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Railmaster ver 1.56 update causing points to continually switch


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Hi all.

I've done the update all fine. Every thing seems to work fine but my points. 2 of my Hornby decoders are constantly firing 1 point from each of the  decoders. 1 was doing it yesterday. I installed the update again incase there was an update. Now today 2 are doing it. They are constantly trying to switch every second or so regardless of where they start. I had to dissconnet them as they was getting warm. This also meant no other points from the decoder would work as there wasnt time for the cdu to recharge. I've 5 over the layout and 3 from Dcc concepts, all these others are fine.

Has any one any suggestions?

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Hi there. 

Here is the progress so far. Backed up the .prg .pln and resource.mdb files to a folder just in case. I had noted these points would continue to switch with railmaster shut down and the elink usb disconnected too. Removing elink power would only stop it.

I uninstalled (thankfully remembering to deregister it 1st) and reinstalled from the powerpos. 

Everything worked fine. But I noticed the Resource.mdb file I had backed up was bigger, I presume with my locos. So I copied that over. Then the points started to missbehave again. So deleted it. All ok again.

I can't believe thus file would cause this but going by what I've done it would appear so. 


If any thing changes I'll post it. Just gonna add my locos again.

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It may be something similar to what I have seen.

RM is shut down or not and a TTS loco derails with sound on (F1 active) and a spot sound has been used (say one of those below).

I rerail the TTS loco and it sounds then periodically resounds the last spot sound I had selected above (whistle, coupler, door slam, etc).

The only way to kill it was to select the loco either via RM or direct from the Elite and select then deselect that function.

I summise some sort of terminate and stay resident command is lodged in the TTS decoder. I will ask HCC.

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I've had the same problem with my DoG TTS loco. It shorted the layout because I hadn't set one of my points correctly and this derailed it. When I put it back on the track properly, after taking it off and resetting the controller, it started making one of those spot noises. Nothing showed on my RM, so I resorted to my Elite. This again showed no specific function on. I then went through all the functions on my Elite and eventually managed to switch off the offending function. It was in fact a looping function which perhaps explains it (hadn't been turned off on the loco derailing?), although the whistles, for instance, don't loop, do they?

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Adap, can I suggest you email HRMS at support@rail-master.com, attaching the offending resource.mdb file so they can check out the problem. Clearly this shouldn't be happening and they should know about it. 

Admin edit: changed email address for RM Support ('_' changed to '-')

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  • 4 weeks later...
This problem seems to have gone quiet, but without being resolved. I have the same issue, using R8247 modules, after the 1.56 update some points work fine still, while others are set permanently to one direction, and manual switching is overridden almost immediately. You can hear the CDU in the module discharging repeatedly. Some points are set permanently to the opposite direction to that shown on the track plan, even though they were previously correct. It carries on after closing down RM but with Elite still on. Everything worked fine before the update. I reported this in more detail via the Support and Help window, where it states that you should check the forums before reporting. Well, I did that, and I had already tried a reinstall. Ironically, I got a reply from Support saying 'these things had not been reported by other users', which implies that Support don't read this forum themselves! Or is it that no-one else has actually reported the problem? If there is anyone out there who has not actually reported it, please do so. Otherwise, has anyone found an answer to the problem?? Perhaps I'll keep tropical fish instead.
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  • 2 weeks later...
This problem seems to have gone quiet, but without being resolved. I have the same issue, using R8247 modules, after the 1.56 update some points work fine still, while others are set permanently to one direction, and manual switching is overridden almost immediately. You can hear the CDU in the module discharging repeatedly. Some points are set permanently to the opposite direction to that shown on the track plan, even though they were previously correct. It carries on after closing down RM but with Elite still on. Everything worked fine before the update. I reported this in more detail via the Support and Help window, where it states that you should check the forums before reporting. Well, I did that, and I had already tried a reinstall. Ironically, I got a reply from Support saying 'these things had not been reported by other users', which implies that Support don't read this forum themselves! Or is it that no-one else has actually reported the problem? If there is anyone out there who has not actually reported it, please do so. Otherwise, has anyone found an answer to the problem?? Perhaps I'll keep tropical fish instead.
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Hi Phoenix

