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RM Function buttons disparity with large throttle panel open.


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This is in addition to a new query to HRMS, the problem having been previously reported but not apparently fixed in rev 2.


To give HRMS more data could anyone using TTS in RM please have a play as below and if you see the same problem(s) then report it in via RM.


If you open a large throttle panel by clicking the blue circle on the small panel and operate on/off type functions - start by switching lights and sound on - both buttons in both panels should be green.


Then in either the small or large panels deselect/reselect these buttons and I can get the button states to be different in either panel or out of synch with the loco. e.g. small panel green for lights and sound but large panel only green for lights. In addition the loco can be on or off in dispute with the buttons e.g buttons not lit but sound and lights still running on the loco.


It appears that only the lights and sound buttons go green when selected. I think it would be better if any on/off function button went green when selected. Say you play the fan, then blow a horn and after the horn has played through the fan resumes playing without having any indication it is selected. Same thing if you select multiple on/off buttons. As you switch them off the next in line will resume playing but you don't know which are still lined up.


Spot sounds are no problem as the button greys out as you select it and ungreys as the sound plays out.


Thats the gist of it, so if anyone has the same problems please report them in.

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I don't think this is an issue with TTS rather a more general problem. I haven't noticed a disparity between the large loco display and the small ones but I certainly have frequently found that a button shows green when the function is actually off and vice versa. Recent example has been the shunt function with the loco running more slowly with the button off then when it is green. I found it quite difficult to get it back in synch once that occurs - doing a reset of my e-link doesn't always work, nor does ensuring the button is "off" after the loco has been removed from the track and then replacing it. Turning everything off and restarting is sometimes the only fix. I have previously had a similar issue where sound is off with button green and vice versa - again quite hard to get it back in synch. Whether this is a RM issue or e-link I don't know. You apparently have both Elite and e-link - do you have the issue with both?

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I have RM / Elite only. I don't have any TTS locos, but I still get loss of synchronisation between small and large throttle function buttons on my Digital Sound locos. This is in addition to loss of sync between RM function buttons and the physical locos, the actual throttles themselves keep perfect sync.


Another related thing I have noticed is that using the physical throttle knob on the Elite generates a corrosponding movement with the RM throttle slider, but there does not seem to be any command feedback from the Elite to RM for the functions i.e any functions pressed on the Elite are ignored by RM function button display.


Sometimes the loss of sync gets so bad that only a power down reboot will recover the situation. I have noticed this issue in every version of RM I have used going back to 1.55, possibly even earlier releases.


When I get time, I will report via RM as per your request.

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The Elite does not support feeding back loco function button states so RailMaster cannot see this.  It is therefore recommended that you use RailMaster's loco function buttons and not the Elite's during normal operation.

If you can send us an email with a copy of your locos file (resource.mdb) and full details of which function buttons you are changing that do not correspond between small and large controllers then we can look into this for you.

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Have just sent this issue via RM support function and received auto acknowledgement (note: different email address in RM used to my forum email address).


Have noted your comment that Elite does not support function button feedback to RM. The original reported throttle windows loss of function button synchronisation occurs even if Elite controls are left alone and ignored.

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I've experienced loss of synchronisation of the buttons with the loco for some time now. It doesn't present me with such a great problem as I do most of my running using programs, which is why I haven't bothered to report it.

I also have one or two instances where I have a latching function e.g. Injector on/off and when the button is pressed, the black writing turns grey for about a second, then back to black, but the background doesn't change to green to show on or back to grey to show off.

I don't know if this has been mentioned elsewhere, but I've noticed that in the large throttle window, functions higher than 9 i.e. two-digit numbers, are not displaying the second digit, so thay all look like F1.

Is there no way of upgrading the Elite firmware to allow function button feedback?


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Hmmmm.... not sure what is going on here, but my throttle sliders on the large control panel match the small ones exactly and the green highlight on "in use" functions matches across throttles correctly. The same applies to direction of travel.


@RAF96 - where is the small blue circle you refer to? To open a large throttle I tap anywhere on the small throttle panel.



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As with other posters, I have had button synchronisation issues since I started using RM and they are ongoing.


I generally use the Elite/RM combination.  I found this problem simply because RM was telling me that the smoke generator in Mallard was turned off and I believed it.  In reality, the smoke generator was on, had run out of fluid and Mallards chimney was melting.


Now I wonder if I have a good case for a claim...




