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Quiet Paul

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Everything posted by Quiet Paul

  1. So I have read all the foregoing and I found a similar issue, App worked fine on Samsung Galaxy A33, photos all good, as others mentioned moved to a Samsung Galaxy tabe A8 for easier working with my various locomotives and was equally unable to take photos or access library. Having read this, yes one was Android 13 and the new tablet Android 14. It has taken me a few days to find this 'App permission issue' (silly me thinking that I would find the answer as something to do with images or photos!). Any way as others have asked just when is the release of 1.3.1 going to be? It's over two weeks since last response on this. I am hesitant to load all my locos as many will be operated via the dongle in case the release happens to overwrite my specific loco information. By the way I haven't found the sound profile maps for TTS to be very helpful, I find it quicker just to go to the original TTS Sound instructions sheet & amend the descriptions and apply the most appropriate graphics for each Function.
  2. So having invested in three HM7000 with sound decoders, I after a few teething issues - yes read the instructions - I think these are an excellent product for someone like me, who is not an electronics wizz and still trying to grasp all the function variables. I'll get there in due course. What I would like to see is a simplistic guide for the sound profiles that would help me select the most appropriate sound profile for Locomotove types that are not listed. So for example I have a Fowler Class 4P (R2224) fitted with the HM 7000. Clearly as these were all scrapped many decades ago it is unlikely there is any sound recording that could be used from life. But which HM7000 profile and sounds is best to use? Likewise my R3833 Chamossaire being a Class A2/2 or A2/3. I am sure there are others out there that have a similar desire and would appreciate guidance in this manner
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