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Everything posted by thirdline

  1. Hornby have exchanged the two HM7000 decoders I returned to them, I’m pleased with the service I received from them. i have now refitted both decoders (8 pin & 21pin) into the locos and they are working perfectly. Many thanks to all of you who offered advice it was most welcome. Thanks again, Mick.
  2. Thanks again RAF, I don’t use clips, everything is hard wired to the rails. How do you reset the Elite? and will I loose any data, loco names etc?
  3. I have given up trying to sort this and I’ve sent the decoders back to Hornby, I’ve spent ages running controlled tests and have found no consistent fault trends, the self re-setting of CVs 2,3 and 4 are totally random. A very helpful guy at Hornby thought that maybe the decoders were getting corrupted signals from my system and talked me through disabling analogue control on my Elite, unfortunately that didn’t cure the issue. I’m very interested to see if Hornby can identify why this is happening. They may feel the problem lies within my system, but if that’s so why does my 3rd decoder work perfectly? I’ll keep you posted.
  4. All controls up to date, Elite,Railmaster and pc Windows 11. I’ll be back in a week or so to pursue where the issue of self setting CVs originates
  5. I’ve had a very informative email from Railmaster explaining how to do the upgrade, it’s a bit complicated as pc’s security programmes can prevent it working, however I’ve done it, I presume it’s ok as the RM screen shows 1.74 in the tiniest font ever at the lower right of the window near the clock. Not a lot appears to have changed tho.
  6. Thanks for the reply, I fear I confused people by the title. I’m trying to download the RM update as my version is 1.73, I’m experiencing one or two difficulties with decoders, my Elite is now up to date, I now would like RM up to date and probably Windows as I am still running W10. Once that’s done I will have a stable base to start problem solving. I’ve contacted Hornby but they don’t give help on RM anymore, I’ve raised a query with Railmaster themselves and are awaiting a reply, but any help that would enable me to update sooner would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I’ve now got the RM upgrade round my neck! When I try to use the link. http://www.rail-master.com/rm_setup.exe or the .zip I keep getting taken to Railmaster Evaluation Copy. When I click on this and go to my downloads I see an ‘Unconfirmed 764948.crdownload’ file, I am unable to open this I’m told ‘unable to find software to open this file. Do I really want to download the evaluation copy anyway?
  8. Many thanks to RAF, yelrow and to all that replied, I’ve now updated my Elite to 1.45 following the excellent instructions sent by RAF. My Railmaster is version 1.73, is there an upgrade for that? I want to ensure that everything is up to date before I resume problem solving. ive noticed on Elite 1.45 it’s a bit quicker to write CVs and the functions are easier to operate. Thanks again.
  9. Oh dear, tried to upgrade elite via the update guide for Windows 10, couldn’t download the update file, dialogue read “you’ve reached the end of the platform, let’s get you back on track” . Clicked that and it took me to Hornby web site. since read an old thread i found which contained several posts regarding problems upgrading the elite from Windows 10, sounds like a complete nightmare!! can anyone point me in the right direction please because I’m getting fed up now.,
  10. I’ve read elsewhere about Elite versions, mine is V1.3, could that be the root of my problem? Do I need to update?
  11. I fear there is something strange going on with my Elite and my RM. On the Elite I set CV2 to 2 and CVs 3 & 4 both to 15, I then read them back and all was ok. I then read them via RM and all three were ok, then, without disturbing anything I read them again on RM and CV4 had changed to 160 (that 160 again)’ so without disturbing anything I read them once again and all three had changed to 160!! I then turned RM off and read the same three CVs again on the Elite and sure enough they were all reading 160 !!! I then disconnected RM via the cable from the Elite and reset the same three CVs to CV2 to 2, CV3 & 4 to 15, I immediately read back CV 2 and it was set at 160!!! During the entire process the app was set to DCC and was turned off. in the 18 years I’ve been dabbling with DCC I’ve never experienced anything like it. What on earth is going on?
  12. Every time I reset CVs 2,4 &5 in that order, I read them back in that order and they all change to 160, if I reset them singularly and read back they’re ok, but once I reset the next one the first then reads 160. I’ve experimented with resetting CVs on a Hornby TTS decoder and I experience no problems whether I use the Elite or Railmaster other than CV2 appears unreadable. So why 160 of all values? I know CV160 controls sound, so I’m wondering if the issue lies with the sound profile, I know that’s not logical but neither is the issue I’m experiencing, can the sound profile be removed without linking back to the app?
  13. Yes I double check the values after resetting, it’s when the thing is being used it changes the value, I know it sounds ridiculous but believe me it’s true. i have used RM in the past to rest CVs but my preference is the Elite. When I get chance I’ll try using the RM just to see if there’s a difference, I’m willing to try anything to get out of this hole!
  14. Sorry I didn’t explain it that well, all the resetting I mention was done through the Elite, I’m not using the app at all now I have the sound profile loaded.
  15. I have three HM7000 decoders and I’ve had various issues with them all, uncontrollable locos, unable to control from DCC or sometimes vice versa, although at times they’ve worked perfectly. I have now unlinked and deleted them from the app and they were working fine using my Elite and Railmaster, which after loading the sound function is all I require. However, they now are uncontrollable as in when power is applied they race off at speed and I have to stop them using the emergency stop. I’ve run a few tests with one of them and this is what I found, the loco is a loco drive Hornby B17 and the decoder is fitted in the tender socket. With the loco on the programme track I set CV8 to 8, the loco worked fine, I then entered the address as it was before the reset and it worked fine for a while then the same issue arose again. i repeated the reset procedure and it worked fine again, so I left the address at 3 this time, after a while the issue arose once more, so with the loco on the programme track I read some of the CVs that I’m familiar with, CV2 read 160, so did CV3 and CV4!! CV12 was 0 and CV29 was 2. Since then I’ve set CV8 to 8 twice and tried just resetting CV2 to 2 and CV3 and 4 to 15 but nothing seems to stop the issue from arising. What on earth is happening, how can CVs reset themselves? Is it me, is it the decoder, is it my Elite or is it my Railmaster? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Sounds to me that the reset code is not much more than a password unique to each decoder. Why can’t it be called that! Reset code confused me into thinking that CV8=8 was not the way to reset the decoder to default!
  17. Thanks for the replies guys, so resetting a decoder with the reset code Horndy supply will return it to factory defaults but not delete the sound profile, is that right?
  18. Do I understand from the above that unlinking and deleting the decoder will reset the decoder to factory defaults, as it was when first purchased?
  19. Thank you for you’re informative reply.
  20. Will locos fitted with the HM7000 decoders be able to be controlled by Railmaster along with those that are not?
  21. Thanks guys, I wasn’t sure if there was any old film footage that may have given some idea of what it sounded like. The Brit TTS sounds like a workable option. I can’t remember where but I have read somewhere that there is a cv that can be programmed to sync the wheels with the chuff, not sure if TTS supports that.
  22. thirdline

    W1 Sound

    My as built W1 is the only loco I have without sound so I’d like to add it. As far as I know nobody is producing a sound decoder for it, I could quite willingly fit another one that would sound similar, but what on earth did it sound like? I assume it would be quite different from any other steam loco.
  23. Mine was packaged the same as Colin B’s, delivered by DPD as well.
  24. I received my rebuilt W1 yesterday and it’s perfect, well packed, no damage, runs beautifully, negotiates complex point work nicely. Another great product from Hornby.
  25. Thanks guys, I’m so glad I asked. I’m going to take your advice and stick with Windows 10 till the bitter end. Thanks again.
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