created and deleted test file successfully
15/09/14 14:28:25 Windows version: 6.01 (Windows 7) (64-bit)
15/09/14 14:28:25 Windows short date format: dd/MM/yyyy
15/09/14 14:28:25 Loading INI settings
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set tipper speed to 80 speed units
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set tipper running time to 86.6 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set turntable speed to 40 speed units
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set turntable inter-road run time to 19.3 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set points firing interval to 0.75 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set conveyr speed to 65 speed units
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set networking start port to 30
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set checking of serial ports on
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set allow deactivate
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set allowing of default loco speed curves
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set TCP polling time to 1 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set confirm deletion dialogs
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set detection timeout to 5 seconds
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set throttle interval to 5 ms
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set Palm interval to 0.07 ms
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set ask to set points to 0
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set plan area to send to handhelds: 1,1,135,135
15/09/14 14:28:25 Set program tick sound to 1
15/09/14 14:28:25 Finished loading INI settings
15/09/14 14:28:25 OS Language in use: English (United Kingdom) ENG
15/09/14 14:28:25 Loaded language specific labels for RailMaster Window (English)
15/09/14 14:28:25 Loaded 16 default speed curves
15/09/14 14:28:25 Hardware M/C1: BFEBFBFF0001067ABase Board Serial Number
15/09/14 14:28:25 Checking license file
15/09/14 14:28:25 Found license file in wpath
15/09/14 14:28:25 File date=08/08/2007
15/09/14 14:28:25 File passes date check
15/09/14 14:28:25 Ascertained full version of software
15/09/14 14:28:25 File M/C2: BFEBFBFF0001067ABase Board Serial Number
15/09/14 14:28:25 Found MSerial ID
15/09/14 14:28:25 License passes MSerial check
15/09/14 14:28:26 Checking file for updates: Resource.mdb
15/09/14 14:28:26 Screen resolution: 96/96
15/09/14 14:28:26 Loading loco detection tags
15/09/14 14:28:26 106 loco tag IDs loaded into array
15/09/14 14:28:27 After re-loading locos, setting locos panel height=20250
15/09/14 14:28:27 Detection IDs in use: ,001,
15/09/14 14:28:27 Updated Loco detection IDs array with 1 codes
15/09/14 14:28:27 Testing for installed languages
15/09/14 14:28:27 Main screen left position was: 0 so resetting to zero
15/09/14 14:28:27 Main screen top position was: 0 so resetting to zero
15/09/14 14:28:27 Checking for latest server settings (HTTP)
15/09/14 14:28:30 Downloaded settings (HTTP)
15/09/14 14:28:30 Found latest settings and downloaded (http)
15/09/14 14:28:30 Read local credentials: rg
15/09/14 14:28:30 Settings found to decompress
15/09/14 14:28:30 Copied/deleted files successfully
15/09/14 14:28:31 Decompressed settings (9...1/e...5/g...r)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking for program updates (primary server)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking for updates available in English
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking available version: 1.56 against current: 1.56
15/09/14 14:28:31 Downloading updates list
15/09/14 14:28:31 Response: (0)
15/09/14 14:28:31 First file of updates list: GUIDE_EN.PDF
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking need for: GUIDE_EN.PDF (Size=4649795 Date=09/09/2014)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Installed size=4649795 installed date=10/09/2014
15/09/14 14:28:31 No need to download GUIDE_EN.PDF
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking need for: LICENCE.EN (Size=7759 Date=05/02/2013)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Installed size=7760 installed date=26/02/2014
15/09/14 14:28:31 No need to download LICENCE.EN
15/09/14 14:28:31 Checking need for: LANGUAGE.MDB (Size=524288 Date=14/09/2014)
15/09/14 14:28:31 Installed size=524288 installed date=15/09/2014
15/09/14 14:28:31 No need to download LANGUAGE.MDB
15/09/14 14:28:32 Checking need for: LOCOS.DAT (Size=195101 Date=08/08/2014)
15/09/14 14:28:32 Installed size=195101 installed date=13/09/2014
15/09/14 14:28:32 No need to download LOCOS.DAT
15/09/14 14:28:32 Nothing to do
15/09/14 14:28:32 Starting communications with: Hornby eLink on Com3
15/09/14 14:28:32 Settings: 115200, None, 8, 1
15/09/14 14:28:32 Current Com port status=False
15/09/14 14:28:32 Setting and opening com port: 3
15/09/14 14:28:32 Set com port successfully
15/09/14 14:28:32 Set com port settings successfully: 115200,n,8,1
15/09/14 14:28:33 Opened Com port successfully
15/09/14 14:28:33 Com port status=True
15/09/14 14:28:33 Preparing eLink handshake (Port status=True)
15/09/14 14:28:33 Initiating handshake with eLink (Port open=True)
15/09/14 14:28:38 Received correct response to initial request
15/09/14 14:28:40 Handshake completed successfully
15/09/14 14:28:41 Requesting response from DCC controller
15/09/14 14:28:41 DCC controller response: 99 33 106 1 41
15/09/14 14:28:41 Initialised Controller successfully
15/09/14 14:28:41 Type: Hornby eLink Version: 1.06
