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Actual Speedsteps in Railmaster

Alan K

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I have fitted a Loksound 4 decoder into a locomotive but the chuffs don't match the wheel revolutions. This can be corrected by setting a CV to a calculated value. The calculation depends on the time taken for a full revolution at speed step 1 (or more easily by measuring over several revolutions and dividing accordingly). That should be straightforward except I cannot see any means of determining what speed step RM is using - only a scale MPH. Am I missing something or do I need to find somebody with a controller that has visible speedsteps to do the job for me?

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Hi Ray,

Thanks for the reply.

I did spot that after I had posted my question. I had only read the normal operation part of the PDF up until then but for some reason I looked up the commands available in the programming section and did spot the the option you have highlighted. Obviously that is not a realistic means of setting specific speedsteps on an ad hoc basis but there is probably no real need to do so. However it does appear to enable me to meet my particular needs. I'll give it a try when I can (I've had to pack it all away for the time being while decorating :-( ).



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Is this a new feature of v1.56 (being in speed steps, not mph), because 1 of my programs seems to be now producing completely different results than it did a couple of weeks ago.  One Loco that I had programmed to go from end to end (almost) in a siding with a buffer at each end, now only goes a few inches.  When it returns in reverse it does the same distance so something seems to have happened.

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I can't answer that I'm afraid. None of my programs have malfunctioned in that sort of way. I run with the "Use Scale Speeds" parameter unchecked in the System Settings, which may be why I an unaffected by this. What setting do you use?

I take it none of the loco's CV's have been changed?


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I wonder if v1.55 previously interpreted speed [n] as scale mph whereas now v1.56 definitely interprets it as speed steps out of 128 - very different quantities.

I have one loco programme set to go at speed [n] and it gallops now compared to previously, whereas all the others are set to cruise or shunt and they are behaving themselves.

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That is interesting and made me look at my program.

The one Loco of mine that is now just crawling along extremely slowly is a Class 66 from the B team.   The command I have used in my program for this Loco is 'Reverse to [n]' and 'Forward to [n]', whereas with the other Loco's in this program, I have used 'Accelerate Forward [0] to [n]'.  I can't imagine that this should make a difference but for the Class 66, that used to move about 5 feet, it now moves less than 2 feet.  It is extremely repeatable though, just like it was before only over a much shorter distance.

I am reluctant to change my program to give it longer.  I would rather understand why this has happened.

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The Class 66 is definitely only moving Fwd or Rev to a speed step value now under V1.56 (it is documented in the manual) and as such the distance travelled will be repeatable but only a fraction of the MPH travelled distance previously as you have said. You could do the big sums to prove it.

As to the Accel/Decell events, I wonder if that is still using MPH factors hence the distance travelled is the same as before.

Only HRMS can confirm that for you.

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Fortunately there is an index RDS so you can generally miss out some pages in your quest for information.

I have read it cover to cover, but with my dodgy short memory I forget I've done it and will probably read it again tomorrow. 

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