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Propack purchase problem

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We are receiving orders so our servers are working fine.  The things to check on your PC are:-

1. Ensure RailMaster has definitely been added correctly as a full exception to both your antivirus and firewall software as per the Internet Security guide on your Windows desktop.  You can also try submitting the order with your antivirus system temporarily disabled.

2. Ensure RailMaster is running with admin rights by right clicking the icon and ticking the box "Run as admin" in the Compatibility tab

3. Ensure the C:Program Files (x86)RailMaster folder is not set to read-only.  You can right click on the folder in Windows Explorer (My computer) and check this.

4. In very rare cases your router may be blocking the secure protocol used by RailMaster to submit the order, in which case send us s Help Request.  We stress that this is very rare.

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You may have to email support@railmaster.com to get help - I understand that the help system through RM itself uses the same communications mechanism as the one you are trying to use to purchase ProPack. By all means try asking for help through RM, but if that message fails to get through too, it will confirm that it is some sort of firewall problem on your pc.

Woops - HRMS beat me to it... :-)


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Many thanks to HRMS for helping me to get the Pro-Pack code activated after several frustrating hours left to my own devices and three requests for help via RM.  Thought everything was set up correctly, admin rights, no read only signal, updated 1.56 downloaded, Norton Firewall set to allow RM but still couldn't get RM to accept the activation code.  Finally turned off AV and Firewall completely and within seconds the code was activated and speech dialogue box and speech tuition ready.  As suggested Norton seem to be one of the products giving cause for concern and preventing upgrade despite everything seemingly in place to activate VC.  Now need to find time to fine tune the system and see how it goes.

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Norton, McAfee...

...say no more.

If provided with a new PC I immediately use an aggressive uninstaller such as IOBit Uninstaller (free download) to get rid of them - free AV trial or not.

If uninstalled using Windows Programme Manager they will leave TSR (terminate & stay resident) elements which can definitely mess up (I'm being very polite here!) your PC.

The opinion of a professional such as AC welcomed.

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