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Hi, this is a hornby forum, we are not supposed to discuss other makes. Howver, many of us are also on Model rail forum, where Powercab, is discussed daily, and there are many  clever guys. I would join them, for an immediate reply. john

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Hi, this is a hornby forum, we are not supposed to discuss other makes. Howver, many of us are also on Model rail forum, where Powercab, is discussed daily, and there are many  clever guys. I would join them, for an immediate reply. john

AHH right. So as I have a Hornby model, I should only use a Hornby controller? And a Bachmann requires a Bachmann controller? Then if I have a problem with Bachmann controller....sheesh. PC Gone mad. But thanks for your info, am over there now.



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No you have misunderstood. In principle all DCC equipment should be compliant with the same NMRA standard. This ensures interoperability. A NCE PowerCab controller will control, or at least should control, all model makes as will other controller brands. What John was saying. Is that THIS forum is a Hornby forum. Your controller is not a Hornby controller, thus the more general 'Model RailForum' may provide you with more specific answers to your question.


That said, I am intrigued by your comment that you are too slow and the display times out. I suggest that you write down all the actions you need to take in the order you need to take them on paper. Creating a list where you don't need to keep refering back to the manual or watch the controller display. Maybe a list approach will allow you to speed up your finger button pressing coordination, particularly if your attention is too focused on what is shown on the display.



If you should come back to this forum and see this reply, re-check your other earlier post in the General Section. I responded there too with a diagram that might interest you.


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This is the answer UPNick gave me.

"Reading CV's on Powercab is straightforward    .....   plug  Powercab in obviously connected to layout or  a section  of track  the screen  changes  auto   couple of times once it settles   press   prog / esc  button  bottom  left 4  times  till  display reads    ...    use  program  track  ...    then press enter changes  to  1 = STD  2 = CV  3 =REG   then place loco on track    press  CV  it  then  flashes type in the number of the   CV   you  want to alter   then enter display  asks for a value  to  change the CV  to  after value  press enter again If  he wants to read values of a CV   same procedure of course but the powercab  should  remember the values for each CV  just as it responds to the locos address"

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