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Peter Stiles

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Posts posted by Peter Stiles

  1. I ordered the expansion pack - it just turned up and the J15 is whizzing round my lockdownlayout pulling the coaches and a hogwarts brake I picked up for 15 quid.

    Very nice little loco it is.

    I was pleased to find the coaches had small tension locks on - I was expecting as railroad for them to still all have ye olde wide ones.

  2. I had to read the descriptions twice to see what I was missing.

    The Christmas Hamper has a J15.

    The Christmas Hamper Expansion Set 1 has a J15.

    Luckily one is the LNER version and one the BR paint job.

    But really? Entice people into the hopbby by attempting to sell them the same engine twice in quick succession?


    This looks like its a "way to cut down on overstocks"... Especially if you note the two coaches in the  Hamper and Expansion are the same Railroad.


    So - before I buy the Expansion Set and put the coaches on Ebay, is there anything fundamentally wrong with the J15?

  3. You'll find (or at least I do) a great deal of difference between a Metcalfe card kit and a download-print-your-own. Pre-cut, with strenghtheners and oh so clear instructions, it's a world of difference to a downloaded kit and worth every shilling.

    I've tried other card kits, particularly ones that say they are Rather Speedy to build and it's always ended in tears. until I tried Metcalfe i considered card kits the work of Sauron. 

    Glue: I ended up using No More Nails Wood Glue on my last card model, for strange reasons I'm not getting into now, and it worked a treat! YMMV.

  4. I disliked the resin platform pieces with a vengeance, badly fitting IMHO, and threw them away and cut up some "normal" plastic platforms to fit Hogsmeade instead. There's no rule that says you have to use the included platforms and they at least do match the height of "normal" platform sections. You could always make your own using third party card/plastic kits too.However I didn't lay the buildings out as per "prototype" as I wanted them on a curved section of platform. I don't count rivets either.

  5. yep I had that problem too; again.

    I immediately emailed as a response to the email they sent.

    I got an email reply within 3 days (this time) telling me to phone them.

    It only took 20 minutes of on-hold before I spoke to a nice young lady who took my payment details with joy and delight.

    I told her to expect another few calls from me until the website is fixed because I know all my pre-orders will get the same issue.


    Now to find the "perfect" set of rolling stock for Cap'n Tom to pull!

  6. My failty one is going back for a refund. They were unable to source me a replacement and I gather the lead time on repairs at Hornby is months and months. Pity it was a thing of beauty.

    With fingers x'd they'll re-re-release it and I'll pick up on then.

    Now to cancel the order for the extra coaches :(

  7. Yes, mine suffer(s)(ed) from exactly the same problem, I got in contact with the supplier (their name rhymes with wagemaster) and they're gonna take it back and see whether I can get a replacement or refund.

    The wires are far too small and fiddly for me to try my meagre soldering skills on; especially on a rather expensive bit of brand-new kit.

    >> Was especially galling as I'd just spent 20 minutes hooking the carriages up and swearing. Darn fiddly little "chains".

    Really hoping I end up with a new one or else I'll end up having to cancel my order for the 3rd class wagons...

  8. If I knew how to link to another post I'd include a link to the "Poirot-ish" figure I obtained after a little query,

    The post is titled "Poirot Suggestion Needed" and has a piccy of the model I ended up choosing.

    >> Agatha Christie REALLY Loved trains too.

  9. Does anyone know if anyone's tried to detail the prototypes used for the Skaledale buidings?

    For instance its clear the R8713/8714 station is based on Rye (and the windmill R8548 looks suspiciously like the adjorning one by that prototype). 

    I've done the googling and poking around on the forum history but I couldn't find anything.

  10. My Lockdown-Layout's central section is being referred to as the "Agatha Christie" section, we all know she was obsessed with train time tables and so saying that my centre section should be appropriate for her eaasly books and so 1920's-30's (and 40's if I really have to) gives me a bit of an artistic direction.

    I've found an appropriate model for a Miss Marple on a Dapol spru, although I'm going to cut a millimetre off her legs to give her a "little old lady" look :) It should be painless.

    So what I'm trying to find now is a suitable model to depict a shortish, chubby Belgian detective with grand moustachios, any suggestions?

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