I have a similar (but slightly different problem) which I think could be related in the sense that I think a file has been corrupted and caused issues with my points. All was working fine until I got a new steam loco. Up to that point I had 2 locos which had long bodies with pickups at either end. The steam loco however stuttered or stopped on my dcc digital cobalt points with live electrofrog. Fismanoz helped me sort the problem on another forum. I had resistors on the cobalts and removing them fixed the issue. BUT when I restarted everything the points I had removed the resistors from no longer worked in RM. The others still worked but the blue direction lines disappeared, Also randomly, one side of a Traintech double headed light signal stopped responding (although it responds when tested on the design screen). Then, update to v 1.57. Now the blue direction lines reappeared but still the points I altered and one half of the signal do not respond. The points work if I use a switch but don't respond in RM even after reprogramming them. I suspect a corrupt file somewhere. Long winded, sorry, but I wanted to give full background



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Hi all.




I've done the update all fine. Every thing seems to work fine but my points. 2 of my Hornby decoders are constantly firing 1 point from each of the decoders. 1 was doing it yesterday. I installed the update again incase there was an update. Now today 2 are doing it. They are constantly trying to switch every second or so regardless of where they start. I had to dissconnet them as they was getting warm. This also meant no other points from the decoder would work as there wasnt time for the cdu to recharge. I've 5 over the layout and 3 from Dcc concepts, all these others are fine.




Has any one any suggestions?


I was able to replicate this when reinstalling RM with the railmaster.ini file deleted. It looks like for new installations, or when the .ini file is not preset, when running rm_setup that the new default railmaster.ini file sets reset elink on start to 0 instead of 1. Try using reset elink on start=1 (or 2) in the railmaster.ini file.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there. 

Here is the progress so far. Backed up the .prg .pln and resource.mdb files to a folder just in case. I had noted these points would continue to switch with railmaster shut down and the elink usb disconnected too. Removing elink power would only stop it.

I uninstalled (thankfully remembering to deregister it 1st) and reinstalled from the powerpos. 

Everything worked fine. But I noticed the Resource.mdb file I had backed up was bigger, I presume with my locos. So I copied that over. Then the points started to missbehave again. So deleted it. All ok again.

I can't believe thus file would cause this but going by what I've done it would appear so. 


I'm now seeing this exact same issue unless I use reset elink=2. A few weeks ago I said above that reset elink=1 fixed it, but not anymore.


so what's happening to the resource.mdb loco file to cause this?

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After a process of elimination (deleting locos then copying my backup Resource.mdb file back again) I have been able to fix mine too. To cut a long story short, it all boiled down to a loco using address 63 (binary 111111). As soon as I deleted this loco everything worked again. As an experiment I then put another loco back with address 63 and the problem returned. So, it reminded me of the thread below, to NOT use addresses 63 or 127



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After a process of elimination (deleting locos then copying my backup Resource.mdb file back again) I have been able to fix mine too. To cut a long story short, it all boiled down to a loco using address 63 (binary 111111). As soon as I deleted this loco everything worked again. As an experiment I then put another loco back with address 63 and the problem returned. So, it reminded me of the thread below, to NOT use addresses 63 or 127




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After a process of elimination (deleting locos then copying my backup Resource.mdb file back again) I have been able to fix mine too. To cut a long story short, it all boiled down to a loco using address 63 (binary 111111). As soon as I deleted this loco everything worked again. As an experiment I then put another loco back with address 63 and the problem returned. So, it reminded me of the thread below, to NOT use addresses 63 or 127




PHEW! Thanks so much for that, it works, I'm extremely relieved, and astonished that an item in the software relating to loco management can cause such havoc to point control! I guess it doesn't happen so often if the majority of users have less than 63 locos - but I don't use all the numbers in sequence, I relate them to the type of loco to make calling them up easier. I continue to be surprised that Support are apparently unaware of the issue. Many thanks again to dgilbert2


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PHEW! Thanks so much for that, it works, I'm extremely relieved, and astonished that an item in the software relating to loco management can cause such havoc to point control! I guess it doesn't happen so often if the majority of users have less than 63 locos - but I don't use all the numbers in sequence, I relate them to the type of loco to make calling them up easier. I continue to be surprised that Support are apparently unaware of the issue. Many thanks again to dgilbert2


thanks for the post Phoenix. At least I now know i'm not on my own on this one!

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