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DCC turntable wiring


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Fishy, thanks for this, been looking at  IdleMarvel, post and wondering, if  reversed polarity, comes into my melting point syndrome. Could it be that one way tt fine, but when sent other way, melt , melt. john

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... if  reversed polarity, comes into my melting point syndrome. Could it be that one way tt fine, but when sent other way, melt , melt...


John I'm convinced its a configuration thing, because its not there all the time, so you may be onto a winner there.

So a reversed TT bed may be the answer.

Have you only got one way in to your TT.

I once saw a TT set up so it could be approached from the Shed but exited down 2 different roads. Recipe for crossed wires there upon swinging the bed.


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RAF, no, it turns on the schematic, both ways, and all 18 trackes are wired, so i can move locos from side to side and in and out of sheds. Lord alone knows how i will test them all to work out if wires are reversed. In the short term, i am going to fit insulated joiners, where TT joins layout. That will allow for no more melting, so i can re fit point motors. After that, just need to work out how to power decoder/ motor. john

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Is it a slip ring design where half the outlets are reversed polarity to the other half. Check TTs on Brian Lambert if you are not sure about this.


But as I've said a couple of times, I don't think this is likely as a hard short caused by connecting a reversed polarity track should trip the eLink. Try the coin test like I said putting the coin near the TT.

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