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hi santa is going to be good to me this christmas has im getting a hornby elink unit. well my layout is analogue and i want to set a small layout out using some old points. the points are peco insulfrog and as im new to dcc do i have  to do anything to them or just connect them. would love the help.alan

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Hi Alan and welcome to the forum,

I would suggest that you take this one step at a time and ensure that you can get one loco working on a simple oval track layout before you start to introduce extra things like points.  As poliss has said above, you need to have a decoder in your loco to get it to work on DCC with elink.

Are all your Loco's currently analogue (I assume so, seeing as your current layout is analogue)?

Which loco do you have (type and part number) that you would like to to able to use on DCC and then we will be able to help you get the right decoder.

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I have used Hornby point clips on Peco points, they don't fit quite as well but with a bit of bending out they do fit and work well, but really only suitable for temporary layouts.  If you read the Brian Lambert page "pointed" out by poliss, read down a bit to the "short circuit" problem; I always use insulated rail joiners at the vee of insulfrog points, again you can get away without doing this if it is only for a temporary layout.  You want to try and avoid short circuits on DCC layouts if you can.

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Hi idlemarvel

" I always use insulated rail joiners at the vee of insulfrog points, again you can get away without doing this if it is only for a temporary layout."

If you are going to use insulated joiners on the vee sections of all your points, wouldn't you be better off using electrofrog points for smoother running of small locos??


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Hi Peter,

You make a good point, electrofrog points are more reliable than insulfrog in this respect (so I believe, I have never used them myself) but the original questioner said they had insulfrog points so I passed on my experience.  I have never needed the extra reliability that electrofrog points may give and anyway I have a large investment in insulfrog points.  Hornby only make insulfrog points as you probably know.

Cheers, Dave

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