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  1. Well, given that not everybody will be pleased at a lack (?) of new or re-releases in their own particular area of interest, one cannot fault Airfix for at least trying. With cars and starter kits, they are trying to hook the younger market, and that's to their credit. Now... If I had to ask for something from land, sea and air... On land, I can only repeat my earlier 'big ask' of the re-release of the 1/76 Centurion, Chieftain, and to these, HO/OO versions of the 1970s British and German infantry. At a stretch, FV-430 and CVR(T) kits with accessories to make variants thereof. (One can but try!) As a maritime subject, might Airfix take the 1/700 plunge and produce a Type 26 frigate in this scale? Full-hull, or with a waterline option, and a decal sheet for all eight of the class. In the air, it would be nice to see the 1/72 Cessna O-2 again (hopefully the moulds are still serviceable - not seen since 1989) and an F-105 variant, perhaps. As a wish - and a change from the usual modern grey jets - how about the EAP technology demonstrator, ZF534 herself, now exhibited at Cosford? It's only - to my knowledge - ever been released as a rather difficult garage kit, and if one were to think how one would look alongside either a 1/72 (or even 1/48) Typhoon...?
  2. Dear Susanna, I would only add to that the FV-101 series of vehicles in the manner you have described; the references are readily available... Well, what about them?
  3. What might the market be for a quick-build 1/72 FV-432 along the lines of what certain other firms make with WW2-era vehicles, along with the options for variants? Given it's been in service for nigh-on sixty years, there are plenty of configurations possible.
  4. A little late for 2023's catalogue, but here goes with some suggestions.. I would have to second (or third, or however many) ideas for producing Cold War era - with regard to the V-bombers, certainly - airfield vehicles. Some already exist in terms of the former JB Models moulds, and these would be great to see again. Furthermore, the NATO Ground Crew set would be a very welcome set to go with this theme; yes, they are HO/OO, but still very useful! Whilst Airfix do seem to be focused on aircraft, and larger ones at that, given the straitened times ahead, what about some 'entry-level' or lower-priced goodies that could well tempt all pockets? How about pantographing the 1/32 range of figures to 1/72 or thereabouts to replace some of the 'tired' stock? I was thinking in terms of the WWII British Paratroopers, WWII Russians, even combining the WWII British Infantry and Heavy Weapons sets...? Finally... A suggestion one notes doing the rounds on numerous wargaming sites, and even hinted at on PSR: The 1/32 "Modern German Infantry" and "Modern British Infantry" released in 1/72 or HO/OO? It's a big "ask", and given there only being seven poses at present... What about combining both, or perhaps sculpting additional figures, as was carried out years ago with the HO/OO U.S. Marines? They'd be ideal accompaniment for future reissues of the Leopard, Chieftain, Centurion or indeed Scorpion tanks, should they materialize!
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