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Collectors Club Membership


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Hi - does anyone know what is happening with the club membership. I renewed in January and have spoken to the club department twice since the. I was assured that the membership will continue and that the membership package etc was to have been sent out by 31st March at the latest. To-date nothing received and even sent 2nd class mail would have seen it received by now. Anyone out there have any other information?

 In addition membership sign in to the collectors club site is very sporadic - I gave up yesterday and to-day it took 5 attempts before it accepted my details!!! Are there any problems or are so many members trying to sign in that it is blocking the site?

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Last month when I wanted to order some last chance items and asked for a discount code the Club let me know that my membership expiring Jun was now linked and discounts would be applied automatically. No magazines since the change but now everytime I log in I get the following floating window over the Hornby page so  they are working through the membership.


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You dont get discount on Last chance items Choralc, earlier on in the year the system gave you 10% off if you used an actual code but its stopped now I think. It did lead to some interesting bugs though.


With regards to the actual members club I cannot understand what the problem is with getting stuff sent out. The old club could send out a discount voucher for the website in 4 weeks, whats changed system wise between now and then? The voucher is only valid until the end of the year, will we actually see any models to spend it on by the time we get it? I suspect they will either all be sold out as we have all been advised to pre order early to avoid dissapointment (very convienient that they want us to pre order but dont supply us with a voucher to use against the pre order) or not even released yet. We are heading to the back end of the forth month now and still no magazine. 3 issues plus a winter one to me would make sense if they came out every 3 months, but maybe they are going to be 4 monthly with an extra one thrown in just before xmas with all the new releases listed.


The silence from the club staff is defening, no sign of the dedicated forums for club members (again the system knows who are members as we get the 10% off message). They would have been far better off leaving it in the hands of the previous outsourced staff for another year who always repied to emails, knew what they were talking about and could run a club.


Definately a rare case of the outsourced service being way way superior than in house could manage

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It would appear the comments on all the Club Forums that Hornby Products run they all say the same.

Poor Service   

I like others have waiting 4 months and an e-mail said I had delivery first week in March

The 3 yearly magazines we should have had the first one by now as the competition site says winner annouced in the June issue

I wonder if the mean 2016 instead as it would appear they should ready by then

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G_L: Quite right about the discount not being applied to sale items. I figured that one out with a previous order. I had non-sale items as well and certainly wanted them cheaper to make up the total needed for the free post to Australia without spending more than I had to. As the pic in my previous post showed no code to find in a magazine now.

You may be aware that the new club staff has nothing to do with the previous club. I have no doubt that Hornby management knew what they wanted for the new format but have not allocated sufficient resources to get it up and running from the very start.


Not the biggest issue in life for me but still an annoyance for others. I am sure that the problems will be sorted eventually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi - does anyone know what is happening with the club membership. I renewed in January and have spoken to the club department twice since the. I was assured that the membership will continue and that the membership package etc was to have been sent out by 31st March at the latest. To-date nothing received and even sent 2nd class mail would have seen it received by now. Anyone out there have any other information?

 In addition membership sign in to the collectors club site is very sporadic - I gave up yesterday and to-day it took 5 attempts before it accepted my details!!! Are there any problems or are so many members trying to sign in that it is blocking the site?

Update - good news and disappointing news - First the good news the sign in to the site seems to have resolved itself I have had no problems over the last few weeks and secondly the membership pack has finally arrived.

Now the disappointing news in the membership pack the magazine in Number 104 - does anyone know what happened to number 103, 102 was the last one I received towards the end of last year?  The magazine itself is somewhat lacking, in articles ,a calender for 2015 - it is now almost May and if I wanted to use it I would have to lose part of Ian Lamb's article and the whole of the Funeral Train article, I keep my magazines so do not want to rip them apart. In addition all discounts are for attractions in the South of the country and in addition the coupons in the magazine if used would mean losing the other part of Ian Lamb's article. Come on Hornby you can do better than this.




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Edition 103 of The Collector was the December 2014/January 2015 copy. My membership expired in November 2014, and I didn't renew until January 2015 - so missed receiving Edition 103. When I renewed, which I did over the phone, I explained that I missed edition 103 - it arrived first class post the next morning. Give them a call, they may still have some lying around.

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Yozzer the reason the discount vouchers are in the south, although I wouldn't really say Duxford is in the south, maybe south ish,  is because these attractions are the ones that offered Hornby the discount. Maybe the ones in the north were too tight to give free entry to anybody. 


Have you found the coupons yet?

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