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Well, here I go!


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The clue was in my previous post to PJ,  No, this machine is a desktop, and has no RM. The laptop is in french, with french windows, and sits in the loft. It will never be connected permanently to the internet. When i purchased the majestic i particularly asked hornby if i would need a permanenent internet connection, knowing that the layout location was impossible for wifi. They assured me  i would not. Now Ray is saying i do need one. It cannot be done without a massive ethernet cable, and someone to wire it through the house. Even last night we were telling the new guy he did not need wifi for exibition use. This product has changed its concept.  It is in my view up to hornby to give me a solution, and if a permanent wifi is necessary, come out and say so. john

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John, I think I understand your dilemma now. I use a notebook (small laptop) to operate RM in my railway room. I'm sitting here on my big destop in an adjacent bedroom. I can, and sometimes for comfort, bring the notebook into this room for updating RM, for instance, which I have been doing in the last few days, but I could do it in my railway room because I have an internet hub, my main desktop being wired to it and the notebook with wireless connection.

I really can't see any other way of of doing it. I myself am not in the best of health, so I appreciate any disability problems. However, without a wireless hub, you don't really have any option other than to lead your horse to the water. This forum is pretty good at advising when any latest improvements to RM v1.6 become available. I'm afraid I can't see Hornby being able to do anything about your particular situation, apart from advertising updates here. I agree they should each really be 1.6+ for ease of communication.

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A laptop with French Windows now that is something.  ;-) I would prefer a patio door though.

Joking aside.

I have done 4 downloads so far, when downloading check the file size and see if it has changed. I definately have 4 each file slightly bigger. 

Download every day or every 2nd or 3rd day which ever is best for you and check the file size to see if it is newer than the one you previously installed.



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Well, I never! I didn't think you could use RM on more than one computer without paying for an extra copy, but I suppose a download is a download, regardless of having RM installed on both. I might test that but, if it is possible, there's your answer, John. Hope it works. And I thought I was PC legitimate!

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John, if you want to download the file to one machine connected to the internet, then run it on your laptop connected to the layout without the internet,then change my instructions on page 3 of this thread as follows - 

where I say to select Run after you put the link in your browser, don't do that, select Save instead. But don't just tick the big Save button, click the little arrow next to it and select Save As.  Before hitting that Save As, put a USB memory stick into one of your USB connectors and then when you click Save As, browse to that memory stick and select it as the place to save. The file you are saving is called rm_setup.exe.  

When the download is complete, you can take the stick to your laptop and put it in a USB connector, and open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) to find it on the stick, then double-click on it to run it.  Confirm you really want to do that, even though Windows might suggest you shouldn't, then follow the prompts as I said. When you finally click on finish, RM will be updated and ready to go. 

Just so you don't get confused with the link PJ posted above and the one I posted on page 3, the only difference is that he put http:// at the front of his and I didn't. It doesn't matter whether you put this in or not, the result will be exactly the same. 

If you don't understand any of this, just ask and we'll explain further. It takes a lot to write down but really is not hard when you do it. And once you have done it once, it will be easy to do again for all updates including 1.57 when released.  You'll be proud of yourself. 

PS1. To make it easier for you, as I write this I have been saying it out loud with a French accent to make it easier for you to understand (joke, you lot). 

PS2. All, when explaining things for John, small detailed steps are not condescending, they are essential I have found. 

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Well, being an IT whizz for years I run my Elink on a small 10.1 inch Win 8.1 laptop that is connected to a server at home as I run my business from here. I occasionally download updates via that link provided above and and then just copy it over my network to the said laptop and run from there (same as copying to a USB stick as Fishy describes really). That way I do KNOW that I have the full file correctly downloaded and no interference can be caused during the normal update through the RM program if the connection to your broadband is a bit ropey. Mine isn't but I do like to test stuff for curiosity mainly...

You can't run RM on two machines and activate both... one will be a demo version only.

The downloaded file will almost certainly contain all files necessary to install RM while an update through RM is likely to add new files or overwrite only updated files. The downloaded file will overwrite all files on the installation you made prior or may even just update the files necessary. This depends upon how that file is structured.

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Hi John

The advice Fishy has given is excellent when you have the file.

What I was referring to was creating a shortcut icon on your desktop to reminding you to download the RM file to update. As I am understanding you need to down load the file then take it to the computer/laptop that has your system connected to the eLink.

Note, you can only have one registered verion of RM and it is on the computer/laptop linked to your elink.

Now the shortcut.

I remembered in bed last night I had given you instructions for Windows 8.1

If you have Windows 7 it is different, guidance notes can be found here to create a short cut on Windows 7 


And for windows 8 guidance notes here


It is easy to do John, once you have the short cut icon on your desktop just click it every day, every other day or what ever suits you best. Once downloaded if the file size has changed, usually larger, then do what Fishy says, save it to a USB stick then take it to your RM system computer/laptop and double cick the file to install it over your existing one.

Depending on the size of your USB stick you could probably download the file straight on to it saving you more time.

If you have a different version of Windows and the above doesn't work just go to Google and search something like 'windows 7 create shortcut on desktop' ot what ever Windows version you have. It will bring up many links but look for the microsoft link like those above.

Good luck John

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John, if you understand PJ's suggestion for making a shortcut icon on your desktop, go for it. If not, go back to my instructions which achieve exactly the same thing without the extra step of creating the shortcut. You can use it as many times as you like as they update 1.56 and you can do it again when they release v1.57, the process is exactly the same. You can still be doing it in 5 years time when they release v5.83, again the process is the same. 

And when you double-click on the rm-setup.exe file and run it, it will install the latest version of RM, replacing some or all of the RM program files in the process. It will not change any of your data files on locos or layouts, it will not change any programs you have written, it will not change the setup values you have put in RM to configure it, or that HRMS may have put in there to configure it for you, it will not change any comm ports, it will not change any Windows files and it will not change the exceptions list in your AV software. It will leave you running as administrator as you were before the update. In short, you will then have the latest features in RM and everything else will be unchanged. 

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