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  1. As Will Hay has said I have found this problem can only be solved by selecting a heavy wagon or by putting a big bit of lead in it. I am also going to solve this by never buying a Vitrains loco again. The coupling on these locos is just c rap compaired to Hornby and Bachmann.
  2. The coupling is on the frame not the bogie. Its not the same as the NEM couplings on Hornby and Bachmann. It is just a very small v shape grove that the coupling pushes up into. I have been playing around with it to try and sort it out, I have lowered it and it helps a bit . It is not as bad with longer heavier wagons and works ok with coaches. I have a Vitrains 37 as well and i have been trying that one to with smaller wagons and it does it to but not as bad. I think it is just a bad design. I will try and get a video on here later tonight
  3. Its not a hight difference, The coupling bends up when its under load and lifts the wagon up a little. With no pressure on it it is level with the wagons couplings.
  4. Hi, I have just bought a Vitrains 47 and I am having problems with the coupling lifting the 1st wagon up when under load. I have tried Hornby and Bachmann wagons and it does the same to both. Anyone else have this problem and does anyone have a fix for it , Thanks
  5. I have used Jadlam before, some of their prices are good some are not, Thats why we shop around, Its that all the new stuff now is pre order. Hornby and all the model shops are doing it now.
  6. I just checked my order with jadlam , order was placed on 4th Feb . Its now listed at £240 pre order
  7. Any news when R30087 A3 Lemberg will be here, God knows what it will cost when it gets here, When I pre orderd mine it was £170 ( a bit over my budget but i really wanted 1 ) . Last I saw it was around £220 ? I will never be pre ordering again
  8. Hi all, I have a set of Hornby teak coaches R4171 to R4174. I would like to add a full brake coach but not sure on the witch R number maches best. I have found R4530 and R4830. Can anyone help with the best match. Thanks
  9. I am in the same boat, I am still waiting for R3831 BR, Thompson Class A2/2 'Thane Of Fife' and i would really like R30087 LNER, A3 Class, No. 45 in wartime black, but putting out another £200 for an engine you dont know then you will get it is a bit to much :(
  10. My son has the R3299 pack , we use my coaches out of R2659M The Royal Highlander Coronation Class LMS pack together because they are a good match, I was looking for more so we have 2 sets of 6 and was told on here that the new Hornby R4805/4/3 are a good match. Hope this helps I know its very confusing when there are so meny versions . R4787/8/9 and R4234/5/6/B/C are just a few more i came across.
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