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Majestic with elink


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Hi I've just bought the majestic elink, made up a baseboard and set it up but can not get the PC to recognise the locomotive. I've checked all connections and all fine. I've tried both trains on the track at once and on their own and still nothing. Any suggestions please, this my first train set.

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Hi Murph, welcome to the forums and the hobby. 


Let me start by assuring you that your set is unlikely to be faulty and, between us and possibly Railmaster Support (known as RM Support or HRMS), we can get you up and running.  And let me tell you one thing about your locos at present before we go back to the software - both are on the default address of 003 so you can only run one at a time until you change the ID of one and desirably both.


So now let me ask you a few questions, and you will need to ensure the answer to each is yes before proceeding:


- are you connected to the Internet on your PC?

- did you install RM as administrator?  You can check by right clicking on the desktop icon for it, selecting Properties, then Compatibility tab at the top of the box, and make sure the Run as Administrator box is ticked.

- on starting RM, has it asked you to update to the latest v1.59 and have you allowed it to do so?  Don't need to worry about the Administrator warning as once set it stays that way when you update.

- have you made sure everything is connected firmly - eLink to PC by USB and by power wire to the track?  If you haven't, you should make sure you do and restart RM before proceeding.

- have you installed the RM not Windows driver for the software?  Have you set it to a com port number below 5 and made sure it is the same number in Device Manager as in the RM Setup window?

- have you made sure RM is listed as an exception in your antivirus program?  There is a PDF guide on your desktop that will tell you how to do that. 

- have you entered your licence key and activated the software?  Failure to activate will 99.9% be due to antivirus software blocking you, so go back to my previous question.



Now once you have answered all of those yes, you can put one loco on the track with ID 003, call it up in your loco list of the two locos, and it should run using the RM throttle.  If it does, you are now up to going into the Loco Setup window and following the manual instructions on changing its ID to something else.  Once done, you can add the second loco and you should change it too so when you buy your next loco, you can start it on 003 before changing it too.


So how did you go?  Are you up and running?  If not, get back and let us know what didn't work.

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Welcome aboard Murph3


You have purchased a fantastic set, excellent value for money.


Excellent advice from Fishy above, you will be up and running soon, there are very few problems and when there are most are very simple or computer/software/anti-virus conflicts.


Feel free to add any questions, any time, on the forum, there are some great guys on here, very knowledgeable and helpful. HRMS are brilliant to  ;o)



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Murph3, hi, welcome to the forum >also have this set, and have   been through  the fishy questions, that helped me enormously, when i started. He is very good at sorting the basics. Both PJ, and i have the elink, unlike others who have a different control system, so we can help you with that side, if necessary, after  you are up and running. john

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Hi Murph, welcome to the forums and the hobby. 


Let me start by assuring you that your set is unlikely to be faulty and, between us and possibly Railmaster Support (known as RM Support or HRMS), we can get you up and running.  And let me tell you one thing about your locos at present before we go back to the software - both are on the default address of 003 so you can only run one at a time until you change the ID of one and desirably both.


So now let me ask you a few questions, and you will need to ensure the answer to each is yes before proceeding:


- are you connected to the Internet on your PC?

- did you install RM as administrator?  You can check by right clicking on the desktop icon for it, selecting Properties, then Compatibility tab at the top of the box, and make sure the Run as Administrator box is ticked.

- on starting RM, has it asked you to update to the latest v1.59 and have you allowed it to do so?  Don't need to worry about the Administrator warning as once set it stays that way when you update.

- have you made sure everything is connected firmly - eLink to PC by USB and by power wire to the track?  If you haven't, you should make sure you do and restart RM before proceeding.

- have you installed the RM not Windows driver for the software?  Have you set it to a com port number below 5 and made sure it is the same number in Device Manager as in the RM Setup window?

- have you made sure RM is listed as an exception in your antivirus program?  There is a PDF guide on your desktop that will tell you how to do that. 

- have you entered your licence key and activated the software?  Failure to activate will 99.9% be due to antivirus software blocking you, so go back to my previous question.



Now once you have answered all of those yes, you can put one loco on the track with ID 003, call it up in your loco list of the two locos, and it should run using the RM throttle.  If it does, you are now up to going into the Loco Setup window and following the manual instructions on changing its ID to something else.  Once done, you can add the second loco and you should change it too so when you buy your next loco, you can start it on 003 before changing it too.


