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running light activation


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First post so this maybe a question that has been answered but a point in the right direction would be appreciated.

i have fitted a 36-558A chip into 55 deltic,  im struggling with getting the running lights to function, the lights worked on dc when i ran it in, i use the Hornby  e link for running and proggramming, but can not find any detailked instruction on how to switch then on.

Thanks in advance

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Hi Romeo, welcome to the forums.  You may well find this thread being moved by Admin to the DCC forum where you will get more advice, and we don't annoy the DCers who have no wish to be bombarded with the ins and outs of DCC.


But to answer your question, may I ask if the Deltic was DCC ready and you just plugged the chip in?  If so, the running lights will be on F0.  You will need to go into Loco Setup window for the Deltic and define F0 as lights.  And I think this is what is called a latching function and you have to call it Lights on/off.  Someone else will be along to confirm though.


One trap is the possibility that you plugged the chip in back to front, not matching the Pin 1 in plug and socket.  The loco will still run like this but the lights won't work.  So check this one if still having problems.


If you've installed the chip yourself, rather than just plugged it into a socket, then you will have had to do the lighting wiring yourself.  We can give more advice if needed.

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... yes i fitted the chip myself, and the spot is aligned with pin one as recomended, ...

R, although you may have fitted the chip spot on that assumes that the socket was wired correctly. I would personally deliberately put the chip the other way just to check. Shouldn't hurt

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In order to get your lights working, you need to 'tell' elink that there are lights on your loco.  I do not know if the Loco is a Hornby Loco but if it is, it should be listed in the RailMaster Loco list and when you call it up from there, the list of Functions available is loaded automatically.

If it is not a Hornby you can still get your lights working but you need to call up your Loco and then select F0, F1 etc to be the function (lights in your case) that you require.

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... yes i fitted the chip myself, and the spot is aligned with pin one as recomended, ...

R, although you may have fitted the chip spot on that assumes that the socket was wired correctly. I would personally deliberately put the chip the other way just to check. Shouldn't hurt

Swapped chip around and lights work but train will not run now, was running well before I swapped it around 

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In order to get your lights working, you need to 'tell' elink that there are lights on your loco.  I do not know if the Loco is a Hornby Loco but if it is, it should be listed in the RailMaster Loco list and when you call it up from there, the list of Functions available is loaded automatically.

If it is not a Hornby you can still get your lights working but you need to call up your Loco and then select F0, F1 etc to be the function (lights in your case) that you require.

I swapped the chip around, spot on wrong corner maybe, this put the lights on all the time, when I use the throttle the lights change but train stays put 

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I was never personally convinced that the chip was in wrong from you had said (spot aligned to pin one) but you do need to ensure that the Function keys have been allocated to your Lights as I said in my previous post.

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I was never personally convinced that the chip was in wrong from you had said (spot aligned to pin one) but you do need to ensure that the Function keys have been allocated to your Lights as I said in my previous post.

Have replaced chip correct way round, train runs smooth again, I have selected F1 and told it lights on/off and it has put text in F1 button but it still has no effect on the train. 

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In order to get your lights working, you need to 'tell' elink that there are lights on your loco.  I do not know if the Loco is a Hornby Loco but if it is, it should be listed in the RailMaster Loco list and when you call it up from there, the list of Functions available is loaded automatically.

If it is not a Hornby you can still get your lights working but you need to call up your Loco and then select F0, F1 etc to be the function (lights in your case) that you require.


I have swapped the chip around in socket lights come on straight away, but loc will not move i have now put chip back in as before loco runs well still no lights, the F0 button has been slected and lights on/off selected from drop down box and tick in check box along side this enables the text to be viewed on button. still stumped

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In order to get your lights working, you need to 'tell' elink that there are lights on your loco.  I do not know if the Loco is a Hornby Loco but if it is, it should be listed in the RailMaster Loco list and when you call it up from there, the list of Functions available is loaded automatically.

If it is not a Hornby you can still get your lights working but you need to call up your Loco and then select F0, F1 etc to be the function (lights in your case) that you require.


I have swapped the chip around in socket lights come on straight away, but loc will not move i have now put chip back in as before loco runs well still no lights, the F0 button has been slected and lights on/off selected from drop down box and tick in check box along side this enables the text to be viewed on button. still stumped,

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Please give us the Make and Model Number of your Loco

Paper work calls it a English electric class 55 deseil electric, graham farish manufacture, N scale 

On the plastic case it's listed as , 371-287 class 55 Deltic 55005 Prince of Wales

Bachmann E-Z Command36-558 decoder

thanks for taking the time to help

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Not entirely connected to your setup @Romeo but I recently experienced problems with running lights on my Chris Hoy Javelin.  I had been experiencing running problems so switched decoders (Hattons & Zimo) around.  The result was a replacement Zimo which got them working again.  Now, a few weeks later the running problems returned so I purchesed a Lenz decoder.  It solved the running problem beautifully BUT the running lights didn't work.  I tried what you have tried and much more to no avail!  I then re-read the manual carefully several times and I think CV29 was set to 0 which meant that the speed steps was 14 or 28 instead of 128.  I set this to 2 (128 speed steps) and they worked !!!  I'm sorry I can't check for sure at the moment but it may be worth you looking at those CV settings.  It was certainly annoying that the out-of-the-box setting was running lights off.

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This is not the first time that it has been reported that speed steps affect lights.  Doesn't make sense to me but seems to work.


Speeds steps are bit 1 of CV29 with a numerical value of 2.  But if you add 6 to Cv29, that means you are setting bit 2 for DC running too.  That has never been reported previously as affecting lights.  So I believe just the addition of 2 does the job, not 2 and 4 to get 6.

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hi, you have to ensure that CV29 is set to 006 or what ever setting you want plus 6 for the lights to work.



at least that's what I've found to work with a Bachmann decoder.

If I change the cv to 006 and this fails can I reset it to 000 as it is now without damage to the decoder 

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