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David Jones1707820337

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Everything posted by David Jones1707820337

  1. Amen to Hawkerhurricaneguy's list And how about: Auster Antarctic (lots of scope for variations on that airframe) plus a Sno-cat and some figures for the 1956 CTAE (in 1/48 scale) In 1/72 scale, the HP42 airliner And, just in time for the 50th anniversary, reissue the Lunar Module kit, or better still, do a proper one in 1/48 (unlike another manufacturer I could name). Again, lots of variations on the basic structure. (well, I can dream, can't I....)
  2. On holiday in Cumbria, and visited the Solway Aviation Museum yesterday. After getting inside the Vulcan, I hit the shop, where I found the best prices on Airfix kits I have seen for a long, long time. They have (well, had, anyway) a good selection, and I walked away with the Shackleton MR2, the Lancaster BIII(FE) and the Whitley V. So much for "I only build 1/48"!
  3. You know there has been "outrage" in the Twit-o-sphere about that particular kit? (and not because it had the wrong type of 30mm cannon 😆)
  4. Earwax ☹️ Reallly struggling to hear and when I speak, I sound odd!
  5. Working in Edinburgh, so dropped into Wonderland Models and emerged with the Whitley GR VII which I plan to make as a civil version. (Just reading a very interesting book on the Empire-class flying boats, which has made me far more aware of the scope or - and risks of - civil aviation operations during the war). I seem to be getting hooked on 1/72 kits....
  6. I got the "Battlefront" set from Home Bargains for a tenner. The tanks and soldiers will go to my son for him to make or destroy as he wants, but I will keep the diorama part (I have fond memories of the original Forward Command Post with the ulltra thin base) so this will be a reasonable substitute. Not quite sure what I will put with it - maybe a couple of Cromwells, or possibly look for some true 1/72 armour and better figures than the old Airfix ones.
  7. Birthday pressie - Fortresss III and the new tool Me262. I am seriously breaking my unwritten rule about preferring 1/48 kits! Does anyone know if the Eduard masks and PE for the B17 are compatibible with the Fortress? I assume so since the two kits are basically identical
  8. Dropped into my LMS and found a flight of FG1 Phantoms on the shelf, At £25, I was tempted by two or three, but as I normally build 1/48, I only got the one. Then saw the Blenheim IV and thought of Heather's excellent builds, so got one as a trial. Finally my daughter, who has a thing about Mini's, saw the Mini Starter set and skinned me for it. Not a bad day, althought I's been hoping for the P51 in 1/48scale.....
  9. Thanks, guys - hadnt thought about getting the kids to try (although the mental images of wash everywhere don't really appeal) I'll let you know how I get on.....
  10. This will seem a really stupid post, but I have several bottles of Humbrol Enamel Washes that I cannot for the life of me open (These are the ones in the small glass bottles with the "child proof" safety cap, which also appears to be middle-aged modeller proof!). I have no problem with the same cap on large bottles of Clear or varnish. The instructions are clear - push down and turn, which I do. The outer cap rotates and you can hear/feel a "click" as if it is trying to lock onto the inner cap, but it sort of bumps past that point. I am putting considerable pressure on the cap, but have also tried everything I can think of, including pulling on it (also using leverage from pliers etc. I havent tried hot water (yet...) Can some kind soul please help me retain my sanity and prevent me turning to a much larger bottle with an easily removable cork?
  11. There is no "right" size or pressure (I presume you have a compressor with a pressure gauge) I use a few cheap double action brushes off e(vil)Bay and have a 0.5mm for wide areas, a 0.35 for general and a (good quality) 0.2mm Badger airbrush for fine lines and detail, but with a bit of control you can get fine from a broad needle. Pressure - I generally use around 15-20 psi, with well thinned paints, but again that depends on what you are spraying and the results you want. Best suggestion is to practice on some old models (or plasticard) to find what works for you
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