15/09/14 14:28:41 Checking eLink firmware: 1.06 against: 1.06
15/09/14 14:28:44 Compacted/encrypted resources database
15/09/14 14:28:44 Compacted/encrypted language database
15/09/14 14:28:44 Showed 13 available Locos on start-up
15/09/14 14:28:44 Startup plan set: C:Program Files (x86)RailMasterGarage Layout.pln
15/09/14 14:28:44 Loading default plan: C:Program Files (x86)RailMasterGarage Layout.pln
15/09/14 14:28:44 Set Plan area: 15500 x 14000
15/09/14 14:28:44 First line: *jy†ˆNDFFIF“EFJEE
15/09/14 14:28:44 Normalised: Vert:02251~01500
15/09/14 14:28:44 Last line: Label:07891~00000~00015~Arial ~008~0~0~0~
15/09/14 14:28:44 Loaded default track plan: Garage Layout
15/09/14 14:28:44 Loaded all available programs
15/09/14 14:28:44 Setting point: 1 to: Left Order: 1
15/09/14 14:28:45 Setting point: 2 to: Right Order: 2
15/09/14 14:28:46 Setting point: 5 to: Left Order: 3
15/09/14 14:28:47 Setting point: 6 to: Right Order: 4
15/09/14 14:28:48 Setting point: 7 to: Left Order: 5
15/09/14 14:28:49 Setting point: 4 to: Left Order: 6
15/09/14 14:28:50 Setting point: 3 to: Left Order: 7
15/09/14 14:28:51 Setting point: 8 to: Left Order: 8
15/09/14 14:28:52 Set all default points
15/09/14 14:28:52 Showing routes (maxlen=1500)
15/09/14 14:28:52 Set all points and signals on sartup
15/09/14 14:28:52 Set all default signals
15/09/14 14:28:53 Enabled 8 of 8 TCP sockets starting from: 30
15/09/14 14:28:53 On startup, setting locos panel height=20250
15/09/14 14:28:53 Started with Administrator rights
15/09/14 14:28:53 Checking network adapter settings
15/09/14 14:28:53 Running IP network check
15/09/14 14:28:55 Network connection details for: Atheros AR8132 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)
15/09/14 14:28:55 Using DHCP to obtain IP address: YES
15/09/14 14:28:55 Auto IP address configuration: YES
15/09/14 14:29:08 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:29:09 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:29:17 Loading loco detection tags
15/09/14 14:29:17 106 loco tag IDs loaded into array
15/09/14 14:29:17 After re-loading locos, setting locos panel height=33075
15/09/14 14:29:18 Detection IDs in use: ,001,
15/09/14 14:29:18 Updated Loco detection IDs array with 1 codes
15/09/14 14:40:11 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:12 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:14 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:33 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:34 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:37 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:40:38 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:27 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:28 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:29 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:30 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:41:53 Initiating connection to Licence/Updates server
15/09/14 14:41:53 Connecting to remote gateway
15/09/14 14:41:53 Setting connection server, username and password
15/09/14 14:41:53 Setting remote host
15/09/14 14:41:53 Setting server credentials 1
15/09/14 14:41:53 Setting server credentials 2
15/09/14 14:41:53 Set up connection to server
15/09/14 14:41:53 Entering gateway root for updates check - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:41:56 Response: The operation completed successfully. (0)
15/09/14 14:41:56 Entered gateway root
15/09/14 14:41:56 Downloading latest settings (F)
15/09/14 14:41:56 Couldn't download latest settings: 200 Type set to I.
15/09/14 14:41:56 Entering keys gateway - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:41:57 Response: The operation completed successfully. (0)
15/09/14 14:41:57 Entered resource: S....
15/09/14 14:41:57 Connected to server
15/09/14 14:41:57 Downloading last connection info to: C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster
15/09/14 14:41:58 Response: 200 Type set to I.
15/09/14 14:41:58 500 Invalid PORT Command.
15/09/14 14:41:58 500 'LPRT 6,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,192,157': command not understood
15/09/14 14:41:58 (12003)
15/09/14 14:41:58 Updating last connection information
15/09/14 14:41:58 Created local file (141 bytes)
15/09/14 14:42:00 Response: 200 Type set to I.
15/09/14 14:42:00 500 Invalid PORT Command.
15/09/14 14:42:00 500 'LPRT 6,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,192,158': command not understood
15/09/14 14:42:00 (12003)
15/09/14 14:42:00 Couldn't update last connection details: 200 Type set to I.
15/09/14 14:42:00 Checking licencing status of software
15/09/14 14:42:00 Verifying key: RM2D5CB7BJA7DFG4992B356FA
15/09/14 14:42:00 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:42:30 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:42:31 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 2
15/09/14 14:42:44 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:45 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:47 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:48 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:01 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:43:02 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 3
15/09/14 14:43:28 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:29 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:32 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:43:33 Getting remote licence key (nor) - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:44:03 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:44:04 Getting remote licence key (nor) - attempt 2

