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Is there a recommended book to read or other written material for a beginner to read before stepping forth into an expensive maze Of possible mistakes.at the moment i am somewhat impressed with hornbys latest control system. But upon searching around nothing says to control this point.signal. etc etc.you need one of these or two of these to do this. 

So if someone can spare this old pensioner some time and knowledge he would be greatful.in anticipation many thanks.ronnie.

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The problem I find with toob-vids is the presenter hasn't a clue as to presenting a subject. They may (may not) know their stuff but they drivel on for ages over what could be said in less than half the time with a previously prepared script.


I generally bail out half way through most of them from sheer boredom. That is not taking account of those many persons who put vids up that are how can I say it without offending them 'not exactly correct in their technical content'. Follow their advice at your peril.


There is one entitled Directional Lighting Conversion of a Class 37 TTS Loco and all it is is 5 minutes of a Class 37 going backwards and forwards round a track. No information at all about how it was done, just a loco alternating direction with lights on.


Finally as the Greeks say 'Why use one word when a hundred will do'. So if one picture = 1,000 words and one Vid = 10,000 picutres, how many Greek words would it take to script the video for War and Peace. The math is toooooo much.


Seriously Ron - there is a need for a simple Wiki on the lines of an answer to your request.

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Ronnie, I would start with the DCC section on this site, then go to the Brian Lambert link poliss has given you.  By the time you've finished with Brian, you'll know your stuff.  Don't miss that there are 2 large pages in his DCC section with almost as many topics on the second page as you can see on the first.


And another topic for move to the DCC Forum.

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