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Re-activating Propack

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I have not actually needed to do this myself but can you not just re-enter the upgrade unlock code that would have been emailed to you when you first purchased Pro-Pack.

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Presumably when you deactivate RM it automatically deactivates Pro, so it should simply be a case of reactivating RM then reactivate Pro against that basic licence or am I wrong in that logic HRMS. 

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... do you think it  should be there ?

Are you sure that Pro-pack is not automatically activated when you reactivate a copy of RM that has had the Pro-pack upgrade?


Maybe when you reactivate RM, it recognises that Pro-pack is authorised.  Perhaps admin can help.



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Gitter, you definitely have to re-enter the Unlock code after you reactivate.  It's covered in the manual in the updating section near the back, only 3 words though.

Hi  Fishman, getting nowhere fast, have passed it onto Hornby. ( distinct lack of computer knowledge ) Thanks for your input. will keep forum informed when resolved, regards, Hugh.



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I'm at a loss to see what the problem is here.

1. Deregister your old version of RM.

2. Reinstall RM on your computer of choice.

3. Register the standard version on the new pc as normal using your code.

4. Select the upgrade to Pro-Pack icon that is only visible in Am-Pack.

5. Enter your Pro-Pack code.

6. If all else fails contact HRMS who will sort it out for you.

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Where's the icon RAF?



I may have confused people a tad there, apologies all round. Let me start again...


For new purchasers (which he isn't):

Press the Help icon (?)  and you will see a popup box with a row of icons next to the Hornby logo - a question mark, the world, a lock, a movie camera and an up-arrow.

Hover over the up-arrow and it says Purchase Pro Pack Upgrade. If you click this it asks for your credit card details, etc and says it will send you a code by email.

When you get the email enter the code as below.


For those who have already purchased (which he is): 

Go to System Settings (cog wheel), click on the loco detection tab and 2nd from the bottom is Enter Pro Pack code

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... Go to System Settings (cog wheel), ...

Hi RAF96.  I am guessing that you use the 'Metal' theme.

In all other themes (Classic, Black and Gold, Emerald, Ocean, Sunset, White) the System Settings icon is a spanner, not the cog wheel.  

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... Go to System Settings (cog wheel), ...

Hi RAF96.  I am guessing that you use the 'Metal' theme.

In all other themes (Classic, Black and Gold, Emerald, Ocean, Sunset, White) the System Settings icon is a spanner, not the cog wheel.  

Hi RDS. I was just going to raise this subject. The propack is not working on "metal" , the function bar is staying in RM standard mode. On my original installation it was in metallic theme, and all the icons on bar were as they are now,( in white ( for example)  headphones etc.)  

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How on earth  did you figure that out? 

   For a start I re-read the manual (Page 129), but its not well described in there how to enter the ProPack code, just says how to buy it then it says enter it, so the next logical step was to look in settings, but what a place to hide it - very instinctive and logical.

And yes I use metal - thats what seems to be default on Am-Pack.

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Hi, RAF, I never look in there, may have done when I 1st  got RM ,  but would it have been there?  It would not have burst the ball to have put 1 line in saying its exact location.  As to metallic screen , I fully expect it to resolve itself.  We learn 1 thing new every day,and I forget  2.    You, Fishy and the others have made my day,thanks,  regards, Hugh.

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How on earth  did you figure that out? 


It was quite easy because as I said, only that theme shows the System Setting icon as a cog wheel.  It's obviously a personal choice but I soon reverted to the 'Classic' theme.



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I knew it was in there, couldn't remember where, but there was extensive discussion when ProPack first came out.  Many found the original prompt didn't work when they first bought ProPack and had to go to Settings to enter the code.


i haven't double checked that it is the latest version of the manual but have downloaded the one on this site onto this iPad and its picture of the LD tab on page 26 doesn't include the box to enter the unlock code.  That clearly needs fixing HRMS if not already done so.  It certainly isn't on p129 either, the only place entry of the unlock code is mentioned.  The version says it is 1.56 plus ProPack, Sep 2014, but we also know the manual isn't upgraded with each RM upgrade.  Haven't had the laptop with RM on it open recently, so haven't been able to check.

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  • 2 years later...

Where's the icon RAF?


I have done that but RM says already registered.


 I may have confused people a tad there, apologies all round. Let me start again...


For new purchasers (which he isn't):

Press the Help icon (?)  and you will see a popup box with a row of icons next to the Hornby logo - a question mark, the world, a lock, a movie camera and an up-arrow.

Hover over the up-arrow and it says Purchase Pro Pack Upgrade. If you click this it asks for your credit card details, etc and says it will send you a code by email.

When you get the email enter the code as below.


For those who have already purchased (which he is): 

Go to System Settings (cog wheel), click on the loco detection tab and 2nd from the bottom is Enter Pro Pack code



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I got Hornby to rest my RM & pro pack

I reactivated RM no problem

But I put in pro pack activation code & it says already registered.

I have emailled HRM through RM but haven't heard back from them.

I previously had to call them to get things moving after waiting several days & its happening again its been several days since I emailed them & nothing

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