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Peter Stiles

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Posts posted by Peter Stiles

  1. Nice work. Good idea about the varnish.


    I've used embossed plasticard on these buildings - basically treating them as a shell that can be decorated as you wish.


    For the platforms, I use filler on the gaps between sections, sandpaper smooth. Then completely paint - undercoat of Matt black, then over spraying from above with a dark grey (mechanicus standard grey from GW)

    Then a large bunch of dry-brushing with a large brush with a lighter grey, then edge in an even lighter grey (something duck egg blue works for me) which can then have a overbrush/highlight of white. Paint the access hatches with a dark tinny colour then drydrush with gunmetal.

    Whoosh-ting! Nice platforms.


    • Like 1
  2. On 07/06/2024 at 21:11, ColinB said:

    The thing I cannot understand is why Accurascale is producing one

    Cavalelax announced 1.5 years ago (and isn’t there yet) Accurascale have been working on their for three years but only just announced... Who came first? (Who's in first base?)

  3. It's not an easy retro fit.

    There's the synchronization wheel on the gearing/axels to start with, then there's the physical space for the atomiser equipment.


    They have said they won't release fit-yourself kits and once you realise the complexity you can understand why.

  4. I have used print-your-own decal papers, and the biggest problem I had was the thickness of the final decal. With sufficient varnish to ensure the ink doesn't bleed in the water they ended up a very visible film. Using on 1/22 scale I got away with it, but on 1/76 the decal was obliterating surface detail I wanted to keep. 

    I could have been using the Wrong Paper, but after this, my experience is that'll I'll happily buy transfers if I need something that doesn't come with the kit.

  5. I must admit I use a rather random numbering facility.

    But what I do is to print off a small label and attach it to the bottom of the loco or tender with the dcc address on it, and then (horror of horrors!) I even stick a label on the box. I know I've just devalued the loco (well the box) and I'll never be able to sell it second hand...

    And: I keep a record of the number assigned in my Stock Spreadsheet. Must be something I learned from the Missus, Accountant that she was...

  6. Yes, once you have a few "xmas" wagons with the resin weight the poor Santas Express loco can't cope.

    I've tried sawing the bottom off the resin "presents" but its a VERY tough resin, so I've given in and I'm using a 0-4-0 peckett (one of the green ones) now.

  7. It would be really nice to be able to see, on the website, what stock items have "just arrived".

    And, no the "New In" section doesn't count because it often shows "available to pre order" or even "unavailable" against the items shown...

    Most people's websites are -eager- to show you what items have "just arrived" and it's really annoying to only find out that something Hornby has come into stock when I read someone something on A Forum Somewhere...

  8. If Hornby get the twitch to do a Royal Train version, could we also have a decent set of matching mk3s? With the correct double-doors on His Maj's carriage? And have them looking slightly less plasticy please...

    We've had much better mk3s recently, so it would be good for KC3 to get a decent treatment; especially in light of his strong support for Steam:)

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