P.S. @Chrissaf - I now have a PicAxe controlling 4 servos and have figured out the programming (I didn't forget...).  Best if you could email me if you still want details.  You should be able to ask admin for my email address - if you haven't worked it out from my layout thread...

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Thanks for the feedback all you guys.

Without referring to each responder by name here goes with some replies to your comments:


When I talk about lack of synch between the throttles I don't mean the sliders and yes it is a known fact that the Elite does not echo RM but it does happen 'tother way round. I was only talking about Function buttons getting out of kilter with each other and the loco.


And yes I am using an Elite for locos with RM (eLink for points only) but in this case I had limited my 'fault finding' to RM throttles only.


Blue Circle - its about the size of a 5p piece on the small throttle at the top where the loco name is  - not easy to see if you are not aware of it. I can't seem to expand the small throttle unless I hit this circle.


@HRMS - list of buttons that get out of kilter. I couldn't keep count. Its a bit like your PC helpdesk saying which keystrokes made XYZ happen. I will send the locos resource.mdb but there are so many buttons that are not as they should be I could make it my day job. I can say though that F25 never makes it onto the large throttle panel.


Elite firmware upgrade for feedback - best ask HCC direct about that. I know the Elite is strapped for free memory for additonal functionality but I think you would need the equivalent of Railcom in RM to pass that to the Elite - could be talking from under Fishy's hat here though.


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Blue Circle - its about the size of a 5p piece on the small throttle at the top where the loco name is  - not easy to see if you are not aware of it. I can't seem to expand the small throttle unless I hit this circle.


I see now RAF - to me that looks like a faint thumb print. I thought there was something like the "I'm thinking about it" spinning circle that Windows does too often. R-



I had taken most of your text out of my reponse RAF - dont know why it is still showing?? R- 

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Thanks for the feedback all you guys.

Without referring to each responder by name here goes with some replies to your comments:


When I talk about lack of synch between the throttles I don't mean the sliders and yes it is a known fact that the Elite does not echo RM but it does happen 'tother way round. I was only talking about Function buttons getting out of kilter with each other and the loco.


And yes I am using an Elite for locos with RM (eLink for points only) but in this case I had limited my 'fault finding' to RM throttles only.


Blue Circle - its about the size of a 5p piece on the small throttle at the top where the loco name is  - not easy to see if you are not aware of it. I can't seem to expand the small throttle unless I hit this circle.


@HRMS - list of buttons that get out of kilter. I couldn't keep count. Its a bit like your PC helpdesk saying which keystrokes made XYZ happen. I will send the locos resource.mdb but there are so many buttons that are not as they should be I could make it my day job. I can say though that F25 never makes it onto the large throttle panel.


Elite firmware upgrade for feedback - best ask HCC direct about that. I know the Elite is strapped for free memory for additonal functionality but I think you would need the equivalent of Railcom in RM to pass that to the Elite - could be talking from under Fishy's hat here though.


Yup, seeing most of that here. It happens with any 'on/off' function, and is not unique to TTS. The Blue Circle thingy is not particularly sensitive here - anywhere pretty close will do to open the larger window. Unfortunately, I can't remember when this bug became apparent. I think it might have been when 'on/off' was introduced. I suspect it's always been the case, but now it's more obvious. It is rather irritating though.

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Thanks for the feedback all you guys.

Without referring to each responder by name here goes with some replies to your comments:


When I talk about lack of synch between the throttles I don't mean the sliders and yes it is a known fact that the Elite does not echo RM but it does happen 'tother way round. I was only talking about Function buttons getting out of kilter with each other and the loco.


And yes I am using an Elite for locos with RM (eLink for points only) but in this case I had limited my 'fault finding' to RM throttles only.


Blue Circle - its about the size of a 5p piece on the small throttle at the top where the loco name is  - not easy to see if you are not aware of it. I can't seem to expand the small throttle unless I hit this circle.


@HRMS - list of buttons that get out of kilter. I couldn't keep count. Its a bit like your PC helpdesk saying which keystrokes made XYZ happen. I will send the locos resource.mdb but there are so many buttons that are not as they should be I could make it my day job. I can say though that F25 never makes it onto the large throttle panel.


Elite firmware upgrade for feedback - best ask HCC direct about that. I know the Elite is strapped for free memory for additonal functionality but I think you would need the equivalent of Railcom in RM to pass that to the Elite - could be talking from under Fishy's hat here though.


