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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Mr Baker...

As Some one who has (undeservedly) been one of, and indeed may still be, one of the 'Usual suspects', I actually have to vigorously agree with Mr Ratch, in that yes, some of the users here are indeed 'Idiots' and much, much worse besides than them. The modelling scene 'pool' is incredibly shallow, and we all paddle around and around the 'usual places' sniping and snapping at each other, and annoying the hell out of owners like Mr Ratch. And as owner of the ATF Mr Ratch has had a lot to put up with in his time, I can tell you. Where even the issuing of stern warnings and even punishments has failed to alter said offenders habits and has seriouslty degraded at times, his usual sunny disposition. And so, I can see the despair behind his comment. Having said that, as an ex-user of his massive and convoluted forum, sometimes its been nigh-on impossible to find out if a specific Question had been asked before, and whether it got an answer. Forum Filters I think, are quite basic, quite clunky, and therefore relatively unsatisfactory, and so, for a newb, and even some experienced posters, it will have just been easier to ask the damn Question and endure a telling off.

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Hi Mr Admin...

I dont have a problem identifiying quotes here so for me it isn't a problem. As someone else here mentioned earlier elsewhere, two most useful functions, a 'posts since I was here last' or a topic 'follow' button are the ones that will direct users quickly and efficiently and cause least frustration as they're part of a lot of forums that we modellers use already and are used to.

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