So how did you go?  Are you up and running?  If not, get back and let us know what didn't work.


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Hi Murph, welcome to the forums and the hobby. 


Let me start by assuring you that your set is unlikely to be faulty and, between us and possibly Railmaster Support (known as RM Support or HRMS), we can get you up and running.  And let me tell you one thing about your locos at present before we go back to the software - both are on the default address of 003 so you can only run one at a time until you change the ID of one and desirably both.


So now let me ask you a few questions, and you will need to ensure the answer to each is yes before proceeding:


- are you connected to the Internet on your PC?

- did you install RM as administrator?  You can check by right clicking on the desktop icon for it, selecting Properties, then Compatibility tab at the top of the box, and make sure the Run as Administrator box is ticked.

- on starting RM, has it asked you to update to the latest v1.59 and have you allowed it to do so?  Don't need to worry about the Administrator warning as once set it stays that way when you update.

- have you made sure everything is connected firmly - eLink to PC by USB and by power wire to the track?  If you haven't, you should make sure you do and restart RM before proceeding.

- have you installed the RM not Windows driver for the software?  Have you set it to a com port number below 5 and made sure it is the same number in Device Manager as in the RM Setup window?

- have you made sure RM is listed as an exception in your antivirus program?  There is a PDF guide on your desktop that will tell you how to do that. 

- have you entered your licence key and activated the software?  Failure to activate will 99.9% be due to antivirus software blocking you, so go back to my previous question.



Now once you have answered all of those yes, you can put one loco on the track with ID 003, call it up in your loco list of the two locos, and it should run using the RM throttle.  If it does, you are now up to going into the Loco Setup window and following the manual instructions on changing its ID to something else.  Once done, you can add the second loco and you should change it too so when you buy your next loco, you can start it on 003 before changing it too.


So how did you go?  Are you up and running?  If not, get back and let us know what didn't work.

Hi fiishy I went through all your sugestion and I had to reset to run as administrator I also updated to v1.59 ,  on the rail master control screen the 3 icons on the top right shows internet active, dcc controller active and loco detection inactive. So were to next. Thanks for everything so far. 

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Robert, no matter if you think you have fully listed RM as an exception in your AV software, you haven't and it is blocking you. 


Easy to tell - exit from it completely and try to activate again.  I'm betting it will now. Let us know.


If it has activated, go check the instructions in the pdf on your desktop and try to list as an exception again.  Now keep following my advice.


If you are still getting nowhere, go into the Help window of RM and email RM Support from there. They are very responsive 24/7 and will be back to you in short order. And you should get an immediate automatic acknowledgement.  If that doesn't come, then turn off your AV and try again as it will be the AV blocking again.  Make sure you tell them everything you have done on my list of questions as they are the first things they will ask you about.


Don't give up, it will work.

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Murph, you first, your thread. 


It it sounds suspiciously like you are up and running.  Will one of your locos work on default ID 003?  If so, go to the instructions for changing it so you can get both running. If not, let us know.

No neither locos are moving. The original ID for both locos are set at 0003 for one loco and 0004 on the second. 

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If you have one set to 004, it can only be because you or someone has changed it.  They don't come out of the box that way.  Every new loco comes 003, as does every new decoder you buy to fit yourself.  The NMRA DCC specification says so.


Now there is a faint possibility I'm talking through my hat on the Majestic set.  Hornby may have made that ID change in later sets as this is something people have found difficult.  It certainly wasn't the case in early sets. If they've done it, it will almost certainly say so in the instructions, probably on a separate piece of paper.

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Murph, if still problems, email RM Support as suggested to Robert above.

thanks lads I'm gonna go through security settings on the laptop again if that doesn't work I'll email RM support, I'll let you know how I get on, Thanks for everything so far

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  • 3 weeks later...