At this point the only thing I can do is to use task manager to close the program!

I tried to send this from the help part of the program but it crashed again!


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Tony_Forward ... please read the posting carefully.

You have published your RailMaster product key for the world to see.

If somebody else uses that key in the future and you can no longer gain access to your licensed copy of RailMaster there is nothing we can do about it.

You should use the "Report" button to ask the Hornby web forum team to delete your original  post, and the duplicate one.

That should be your priority right now, then you can read our replies, read the documentation, follow the instructions and send a Help Request from within the software.

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I have used the report button on both posts, so hopefully all will be well.


Ok , situation is as follows.

my laptop had windows 8 on it and mcaffee. I added the railmaster software to the exceptions and still couldnt activate it. I formatted the hard drive and went back to windows 7 with AVG as the anti virus (mcaffee being overpriced) railmaster is added to the firewall and the antivirus as an exception and still unable to activate it. A guy from ?hornby? Or railmaster logged in to my machine and activated the software. 

So far, so good. 


Then I take the laptop to the garage and run the Layout. The railmaster program 'freezes' quite often, which is, as you can imagine, very frustrating. 

Looking at the log file that I have published (as there seemed no other way to show you) it appears to me that it may be a problem accessing the internet - which does not surprise me as it doesnt work well in the garage! 

If this is the case please tell me and I can make alternative arrangements for controlling the layout (going back to the select which works well) 


This afternoon I had the problem again and copied the log file, the layout then ran well for over an hour so the current log file has no problems on it other than being unable to send the help file.


Help please!!


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The bit that I'm looking at on the log file is:)

15/09/14 14:42:00 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:42:30 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:42:31 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 2
15/09/14 14:42:44 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:45 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:47 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:42:48 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:01 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:43:02 Getting remote licence key (jum) - attempt 3
15/09/14 14:43:28 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:29 Showing routes (maxlen=1125)
15/09/14 14:43:32 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:43:33 Getting remote licence key (nor) - attempt 1
15/09/14 14:44:03 Response: 200 Type set to I. (12003)
15/09/14 14:44:04 Getting remote licence key (nor) - attempt 2


And then it freezes?

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why not boost the wifi, mine goes for 80 metres. Alternatively, take laptop and elink into house and connect and re connect, and see if still a problem. You never have to publish the log file, as hornby have a copy, every time you log on, they can see . I use norton anti virus, that works well, john. Going back to select, would be a waste, john

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Hi John.

Agree that going back to the select would be a waste, but at the moment although I love the way the elink works and want to persevere I am getting more than a little frustrated with the continual freezing of the railmaster program! I really wouldn't feel comfortable at the moment taking a layout to an exhibition with railmaster as the controller of choice, i simply have not found it reliable enough.