Yup, seeing most of that here. It happens with any 'on/off' function, and is not unique to TTS. The Blue Circle thingy is not particularly sensitive here - anywhere pretty close will do to open the larger window. Unfortunately, I can't remember when this bug became apparent. I think it might have been when 'on/off' was introduced. I suspect it's always been the case, but now it's more obvious. It is rather irritating though.

Seems to be all fixed here with Rev 2.

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I think a little bit of feedback from HRMS would be useful at this time. I for one haven't had any further response from HRMS since I reported issue via RM support function other than a e-mail 'point of clarification' request that I responded too, since then zilch.


Have HRMS been able to observe reported issue in their test bed.

Is a fix being planned into the future development timeline.

Is the issue being ignored at this moment in time as deemed low priority.


No guarantees on timeline expected, but it would nice to know if a fix will appear at some point in the future.


PS - I'm still using 1.60 rev 1 if that helps.

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Chris, sounds like time to go to Rev 2 then as AM reports it fixed for him immediately above?


I thought that too at first, but RAF's very original post in this thread contradicts AM, as RAF states he didn't find Rev 2 fixed it for him in the very first paragraph of his post. Plus if Rev 2 was a fix for this issue, I would have thought that HRMS would have come back fairly quickly to say so. I'll probably install rev 2 when I get round to it and test for myself, it's not a big issue for me at this instant in time, but I would like to see RM stable without any bugs at all if possible.


It was seeing AM's comment that made me add my PS.

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As I said in my OP I raised it again with HRMS after installing Rev 2 because the problem was still apparent.

I had contact from HRMS asking for my resources.mdb file, duly provided. They acknowledged receipt and stated they were investigating further now that they had a better understanding of the button disparity problem.

So now I wait for Rev 3.

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  • 2 years later...

I know this is an old thread but was there ever anymore progress with this problem?

It's now becoming a real issue now as I can start from scratch with all buttons correct but within minutes I find the buttons going out of sync. ie reversed. 

I have found that using the different loco groups is a complete no no as switching between them instantly mucks up the buttons and the only way I have found to get things back in order is to turn off all train functions on the loco regardless of button position and the change the Railmaster theme which resets the loco list and puts it back in order. 

I have had to start having all locos open at once now to stop this but with 25 locos it's a night mare scrolling up and down looking for what you want.

It's so frustrating as this is the only issue I have. 


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As one of the members reporting this issue in the earlier posts in this thread. I can't say I have particularly noticed this issue still present in a significant form. Granted there is still the occasional loss of sync but nowhere near as bad as it once was. Maybe the difference is that if I have a large throttle open, I only use the function buttons on the large throttle. I only use the small throttle function buttons if the associated large throttle is closed.


I would assume by now that you are using a much later version of RM compared to the one that was current at the time of this old thread. The current version 1.67, only went live yesterday and should be detected as available at start up the next time you run RM. This assumes of course, that your RM PC is connected to the Internet and that RM is not being blocked by your AV. If you are running 1.66 (or earlier) and 1.67 is not being detected as an available auto-upgrade then I suggest you download 1.67 manually from the link at the top of the forum and run the installer to over-write your current earlier version (no need to deactivate RM or uninstall it first).

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Hi. Thanks for the reply. 

Yes I can confirm I have the latest version as it flashed up yesterday or the day before(I forget) and I updated as I always keep it uptodate. It's always been an issue from last year when I first got into Railmaster but it becomes more of an issue with more locos.

As you mentioned large  throttle, I don't use them because this also seems to invite button problems plus I get the problem of the courser not releasing which I believe is a Microsoft issue. 

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According to BB in the "RM version 1.67 now available" thread. The mouse cursor sticking to the large throttle slider appears to be fixed in the 1.67 release.

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The slider issue may well have been fixed then but I wouldn't know because as said I avoid it as it seems to add to the button anomaly. 

This is a shame really as Railmaster has the potential to be magnificent and blow everything else out of the water but it's let down by silly bugs. 

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Really fed up now. Just set up for a bit of running time on Christamas Eve and all going well then a loco out on the track refuses to move so have to stop every thing. Finaly figured out notch down is on but buttons say nothing is on so in affect i had to turn notch down ON to turn it OFF to get the train to move. to sort this i have to shut everytthing off and start again.

I have just reported it to hornby by the internal help request but i susspect nothing will change.

I have had 12 months of this and now with so many locos it unworkable sometimes, Maybe January is the time to move on.

Its not happend yet but thic can run the risk of damage to my locos if i expect a reaction and dont get it.

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