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Everything posted by MARU5137

  1. The Boys' Book of Airfix By Arthur Ward. pages have photos and its a good (free) reading .
  2. The Boys' Book of Airfix By Arthur Ward. pages have photos and its a good (free) reading .
  3. The Boys' Book of Airfix By Arthur Ward. pages have photos and its a good (free) reading .
  4. The Boys' Book of Airfix By Arthur Ward. pages have photos and its a good (free) reading .
  5. The Boys' Book of Airfix By Arthur Ward. pages have photos and its a good (free) reading .
  6. just copy the link into search engine.
  7. just copy the link into search engine.
  8. just copy the link into search engine.
  9. oh its on Page 172 about coat hangers !! by product of Airfix !!
  10. So here is a link to a book. To expand the in order to read the texts better, use the plus and minus sign at top of page. Its better on a laptop too . but Cell phones are okay too.. for your Info.. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=sQqlOBvWzE4C&pg=PT173&lpg=PT173&dq=AIRFIX+COAT+HANGERS+AND+OTHER+PRODUCTS&source=bl&ots=7rMe0eYlNJ&sig=ACfU3U0IlNEJr0VhT3jIWq2ejNOU7rFFLw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj33_Dmp7v1AhWjoVwKHVz6CZc4ChDoAXoECAoQAg#v=onepage&q=AIRFIX%20COAT%20HANGERS%20AND%20OTHER%20PRODUCTS&f=false
  11. Hello everyone. So I see Airfix has gotten a new 1:24 Scale Spitfire out. MY question is this: How many 1:32 Scale Spitfires and different variants of that aircraft have Airfix produced and in what chronological order... I know they are mostly attuned to producing 1:48 and 1:72 scale but not so much 1:32 scale. They do so well with 1:48 scale which I have bought from them; and suddenly , to large scale modellers they have given them 1:24 Spitfire. But how many 1:32 Scale Spitfire kit models did they produced and in which order.. i.e. which was first and so on. Thank You in advance. Any one the information I'd be happy to know. Thank you.
  12. Information on Squadron Leader Arthur Steel. https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=I-iwBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA148&lpg=PA148&dq=ARTUR+STEEL+OF+WITTERING+RAF&source=bl&ots=0DCx6m7dUf&sig=ACfU3U1c051R2bb39RLr6ZwqdH8kbFsTww&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiErKjA7erxAhUZi1wKHTwJCM0Q6AEwFHoECC0QAg#v=onepage&q=ARTUR%20STEEL%20OF%20WITTERING%20RAF&f=false hope this helps you.
  13. only just seen this. He's articulate and liked the video. Thank you.
  14. Wow, very comprehensive and informative post. Thank you.
  15. 1:24 "Big Beautiful Doll" P-51D https://www.shopdrawdecal.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=24-P51-68 will this help?
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