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elink is far more versatile for exhibitions than a select. Have you tried to control 2 trains at once with a select. Running 5 or six at once with elink, when 100%, is very good, far easier, to maintain. I have both, when kids come, let them use select. What about points and signals with a select, the mind boggles. I presume somebody has asked you before, but you DO have a 4 amp transformer, with your elink, dont you.. Your elink is not the problem, its only a bridge between the track and railmaster. Its your anti virus, or laptop, usb lead, windows 8, one of those or a mixture of both. I have not known hornby support, to be beaten yet. There is a school of thought that xp is very stable, if your going to exhibitions, you could pick up a laptop with xp, for a song on ebay, as a specialist use machine. john

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john, you're right, elink and railmaster would be ideal, i was at an exhibition last week on an N gauge dcc layout with an nce powercab, no points, pretty much one loco at a time and my elink is much more user friendly. Maybe an xp machine would be the answer. If the internet is not a necessity other than activation or help, then if someone tells me why the program freezes so often then I could do something about it :)

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Hi Tony 

don't know if this will be helpful but maybe a point to note 

I kept my layout in the shed which was great but when I introduced DCC I stated to get problems with laptops PC's etc not functioning well crashing for no reason, eratic start up. I put it down mainly to damp cold conditions in the shed affecting both electronics in the pc/chips in the locos ,and weak wifi 

Since moving indoors (insulated loft in the extension) problems resolved ......

I know we are having rather a nice autumn at the mo but garages can be cold and damp .......

The only other things is as Support said there must be a conflict on you pc, pretty sure you don't need internet to operate Railmaster tho 



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No, tony, its not Railmaster either, its the windows/ laptop.. Hornby trialed this for yonks before releasing it I live in france, and have had awful trouble with connections, due i belive to location. Hornby have twice looked at my french machine, with french windows , and manfully made it run.. I think it you put it in a dedicated XP laptop, you would be sorted. Railmaster has been about a long time, and worked a treat with early windows. . john 

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Hi Tony 

I was running RM/elink on a windows 8 laptop - bought for the purpose. Everything was running brilliantly on v1.55. However, did the update and it all went wrong. Sounds like exactly the same issues you were having. 

HRMS were great, in that they took my machine a couple of times, sorted it, following which things operated for about 10 minutes followed by everything freezing - locking up whatever it's called. Couldn't even get the task manager to close the programme.

There was McAfee AV on the machine, but did a factory reset and removed as much as I could - still not happy, so basically I have given up completely and decided that I can do without the hassle.

I'm really disappointed with the whole thing really, but I guess you learn by your mistakes. 

Can't fault the help and support provided by HRMS and this forum, this has all been tremendous and I really do appreciate the help and advice I have been given.

However, I just want to operate my layout in as striaght forward manner possible, which I was able to do before this update, so I have decided that all this technology isn't for me and it's back to basics in terms of my DCC control.


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Hi Admin 

thanks for taking the time to read and reply. 

I really can't praise the level of support enough, they genuinely are brilliant. I am a regular user of computers both professionally and personally, all of which do what I want them to do when I turn them on. 

What I'm not brilliant at, nor have any intention in being, is dealing with hardware or software issues... I just like things to work as they should, which isn't really an unreasonable assumption. 

I had reviewed, reviewed and reviewed before deciding to go with the elink and railmaster set up - despite some of the more negative reviews, I really thought it was worth a go, Hornby being my introduction to DCC with the Select. 

I even bought a new laptop for the purpose of running the package, as I prefer to use Apple products as opposed to Windows machines. But, despite the best efforts of everyone on this forum and the Support team, I regret to say that I am not prepared to suffer the uncertainty of it all. 

I know from this forum many people have had issues when setting up for the first time, which I was really surprised and happy that I didn't, as installing v1.55 everything worked brilliantly - first time everytime. Unfortunately, following the update, it's all gone a bit pear shaped.

So the new laptop and RM/e-link will gather dust under my layout, whilst my Select does what it needs to to operate things. 

I know that I am not the most patient of individuals and enjoy a good rant at my work computer (Windows again), assuming the louder you shout it will eventually do as you have asked it, so perhaps I will be in the minority in taking the decision I have and may even regret it, time will tell.

Who knows, in the future I may decide to dust off the elink and give another go, but for now, whilst an Unhappy Bunny in terms of my choice of a new controller, I can still enjoy the basics of my hobby thanks to my Hornby models and Select Controller, which is all I've ever wanted to do really..

Very best wishes and a heartfelt thanks for this forum - it really is a brilliant source of help and support - hopefully I'm still allowed to be part of it :-).

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My thanks to Admin for cleaning up my Thread. 

I have read the answers on here and on other threads about Internet access and anti-virus programs and would like to make the following observation.

My laptop has AVG free on it, not Mcaffee and is using the windows firewall. 

RM is an exception on both.

I am 99 percent certain that there is no trace of Mcaffee but will check again when I return from holiday, perhaps RM support will log on to my pc again for me and check that everything is as it should be when I return. 

The thread certainly seems to have stirred up some responses and I'm sure that eventually we will all get sorted and be happy bunnies

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