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Nunney Castle - uneven running


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Have Nunney Casle bought unboxed and untested off ebay, is DCC ready.

When we tried running on our non dcc track it was jumpy particularly in reverse, light on controler flickered rather than steady. 

So called expert said he had repaired it and taken out decoder but fault remains, by this time seller said his guarantee had expired.

We have checked valve gear not binding and when rods removed  removed motor spins freely, but oddly middle driven wheels are just clear of the track including traction tyres when connecting rods removed.

Oh dear what can the matter be ?





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Why Liz?


As it has been dismantled and re-built by someone else, there could be a part installed backwards or inside out! If the centre driving wheels don't touch the track, the chassis could be bent.

As you put - Caveat Emptor - as it was advertised as 'not tested' it probably meant tested, dodgy - therefore junk - good for parts or re-build, for someone who has the time and patience to sort it out!

I think E-bay allows 30 days from purchase, to entertain claims for duff goods.

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