Comment: Recently purchased The Majestic Train Set, DCC fitted. Set track up included A, B and C. Also purchased extension track packs D, E and F and added to track as stated. Rail master set up on Windows XP, drivers set up and COM Port 9 identified on mine and shows track, settings etc. Shows Internet live and recognises eLink. I have optomised all points with clips as points in extension packs were not fitted, so all track should be live. Connections checked. Railmaster does not show in top right hand corner on PC that locomotive is active. It does not go green, where Internet and elink do. However neither train Bon Accord and Diesil will not run as if still no power to track. Track is all new and clean. What is my problem and what am I likely doing wrong? Basically same as above persons problems. My trains at set up ID 003 and 004

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Andrewantony,hi, welcome to the forum. I have exactly, same set. Railmaster will never work, unless it connects, and lights up, as you have summised. The internet, is a red herring, as unnecessary to run RM. Go back to square one. Turn everything off. wait. Plug in elink, wait. Turn on laptop, wait until all lights stop flickering on hard drive. Then wait again. Now click on RM on screen, should then connect, yes. Let me know. this proceedure works for me. Dont get confused with internet. Elink is a bridge from track to computer. Once that all works, track will be live, etc. If it does not connect, how did you change cv on locos, as you would have needed the programming track live, bearing in mind both locos when new are 03. john

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Hi Andrew, there are a couple of things from what you have said.  First, look at my post on page 1 of this thread and check you can answer yes to everything.


 One problem you have already is that your com port should be under 5.  Go to Device Manager and change it to a free port under 5 then make sure you also change the number to that in the RM Setup window.


And the next thing I am wondering is whether you have changed your default layout to Trackmat one you now have in Layout Design?  I take it you started with the Majestic set layout, which also puts your 2 locos in your loco list, at least I believe it does.


At this stage, you will only be able to run one loco at a time.  Once you get one running, you will need to change to the progrsmming output, go into alcohol Setup window and follow the instructions to Change Loco ID to something other then 03.


Let us know how you are going.

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Another newbie here from the land of Australia. Purchased the Magestic yesterday and have so far spent 6 frustrating hours trying to get things going and I haven't even set the track up yet. I have the latest Railmaster program installed on my Windows 8.1 lapto and disabled my anti-virus programm (AVG Freeware). Connected the eLink controller using the usb cable supplied however it is not being recognised.

I disconnected and reconnected it many times and only once did it connect. The green light started flashing so I guess it was updating firmware or something. Once the light stopped flashing it disconnected and despite many attempts I have been unable to reconnect. The port numbers are the same in device manager and Railmaster settings and following instructions I changed the baud to 115900.

This has all been done without the eLink being connected to the track which is in accordance to the instructions I received. 

Does anyone  have step by step instructions in setting up the Majestic eLink on a Windows 8.1 laptop? 

Would like to get this sorted so I can set up the track and see a train move.

By the way I have emailed RM support and done what they say without success.

Many thanks.

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See my reply in the "none of the icons work" thread.  The questions I ask back on page 1 effectively take you through the initial setup process, which is also covered quite comprehensively in the manual which should have downloaded to the desktop when you updated to v1.60.  Or find it in your RM folder.

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Well I have finally been able to connect however each time I shut down and try to reconnect I need to open and start RM many times before connection occurs. The last time I had to close and restart 7 times. Ovbiously there is still a problem here that hopefully can be sorted.

I have now had a train run around my temporary track - great to finally see this.

Just some more assistance please. The Majestic came with 2 engines and according to RM one is Loco DCC 3, the other 4. So far I have only been able to get both locos moving using the first control panel (ID 3). The second panel (ID 4) is will not control the train No 4.

Each loco has a separate ID according to RM so I am at a loss to work out why they can't be controlled independently.

Can anyone help please ?

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I think, Captain, that both your locos are probably in fact set to 03. Do they both move if you put them on the track together at the same time? If so, then you will need to program the second one to 04, matching the RM setting for it.


Not knowing your full system I'm afraid I can't comment on your connection woes. That shouldn't happen, of course, and no doubt someone more au fait with the eLink RM setup will be able to help. I use the Elite with RM.

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Hi Capt, first, you shouldn't have to keep restarting so something in my initial list of questions is yet to be fixed. And if still a problem, email RM Support as I said.


The other trap for young players is that all, absolutely every, brand new DCC loco out of the box comes with ID 003, and it doesn't matter what the Majestic set tries to tell you.  You have to connect your layout to the eLink Programming output, have only the loco you want to change on the track, go into the RM Loco Setup window, select the loco you want to change and select the Change Loco ID button at the bottom of the window, type in the ID you want, then follow the prompts and tick the button to save the new ID.  You should do this separately for each loco, then ID 003 will be available to test run your next new purchase before you change it too.

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