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  1. Humbrol have a handy colour reference chart that can convert from Tamiya and Vallejo to Humbrol and I'm sure you could use it to convert back the opposite way from Humbrol to Tamiya. Might take a while to pick out the numbers but worth a go? https://www.humbrol.com/uk-en/humbrol-wallchart
  2. Hi All, Well this is THE kit that got me back into Airfix. My initial plan was to get a model of every aircraft that I have worked on in real life. Mostly for when I'm older, greyer and grumpier, although I didn't work on the Lest We Remember scheme but it was close enough. I forgot to take too many photos during the build process but I am more than happy with the outcome of it. Brushing an all gloss black aircraft focused the mind and it was trial and error in terms of trying to minimise the brush strokes that were left in it. The use of gloss seems to have helped to reduce it. I have gone to the added (small) expense of getting a display base for this as my intention is to try and protect it with it being a limited edition kit. /media/tinymce_upload/56fbd5ed2c01299be783e72c5d6ce5c9.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/1b9a4d7c27fbfd9aecb87e0cf8cd9c81.jpgHopefully I did the kit justice. Thanks, James
  3. Hi All, First off thanks for the kind comments regards to the work that I have carried out on the Wellington so far. As promised I'm trying to keep updates to a minimum to avoid too much spam. Got another update now that the fuselage interior has been completed and has been glued together. Impressed with the overall fit with only a few small gaps that as yet I haven't filled as I want to see how my primer coat helps to cover the gaps. /media/tinymce_upload/7f8359662a69a7f8a5b921f29b65eed1.jpg The wings are now together with the primer coat (Enamel 01) done and 2 coats of Humbrol 33. First coat I went leading to trailing edge and the second coat was done from inboard to outboard. I did this to try and make the coverage as even as possible. Trying to avoid brush marks was a bit of a nightmare but overall I am happy with the way that it came out, the few brush marks that are in it will hopefully be minimised when I apply a coat or 2 of gloss when the overall build is done prior to decals. /media/tinymce_upload/65194047323434cb8872f1b21dfdf25c.jpg Thanks for taking the time to look and comment. Hopefully the next update will be post painting of the fuselage and overall assembly. Cheers.
  4. Excellet build. I'm tempted to do a 109 but as Peter says, the fuselage mottling has me running away from the idea!
  5. Hi All, Following on from the build of my Tucano special that I was really happy with I am now building the 1/72 Wellington. I've got to say that I am blown away with the amount of detail contained in the kit and with all the hidden detail that can be omitted. I am choosing to fit all of these details as I think there might just be a chance that it will be seen once fully assembled. I'll try and keep updates to a minimum not to produce spam but hopefully you enjoy it and I'm loving building it. Cheers James /media/tinymce_upload/33a13dcd1a63bed1485c6270e1d4f63f.jpg /media/tinymce_upload/9fadb402b6135b50ed2603f5e862fd6a.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/e2d398380ba7d5a1dce034c3bd1b3731.jpg
  6. My latest is the Airfix 1/72 Vickers Wellington kit A08019. Really enjoying the build at the moment, the level of detail that is in there is crazy, I'm adding in all the details that might be hidden once the fuselage halves get joined together but at least I will know it's in there and I've been taking lots of photos of the build process so might post some of them up in the aircraft forum. Really enjoying seeing everyones builds.
  7. That 72 Sqn machine looks really impressive. Well done. Looking at the far wing, the varnish looks very smooth - which one did you use, and which make of black did you use come to that? Dominic Thanks Dominic The gloss is the Humbrol Clear, I applied 3 thin coats and for the black it is Humbrol Enamel Gloss Black (21) which I thinned to a consistency similar to semi-skimmed milk using Enamel thinners and brushed on in a few thin coats. At the moment I'm using the Humbrol 01 Primer as base coat, seems to be working ok
  8. Hi all, Only the second kit I have completed since getting back into modelling after not doing one in 20+ years, well, since I was a kid. Was worried about brushing an all gloss black A/C but think it came out ok. /media/tinymce_upload/38e26f29f2ea9f3f2f073ee54dd0b718.JPG
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