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Long addresses


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probably a daft question but....

I've gone from a Select to E-link. Obviously all my locos have 2 digit addresses.

My question is this, if I want to give a 'long' 4 digit address to a loco, do I have to alter cv17 and 18 first? Or does the act of giving a 4 digit address in cv1 amend them automatically?

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Haven't got the manual in front of me but basically when specifying a loco ID you aren't directly writing to a CV. RM takes the ID you specify then makes the necessary CV adjustments which, for long IDs includes changing CVs 17, 18 and 29.  So no, you don't have to calculate and write to those CVs yourself  

And as has been said before, many Elite users use long IDs because the convenient way not to forget IDs is to use 4 of the 5 digits in the running number. It has little to do with having more or less than 100 locos. 

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Hi All, 

I used to use two digits but kept forgetting which address was for which loco. Tried using the last two digits of the number but this was a non starter as I have GWR no's 6, 1006  and 5006! which is why I've switched to four figures. Now I only have to worry about GWR no 12 and SR no W12, any suggestions!

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81F, glad to see you find 4 digit addressing more useful. I'm afraid all I can suggest with regard to the last two locos you mentioned, wouldn't it help to just chuck one away? Seriously, though, If you don't have them on your layout at the same time, any ID clash wouldn't matter, would it? I have a couple of clashes even on a 4 digit basis but would suggest giving one a slightly different number because it doesn't really matter on RM. If using just, presumably an Elite, sorry, you'll just have to jot down the IDs for each loco or retrain your brain and any accompanying memory facilities you might still have.

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