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Everything posted by zeroOneman

  1. i'd be interested in hornby releasing details on the loco detection interface - what I'm thinking is that if I could knock up a raspberry PI with some reed switches connected I could at least use inputs from these reed switches to set & clear signals, which I already have connected to BM1 modules....
  2. i will be mighty dissapointed if there isn't anything released to help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11
  3. while I wait for an email to come flooding in, I thought I'd just mention that the initial outlay for DCC put me off for a long time. I finally took the plunge last february - to convert just two locos & get one point motor operating under DCC I paid the handsome price of £135. This was by using an elink & my PC. Looking at ebay this morning, I reckon you could achieve the same for under £100 now. search the web for "dcc on a budget" if you're interested.
  4. just the cost of postage - it's no use to me any more & they don't sell for much on evilBay. contact the forum admin & ask for my email address. If you're anywhere near Gatwick/Brighton you could always pick it up. Now where the hell is it...
  5. I don't use my zero one unit any more - it's yours if you want it
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