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Hi Dave, welcome to the forums. Have you noticed there is an RM forum (you have posted this in General) where you will find by searching that there is a not too old thread covering use of station announcements in programs?

Admin, another one to move to RM so Dave can get to more people who know about this. 

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Hi Dave, 

There are a couple of ways of using the sounds provided by Railmaster:-

1. They can be attached to buttons which you can place on the 'Floating Button Bar'. The .pdf guide will tell you how to do this.

2. A more advanced way is to include them in any programs you create to run your trains. Again, the commands you include in the programs are well documented in the guide.

You can also add sound files into the RM folders, either ones you have created yourself or those downloaded from the internet. For example, I downloaded a sound file of an A4 pacific rushing past and blowing its whistle. I have my pc speakers located under the layout's station. I also have an A4 which doesn't have a sound decoder, so I have a program which runs the train through the station at express speed and it plays the sound file just at the right time to give a most realistic effect.

Also, with the help of my late brother-in-law, we created extra station announcements which included individual sound files for destination stations, which could be played one after the other to create a single train announcement.


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Yep, that's the way I've been doing it too (No. 2 in your list).

Dave, just use the "Play Sound" command and select the file from the "Sounds" folder in RM. There are sounds you can download for free or make up your own - it's great fun. You can edit them with "Audacity" a free sound edit program and copy them into that folder. Maplin do a cheap ready built amp and speakers, code A49RJ which is the one I'm using.

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I bought a splitter from Maplins (I think) that plugs into my pc speaker output socket and changes the stereo into left and right channels which I feed to a pair of ex car hands-free phone speakers using mono extension cables. This method means it all plugs in and no soldering is required.

I then program door slams, whistles for non sound locos, announcements, etc at each end of the layout to supplement my sound locos.

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