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Loco Detection availability - Let's start a sweep


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Just do a forum search on LD PJ, should find enough reading to keep you occupied until Hornby have released a system foreshadowed to tell you more about where all your trains are on your layout.  With any luck, it will make signals redundant too!


Do a search - good advise  ;o)

Enough reading to keep us occupied unitl the relaease - probably  ;o(

With any luck, it will make signals redundant too! - you couldn't be more wrong fishy, signals are a big part of the whole picture.

Network ModelRail is coming to a place near you soon-ishhhh  :o]

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... so here is my prediction... October 19th...

Year required please.

WOW... sorry RDS mate... I did actually mean 2015 so you guessed right. Although I could have used that date for every year until 2030 perhaps just to be safe so I would be close to its release date... lol

Seriously... why are folk being given the opportunity to pick more than one date? Surely their first guess should suffice? Isn't it cheating? :-) Something funny going on here... can I have more than one go then? lol

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Seriously... why are folk being given the opportunity to pick more than one date? Surely their first guess should suffice? Isn't it cheating? :-) Something funny going on here... can I have more than one go then? lol

I didn't think it was up to me to stop more than one guess.  At least it has put a few more dates in the table!

I have recorded the fact in the table that it is a second (or even third guess).

Anyway, you have got nearly 8 months to go yet.

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...and we won £25 on 3 numbers... we're now going to splash out on a trip to Rome... :-)

Well, we were until someone said I need to win a few more £25's... :-(


You can get to Rome (well a remote airfield somewhere near Rome) by Ryanair for that price, but then you have to get back at usually a tad more exoensive ticket.

 My trip to UK from Cyprus in a couple of weeks time cost me 59 euros. Getting home again in late April cost almost 3 times that.

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...and we won £25 on 3 numbers... we're now going to splash out on a trip to Rome... :-)

Well, we were until someone said I need to win a few more £25's... :-(


You can get to Rome (well a remote airfield somewhere near Rome) by Ryanair for that price, but then you have to get back at usually a tad more exoensive ticket.

 My trip to UK from Cyprus in a couple of weeks time cost me 59 euros. Getting home again in late April cost almost 3 times that.

That's the stumbling block though isn't it? It's always cheap to go but to get back it's more expensive... seems like the airlines want us to stay away.. the cheek of it... :-)

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Yaeh... we can all find a cheap charter to Aus and go stay with Fishy for a few years until the population sinks too low and we are invited back with low fares... :-)

Fishy... you could learn us crocodile hunting, spider squashing, snake catching and swimming with dolphins... we're all saving our pennies now I bet lol

And you could fly us all to see that big red rock... :-) (But not leave us there...lol)

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Good heavens, where to hide before they turn up and find me!  Next they'll be trotting out the old one about raising the average IQ of both countries by coming.


And these days, we don't call it a rock of any particular pronunciation, out of respect for the traditional owners we call it Uluru, said with a short oo for each u and equal emphasis on each syllable.  And more so for me as I'm proud to say I have a stepdaughter with a distant blood relation to those owners.

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...we don't call it a rock of any particular pronunciation, out of respect for the traditional owners we call it Uluru, said with a short oo for each u and equal emphasis on each syllable.  


We got it Fishy oo oo oo, like an owl that doesn't give two hoots!

I was a little confused at first I thought you had three train sets  ;o)

being a Loco Detection sweep thread.  Rock on!

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Make up your mind PJ, two hoots or three?  Yes, yes, yes, three yeses and I know I ignored your joke.

We got it Fishy oo oo oo, like an owl that doesn't give two hoots!


Ignoring the joke, as you have, to me it is clear, oo oo oo is 3x, doesn't give two hoots has to be less than or more than two.



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Let's just put it this way PJ - I've asked my step-daughter to alert the traditional owners in case you ever turn up at the Rock!


And just for anyone thinking whether to go there or not on their big Oz trip, the place really does have magic about it, something I wouldn't have believed until I felt it for myself.  And if you are lucky enough to see it light up at sunset, just brilliant and the best thing you are likely to see in Australia, including the Reef and everything.

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