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Oliver Hyett

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Everything posted by Oliver Hyett

  1. I only use enamels in certain circumstances when i really need to because of their drying time but I prefer acrylics because if you want a quick drying paint, that's the road to go down. Acrylics are also better because they have a wide range of other uses like being able to be sprayed by can or buy airbrush, which if you don't have they are a very good investment. For a F-111 I would use acrylics because you could spray it and have it dry quite quickly. Plus enamels take up a hell of a lot of thinners and yes the smell is nice (DON'T SNIFF IT!!!) but they can be very expensive. I hope this helps. P.S. you don't always need to thin the paint with acrylic but if you do use water because they are water soluble and they also wash h of clothes really quickly. they only need a bit of water to wash the paint of the brush as well.
  2. I would like to see an Fw 190 in 1/48th scale as airfix have 5 in 1/72 and i hell of a kit in 1/24.
  3. it looks lovely. i had the old one which wasn't bad but what is the big differences to make it more expensive??
  4. how thick is the black waterline on the hull?
  5. they would have to make a smaller one first i suspect to see if it was an area to start in
  6. love the idea have a look at this http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj307/Allanscott31/airfix262/Airfix2011020Me262.jpg airfixs original one and a dh http://www.vintage-airfix.com/images/Type%203%20Dog%20Fight%20-%20Mosq%20and%20Me262.jpg revel monogram http://www.oldmodelkits.com/jpegs/Monogram%205410%20Me262OK.JPG italeri http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/nCoAAOSwPhdVT7Br/s-l300.jpg and many more. airfix will have a hard time competing with them
  7. i am agreeing with sergant here all the way
  8. they dont sell them on the website anymore,but,i have found trumpeter do 1/350 harriers in boxes of 6 same with sea kings
  9. hi guys does anyone know where i can get some more harriers for lusty as airfix have only supplyed 4
  10. what i mean is are there any tips on making one that doesnt look like a pile of bent plastic with paint doloped on it
  11. hi I have asked airfix and they dont have it any more and the cog is part 6n/media/tinymce_upload/e32d5b0d7911f99d1968026b9cff7720.jpg
  12. hi is there any tips on making the perfect lusty
  13. hey ratch do you know where i can get some missing cogs as i am missing part 6n regards oli
  14. yes here are the instruction pics(16) http://i1362.photobucket.com/albums/r698/DavehHaigh/Airfix%20Bits/Airfix%20Bentley/IMG_0008_zps2ce20138.jpg
  15. also the motro is not the same http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u17/ChairmanRed/Aftermarket%20parts/Airfix/Prop%20Motor/IMG_1621.jpg plane the car has to more rectangles on the side
  16. i am going to in my version which is the same as ratch
  17. thanks ratch i will show you the completed model in the new year
  18. hi ratch. i have recently aquired the old version of this and i was wondering if you know if some new pieces from the new kit will fit the old one as you i can spot have the old one as yours has an 8 not a 9. could you get back to me so i can send off an request for the pieces. regards oli
  19. hi is there a pe sheet with the kit these days or can you get it from somewere else as i saw a build using one
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