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Sound Mixer?


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Hi,having just bought the Empress of Canada loco with TTS sound I want to change the volume on some of the effects but I can find no detailed instruction anywhere. can somebody point me in the right direction or suggest a service sheet I can look at. I'm using the Hornby 'Select' controller.

Many thanks for any help.

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You have a problem nn.  Sound volume is a CV adjustment and Select can't change CVs.  You are stuck with the very loud default volume.


The leaflet with it tells you which CV if you ever have it on a controller that can change CVs.

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I'm really surprised that nobody has come back to you yet. I'm afraid I don't have either TTS or Select, but searching the forum on your behalf for an answer I found many entries that stated that the Master Volume on a TTS model is typically controlled by CV178. The values that can be configured are 0 sound off, 1 sound low........to 4 sound maximum (which is the default). Your loco should have come with a data sheet and you should find reference to CV178 in it. Apparently, as far as I can tell, other CVs control individual sound effect volume levels.


Note the following though. In my search I also found reference to the 'Select' controller not supporting all the TTS sound functions. There may also be an issue in the ability of the 'Select' to actually write to CV178 to change the volume because the 'Select' is a really low function cut down controller  version compared to Elite and e-link. Someone else who knows more about the select will need to advise on this in regard to writing and reading CV limitations.


I have just had a look at the download version of the 'Select' manual and cannot find any reference in it to reading and writing CV values. This would, unfortunately, seem to indicate that your volume is going to be fixed at the default value unless you either buy or borrow a better more functional controller.


To search the forum for yourself to find the references I found. Put TTS in the "search forums" box at the top of this page, click the green magnifying glass, wait for the results to be returned, then click the big read box tilted 'Search by Posts Content'. This will return all posts on the forum containing "TTS". You can then do similar searches using the same technique for other search terms such as "volume" "sound" "select" etc. Unfortunately, the search function is not very intelligent on this forum, it is best to search for single words. This inevitably means that commonly used words will return lots of entries.


In the meantime, maybe someone else will come back to you with a more definitive specific answer.


EDIT - once again Fishmanoz beats me to it as I was typing........he has just confirmed in a couple of sentences what I wrote in a page.

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Chrissaf, you said that the maximum setting for sound on TTS locos is 4 which is the default setting. You're quite right about the latter but you can in fact go up to a maximum of 8, at least on my DoG. I think I would have to take my new hearing aids out at that level, though. Mine's still too loud at 1. Individual sound levels have the same range of 0-8, with a default of 4 as well, of course.

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I was reporting back what my searches found as a non TTS owner. In fact I found it difficult to find any one definitive post that covered it all in any detail, and some seemed contradictory at best. Hence why I put in the bit about how to do an indepth search for the OP to do his own. I was hoping to find one 'all inclusive post' and just put a link to it. But thanks to all for coming back with the additional detail. Maybe this thread can become a definitive thread to link to in the future if a similar Q gets asked. A bit of a 'red herring' anyway as OP has the 'Select'.


So presumably if CV182 is for Diesel locos, I assume C178 is for Steam locos then.

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Correct Chris CV178 is indeed the steamer CV.

The answer to all these assorted Q's of course is for the enquirer to RTFM (read the er 'famous' manual), as applicable to your TTS loco, Select or Elite controller or Railmaster software package.

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Chris, for your future reference, all that can be done with Select is set short IDs up to 59, change default direction, set accel and decel, run an analog loco on ID 00, adjust speed steps (this one is hidden as the last para in the Walkabout section), and form consists.  It can also control solenoid only  point motors (you can't set the pulse length so you are stuck with the decoders' default) numbered from 60 to 99.  And it has 9 only functions.  It certainly doesn't have a separate read or write function for CVs.  It is not NMRA compliant so should only be used with Hornby decoders.  To repeat an old joke of mine, it would be a lot more versatile if it were heavier because then you could use it as a door stop.

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door stop......like it, very droll.


Don't know if it is the same in OZ, but in the job we used to treat the term 'to be bricked' as being a reference to being as useful as a door stop. Something would become 'bricked' if it became irretrievably corrupted. Say for example, a 'firmware' upgrade failed in an unrecoverable way.


And when you list the 'Select' features the way you just have, there doesn't seem to be any justification whatever to buy one (yes I know that it's the price and it comes in basic digital sets, but from what you have outlined there it does seem a false economy).

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When I started, all DCC Intro sets came with Select, eLink didn't exist, and that is where mine came from.  It still has a place for that as it does do the basic running of your locos and throwing your points, but anyone who gets into it any further will soon upgrade.  One of my first upgrades was Elite, still no eLink, then RM.


And anyone who thinks I'm selling Select short, I have summarised the entire manual in those two sentences, and I checked it as I wrote. 

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