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No Signal or Point Icons on Track Plan in Hand Held app on iPhone and iPad

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I have done some testing of RailMaster 1.56 but with my layout going through major work at the moment this has been very limited. I assembled a small test track last weekend with two points and two signals. I have found that the Hand Held app on both my iPhone 4s and iPad 2 is not showing the point and signal icons on the track plan. One of the signals is a colour light signal and the other is a semaphore. These are all being run from an R8247 accessory decoder. The app on the iPad is in evaluation mode while the app on the iPhone has been activated. I have removed and re-installed these apps numerous times with no effect. Everything else seems to be working as it should.

Any ideas or experiences? Thanks in advance.

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Hi - can't help with the signals element of your query, but there are lots of folk on here who have signals and who might be able to help. As far as the point are concerned, when you place them on your schematic in the design window they should "snap" into a poistion nearby on one of the junctions of vertical and horizonatal grid lines. If they dont do this they either dont show up at all on the plan (when you've saved it and gone back to the main operating screen) or they might show up but not operate, Did your point icons do this? R-

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That is interesting. There have been several updates recently so perhaps that has affected some settings. I went to check on my iPad but the application has gone - probably in the recent Apple update! Curses. R-

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@hornby RailMaster Support

I am having the same problem. Without any signals, the track plan loads correctly on my iPad. As soon as I add a signal to the layout and reload onto the iPad, I loose all (or sometimes most) of the point icons and all of my added anotations. When the signal is removed the iPad track plan reloads correctly. I do not use the Pro Pack and I have added controller, port number and start position. Please advise me if you need me to contact you through the Help in RM.


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After further testing, you are absolutely correct OssieB. Everything is fine until you add a signal (semaphore or colour light) to the track plan. I have found without any signals everything is fine. As soon as a signal is added to the trackplan, all the icons disappear from the track plan on the Hand Held device. I have emailed support through RailMaster. I urge anyone else having this problem to email through RailMaster also.

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Are you both running RailMaster revision 9?  You can tell be hovering your mouse over the small yellow version number box at the bottom of the RailMaster window.  If it says nothing or the number is below 9 then you should download and install the latest version from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup.exe.  This will not affect any of your locos, plans or programs.

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RailMaster Support told me I wasn't using the latest verion when I sent a help request through RailMaster (how many versions of revision 9 were there?) so I immediately downloaded the latest version again and installed it and there was no change. I emailed them back to let them know but I haven't heard anything else since.

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  • 4 weeks later...
It will be very interesting to see how this turns out. I dont have any signals on my layout (as far as RM is concerned anyway) but adding a signal icon to the layout on the design page shows it on the layout on the PC and the iPad. I didn't do anything to set it up mind you - just added an icon. I, and many others, watch with interest. R-
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Are you using the Pro-Pack? If so, have you set a start-up firing order for each point?

Thanak you HRMS for your imput.

No, I do not have Pro-Pack. The firing order of the points has been set since installing RM some 9 months ago. As stated in my earlier post, everything works fine on my layout with no signals but as soon as signals (semaphore) are added the display on the iPad goes wrong.

Barry O

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I've a feeling I might be about to complicate matters a little further. Going back to my post re the addition of icons showing on both laptop and iPad I thought I would try semaphore signal icons as well. I added one of each type in the design area and whilst they showed correctly on the iPad they displayed as light signal icons on the laptop. I can't operate them on the iPad but when I tap them on the laptop both change light colour and give the double beep. The arm of the semaphore signal icon on the iPad in either case does not alter - I dont know if it is supposed to. Is it not possible to have semaphore icons on the laptop layout - or is this one of the things that is being looked into? I did give them a start-up firing code. Confusing? R-
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