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It is a wishlist of sorts... Honest...


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There is some back story to this:

Back when I were a wee lad... *sits back with a pipe, slippers & a far away look in the eyes* I had a ~33-50% share in a Hornby trainset. Technically the layout belonged to my brother & father if I'm honest, but only my brother & I played with it together, sharing our locomotives and rolling stock, so I think we both thought of it as a shared toy/hobby, with Dad not getting a look in.

My parents split up, moved house and so the layout, stayed in the old house, but all the locomotives and rolling stock came away with their respective owners. I lent my box of assorted locomotives and rolling stock to one of two friends: One who helpfully has no recollection of my ever lending it to them (though I'd swear I did lend it to them), the other swears they gave it back... The outcome is that my box of treasured items was lost and still remains missing.

Now, some 5 years later and in a house that can once again support a trainset, I am wanting to reacquire some of the old locomotives and rolling stock, that I once treasured. However there's only so far that I dare to trust Amazon and Ebay for some of these items. Second hand is fine, but the quality of second hand is risky and these were models I treasured. I don't want a second hand model and potentiall lose my love of it, because a previous owner mistreated it and fails to mention that on their Ebay advert... 

Thus my wishlist comprises of two models no longer currently available:

Class 466 Networker Surburban Train Pack: Such a beautiful model, an impulse purchase that I never regretted.


LMS Maroon, Fowler 4P 2-6-4: I um'd and ah'd over the purchase of this model for months before finally buying it, I'd spent hours just staring at it in the shop window. It was my favourite loco, still is. I need a new one.

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GTH - when you lend things out get an IOU from the lendee written on the back of one of their signed blank cheques. That usually gets stuff brought back sharpish.

Good luck with the hunt.

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Try second hand from some shops.  But if you look around some shops may still have a brand new one unsold if your lucky.  If not the fowler tank is bond to be produced again by Hornby as it's a good seller.

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  • 2 weeks later...

GTH - when you lend things out get an IOU from the lendee written on the back of one of their signed blank cheques. That usually gets stuff brought back sharpish.

Good luck with the hunt.

  Lol! I shall remember that for future lendings... though to be honest, I probably won't be lending things out again... Ah fudge it... lets go full frontal for the wishlist...As discussed above: A Class 466 Networker Surburban & The Fowler.

In addition though I will now add:A1 Peppercorn Tornado... so pretty! *sigh*NS, 4-unit VIRM type EMU... My lady is a Dutchie & since visiting The Netherlands, I kinda fell for the double decker EMU's there... *more sighing*

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