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Loco Detection availability - Let's start a sweep


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Hi AC, just give me an arrival date with a bit of notice please.  Takes a while to walk from my place in Sydney to the Rock to meet you, or to walk quickly the other way depending.

Hi Fishy... well, as we're booking a budget budget budget airline and a pilot with a wonky walking stick we may be a while... just happens that the supplies we keep getting on board as we stop 36 times for refuelling and taking grog on board etc. is just enough to sustain our sanity and lifespan long enough to reach Oz.

So the thing to do is just set out in a few days or a week and take a slow walk. That gives ample time for the engines of the plane to be serviced mid-air while Graskie does a fuel check with his dip-stick as punishment for not letting go of just ONE gold bar! He's enthusiastic about that check coz we told him he would be doing a space walk to complete the task. Apparently he got a decent space suit from NASA for about $20 and he's not been able to use it thus far.

Just as an aside... is the rock still there? You haven't informed the authorities we're coming over and they've hidden it have you? We've got our flags so we can plant them on top of Uluru and thus claim the visitor attraction for the Brit government who need to raise money it seems... nothing changes.

We estimate a three week turnaround for you to get to Uluru and we hope you have bought the cushions... :-)

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After realising that the Table was last published on page 28, I decided to wade through the 11 pages since then looking for new guesses.  Unfortunately, 11 pages and just 4 new guesses.  A few more dates have also fallen by the wayside recently.  Those showing negative days are encouraged to make a new guess.




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  • 3 weeks later...


I see you ain't marked my second guess with a (2)... is there a different reason for the numbers other than they are second guesses or third?

Or is it coz I chose April Fools Day and was having a laugh - coz it will appear before then... on October 19th this year to be precise. That 'insider' info has come in real handy... lol

Anyway... what do we win? A round of applause? A day trip to the rooftop of your own house? A free meal courtesy of one's other half or if single a microwave hot pot or whatever? Or a lifetime membership of the forum we all love (which we have anyway)?

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Hey Fishy... we all came over to that red rock, camped overnight, had a lovely time watching the stars (and some of us saw stars after drinking the grog) and were kept warm by a rather large camp fire that was more akin to the bush going up.

But one person couldn't make it or got lost or simply didn't come... where WERE you? We're all back home tucked up in sleeping bags, heavy cold and a tan that'll take six months to start fading. And the red rock? We have some samples... er sorry - NO we don't... really we don't! Oh and the locals were very friendly...  they borrowed a bowl of sugar and we ain't got it back yet... :-)

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Not to worry, it was written in a hurry as we had to get to the shop to top up our supplies of it anyway. Plus the pen ran out of ink and we had to use chalk... not good on white paper!!

So we'll see you in a couple of years when you get to come over here.... our rocks are white and are on the south coast... :-)

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... I see you ain't marked my second guess with a (2) ...

 Sorry, I missed that one but I will correct it the next time the table is published.

(Nothing to do with the date, after all 1st April is as good a date as any other with a 1 in 365 or 366 chance of success) 

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A good way to set peoples' minds at rest would be to do an article on LD in The Engine Shed.

At this stage Hornby must have a fairly good idea of where the product is at regarding releasing it to the market.

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A good way to set peoples' minds at rest would be to do an article on LD in The Engine Shed ...


Great idea (See my post in the 'The Engine Shed' section, Welcome to the Engine Shed thread, 21st March 2015)


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Great idea (See my post in the 'The Engine Shed' section, Welcome to the Engine Shed thread, 21st March 2015)


I obviously read that RDS and it lodged in my sub-conscious, only to come out a couple of months later as an bright new idea - oops.

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