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What Happens on DC?


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I am thinking about running my old 80's "vintage" Rivarossi "Big Boy" on my DCC layout. I have a switching set-up that switches power to an MRC DC power pack throughout the whole layout. Since I have programmed all of my DCC locos to "DCC only" or "analog disabled" using CV29, will they simply not respond to the DC signal, and just sit there? Will it hurt the decoders (or anything else) to leave them on the track while running DC?

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You do not intend to try harder then...Don't blame you.

How many hats you got left.

My youngest boy left UK last Tuesday for OZ. Went from 6 deg C to 37 deg C overnight. He's chasing various bands, F1 and V8's for 9 weeks.

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Sounds like a good trip.  If he's anywhere on the north or northeast coasts at the moment, his hat could well have blown away and it's not quite as hot.  Two cyclones made landfall on Friday.  I don't have any more trouble with hats either as Graskie offered me one of his a while ago and I have been using his ever since.


And I made no comment on trying harder, yet, it was poliss and he can look at a word or a smiley face rather than both.

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