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iPad connection with Railmaster


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Further to the thread on signals not showing on an iPad - I discovered that my Hornby RM app had dissappeared, probably at the time of the last Apple update. However I have downloaded it again - :-) saved it to the Home page -:-) but it wont connect to Railmaster which is running on my laptop - :-( 

I have noticed in the settings that the IP address the app is using is very different from the IP address of my laptop but I cant seem to change it. So firstly how do you do this? And secondly how can I find out my IP address? The one that comes back in the search I have done looks odd in that it starts 86.142 etc. whereas I could have sworn that it used to be 192 something. R-

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Hi Roger   Following renewal of my laptop I am having problems connecting my ipad to laptop although not showing different IP address.   I have read the hand held guides etc and as far as I know I done things correctly but alas no joy.  I have sent a support ticket to RMS and within the  two replies I have had the words 'as mentioned in the guide'  (or similar) is very evident and I am still unable to connect.  It appears you need to ping your ipad and also see the outcome of typing ipconfig in run.   (unfortunately in my case the dialogue box that comes up with the information disappears immediately to I cannot glean the information)   RMS say they have never heard of that happening.  In the past I have had similar comments but in RMS did find an error.  I am also stuck now as I have some knowledge of networks and alike but my knowledge is run out.  Just hoping now that RMS will contact me to do a remote look at my settings.  You may have already done it but would suggest you read or reread the guide books just to make sure you have followed things correctly otherwise .   Appreciate does not solve your problem.  Malcolm

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Thanks Malcolm - with the help of a computer boff friend in French France the IP address thing is now resolved. Except now the app wont stay on the Home page of the iPad, and what I do see, which I think is an image from the web search, shows no track plan or loco list. I will send a help request from within Railmaster, so at least there will be  at least two queries on the same subject. Incidentally I am no whiz at these things and have no knowledge of matters ICT so any similarity between what I may say and any implied knowledge of the actual subject being addressed is purely co-incidental! R-

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It seems that an iPad does not have an already installed method to PING itself. So try this (on iPad2 anyway)

Settings > WiFi > then tap your active router [the one with the blue tick against it] then you will see a list of all the IP address details.


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Roger   Glad you  are almost sorted.   I have finally got it connecting and working albeit it sometimes takes three attempts of opening app before it establishes connection.   I was using the wrong thing to do the ipconfig so at least pleased that my windows did not have an issue.    I do have computer knowledge  (self taught) but  when it comes to networks and pinging I am afraid it blurs.   Good luck  Malcolm

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Just so others know, you run IPCONFIG by opening a command window, typing it in and enter. Then the IP address you put into the RM app on your iPad is the one which shows under IP4 in what is found by IPCONFIG. 

Rog, what do you mean by won't stsy on the Home page?  Does it go somewhere else you can find it?

And don't forget it is recommended you set the iPad address to static too, which you do after finding it by the Settings Wifi method. 

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And just to add to the lat post.  It is vital that all IP addresses on the network are different.  For example, if the static IP address on your RailMaster PC is, say, then the static IP address you set on your first mobile device should be, say, and the third should be, say,  You will see that the first three blocks of numbers are the same.  Only the last one is different and can be a number from 1 to 255 but MUST NOT be the same as another device on your network.  The first three blocks of numbers MUST be the same.

Remember, also, that your wireless router has it's own IP address (known as the gateway).  When you look at the results of IPCONFIG it will also tell you the default gateway (your router) IP address.  Again, you must NOT use this address for a device.

When you have set your device's static IP address you can then PING from the PC to test it.  Let's say you have set an IP address of on an iPad, you can then PING it from your RailMaster PC's Command Prompt by typing PING and pressing Enter.  You will see four responses and are expecting four replies with a time of under 30ms.  If you get, for example, "Destination host unreachable" or similar, or large response times (greater than 30ms) then there is a problem on your network.

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Thanks HRMS. I didn't realise that you need to increment the IP address by one so had put the wrong number. But see below.

As you will see in my response to Fishy above I have a number in the iPad which I didn't put there and which I can't remove.

I have found the command prompt - PING - gives no response, only to be expected really. IPCONFIG confirms the laptop IP address. There is plenty of other information but I don't undertsand it.

I did notice that the "wrong" IP address in RM iPad settings is the default gateway for the laptop +1.

Any further guidance you can give would be greatly appreicated.


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Further to my last post I have an update. As everything appeared to be frozen I deleted the iPad application and re-installed it. I was then able to change the IP address within RM settings on the iPad and need to confirm in case anyone else is struggling with this you enter the SAME IP ADDRESS as the computer you use to run Railmaster. You DO NOT INCREMENT by one. I have asked HRMS to amend their advice in the post above. The manual has it stated correctly. R-

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That is an HRMS question I'm afraid. Evaluation mode only allows a certain number of locos and points etc. do you think you are in excess of the maximum allowed? If so I am surprised the iPad logs in at all to be honest. Lets see what they say. R-

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I think that's exactly what I said in my advice too. If you want to connect to something at an address, you need to use that address as the place to look. 

The address of the iPad itself will of course be different in Settings Wifi and will most likely only be different by 1 or 2 in the last number. 

And when you go into Settings Wifi and tap the circled i next to your connected one, you will see across the top of the IP address etc that you can select DHCP which is the default on the left and Static on the right. So you select Static here. 

And it's ages ago now but when I was first using evaluation mode it was slow and difficult to connect but that all went away when I bought it. 

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